Display shadows on a model

Shadows are the darkened areas that appear on a surface when an object is situated within the path of a light source. Shadows are cast onto the area of a surface that receives no direct light. Only the directional lights cast shadows in Mudbox.

Shadows aid in defining the three-dimensional appearance of a model, help you evaluate its form. Shadows add drama to your model and improve the realism of its appearance.

You need to specify which lights, if any, cast shadows in your scene, since shadows are not turned on by default.

  1. To turn on shadows, first turn on the Cast Shadows property for a light by doing the following:
  2. Turn on the Receive Shadows property by ensuring a check mark appears beside the item in the material property. (This property is turned on by default for all materials.)
    NoteTurning on the shadow properties can reduce the interactive performance of Mudbox depending on the number of lights, materials, and objects in the scene. If render performance in the 3D View is slow, set shadows off for all directional lights to see if this improves performance.

Another visual effect that enhances the effect of shading in the cracks and crevices of a model is to turn on the Ambient Occlusion filter located in the Viewport Filters window. For more information, see Apply visual effects.

Related topics

Create and edit lights

Directional light properties

Apply visual effects