Next String Substitutions

Appendix C, Initialization Variables and String Substitutions
Initialization Variables

During installation, the toxik.ini file is created. These files can be found in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Toxik 2009\etc.You can disable any of these files by adding the pound sign (#) before the toxik.ini file name.

The following table lists the initialization variables as they appear in the Toxik initialization file. If you specify the command line argument, the argument takes priority over the environment variable and the initialization variable. If you specify the environment variable, then it takes priority over the initialization variable.

Note: toxik.bat accepts a maximum of nine startup arguments; extra arguments are ignored. For example, specifying a user (-user <user_name> ) counts as two arguments.

Initialization Variables Environment Variables Command Line Arguments Description
toxik::deployment::userInitFile DL_USER_INIT_FILE -i -init Location of the user ini file. Defaults toC:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk_Toxik-2009\toxik.ini for Windows, and ~/Autodesk/Autodesk_Toxik-2009 on Linux.
toxik::deployment::logDir DL_LOG_DIR -l -log Location for the logs. Supersedes the toxik::deployment::outputDir and DL_OUTPUT_DIR settings.
toxik::buffercache::memoryOptions DL_MEMORY_OPTIONS -m "size=x" -memory "size=x" Specifies the amount of memory Toxik reserves for image data in megabytes. Does not represent the total amount of RAM Toxik will use. This defaults to half of your total RAM.
toxik::loginScreen::user DL_LOGIN_USER -u <username> -user <username> Specifies which user to log as when using auto login.
toxik::loginScreen::project DL_LOGIN_PROJECT -p <projectname> -project <projectname> Specifies which project to log into when using auto login.
toxik::windowMode   -w -window Starts Toxik in a Window.Set to 1 to enable window mode, 0 to disable.Defaults to 0.
    -help Displays Toxik command-line help, which lists most of the command line switches mentioned in this document.
toxik::deployment::PythonExec DL_PYTHON_EXEC   Location of the Python executable.
toxik::deployment::license DL_LICENSE_FILE   Specifies the name of the machine running the license server, preceded by the @ sign, for example, @central-server.
toxik::deployment::outputDir DL_OUTPUT_DIR   Location for the logs and the TBF file. Defaults to: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\temp\toxik under Windows, /var/tmp/toxik/tbf under Linux.
toxik::deployment::pluginsDir DL_PLUGINS_DIR   Location for the Toxik plugins. The default directory is <InstallDir>/plugins.Note: For third-party plugins, the default location is C:\<company name>\Toxik\plugins.
toxik::deployment::resourcesDir DL_RESOURCES_DIR   Location for the Toxik resources. The default directory is <InstallDir>/resources.
toxik::mediacache::index DL_MEDIA_CACHE_INDEX   Location of the media cache index.
toxik::mediacache::store DL_MEDIA_CACHE_STORE   Location of the media cache store.
toxik::mediacache::size DL_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE   Specifies the size in mega-bytes of the media cache.
toxik::mediacache::factor DL_MEDIA_CACHE_FACTOR   Specifies in a percentage of total hard disk space the amount reserved for the media cache.
toxik::loginScreen::nosplash DL_NO_SPLASH   Removes the splash screen when Toxik is loading.Set to 1 to remove the splash screen, 0 to enable it.Defaults to 0.
toxik::loginScreen::autologin DL_AUTO_LOGIN   Bypasses the login screen.Set to 1 to auto login, 0 to disable auto login.Defaults to 0.
toxik::htmlViewer DL_HTML_VIEWER   Full path to the executable of the web browser to use.Defaults to the Windows standard browser under Windows.There is no default under Linux.
toxik::ofx::pluginPath OFX_PLUGIN_PATH   Specifies where OFX plugins are installed.Defaults to C:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins under Windows, /usr/OFX/Plugins under Linux.

To edit the Command Line switches via the Window's shortcut:
  1. In the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > Autodesk > Autodesk Toxik 2009, then right-click the Toxik menu entry and choose Properties.

  2. In the Properties dialog that appears, click in the Target field and add the desired startup option to the end of the line.

    The option must be placed after the quotation mark.

  3. Click OK and close the dialog.

    The changes will take effect the next time you start Toxik.

To view the environment variables settings on Windows:
  1. Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and choose Properties.

    If Toxik is running or My Computer is not shown on the desktop, hold down the Windows key and press E to start Windows Explorer, then right-click My Computer and choose Properties.

    The System Properties dialog appears.

  2. On the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.

    The Environment Variables dialog appears, displaying system variables in the lower part of the dialog and variables defined for the current user in the top part.

To set the environment variables on Linux:
To view the environment variable settings on Linux: