Import and export

The following describes file import and export limitations that are now fixed.

Cannot open Mudbox file when associated image plane file is missing

If a Mudbox file with an associated image plane was opened when the image no longer existed or had been moved to another location, the Mudbox application would freeze or possibly exit without warning. This has been fixed.

Cannot select file type when using Export Selected for paint layers

The Exported Selected feature in the paint layers window didn’t allow the selection of other file types. This has been fixed.

EXR files not appearing in file browsers

EXR format images are supported by Mudbox for importing a paint layer or specifying a reflection map as a material property. However, files with the .exr extension type did not appear when using in some file browsers by default. This has been fixed.

Unable to reopen saved file

All reported issues related to being unable to open previously saved files have been fixed.