Troubleshoot paint layers

The following table lists common problems related to paint layers and possible solutions:

Problem/Error message

Possible solution

The following error message appears when merging paint layers:

Video memory is running low. If you choose to continue, merge operation may be slow.Tip: Hide layers in other paint channels before merging layers.Continue with merge? (Yes, No)

Mudbox has detected that video memory on the computer is running low. The merge may not successfully complete, or if it does complete, the interactive performance of Mudbox may be slow because of low video memory.

You can cancel the merge operation and hide any unused paint layers, or any other features (Viewport Filters) that may be consuming video memory in order to free up the memory, before trying to merge the layer again. For more information, see Memory and performance best practices.

Mudbox appears to have slower interactive performance when multiple high resolution paint layers are present.

A number of options exist for optimizing GPU memory. For more information, see Graphics memory optimization.