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Appendix B, Toxik Executables
txrender Executable

The txrender executable is the Toxik standalone renderer, which lets to render a published result from a composition to files on disk. When you click the Publish in the Toxik Creative application, a version is created using the default publish settings specified in the project preferences. If you set the publish mode of the composition to Render, the "Publish Executable" (also specified in the project preferences) is invoked to render the version to disk. This "Publish Executable" can be the txrender executable or the render.py Python script.

The parameters for the txrender executable are similar to the parameters for the render.py script--the default script for publishing compositions. This executable is especially useful when you want to set up network rendering using for example Backburner.

If you run the txrender executable without any parameters, you will be given a useful help message which includes all the parameters which you can specify.

To get the list of command line parameters:

Following are some examples of parameters you can set.

To render frames 5 to 10 for the published result CompA_06-06-29_174526 in the composition CompA in project Project1 in database DB_MYDATABASE using user User1 and save these frames in EXR format in files named D:\renders\CompA-[FrameNumber].exr

Enter the following command:

txrender -d DB_MYDATABASE -u User1 -p Project1 -c CompA -r "CompA_06-06-29_174526" -f "CompA-<FrameNo>" -D "D:\renders"-s 5 -e 10 -i EXR

To render frame 7 for the published result CompA_06-06-29_174526 in the composition CompA in project Project1 in database DB_MYDATABASE using user User1 and save these frames in EXR format in files named D:\renders\CompA-[FrameNumber].exr

Enter the following command:

txrender -d DB_MYDATABASE -u User1 -p Project1 -c CompA -r "CompA_06-06-29_174526" -f "CompA-<FrameNo>" -D "D:\renders"-F 7 -i EXR

This command will do the same as the previous command with the following exception: Instead of rendering frames 5 to 10, it will only render frame 7.

To render frame 9 for the published result CompA_06-06-29_174526 in the composition CompA in project Project1 in database DB_MYDATABASE using user User1 and save these frames in EXR format in files named D:\renders\CompA-[FrameNumber].exr

Enter the following command:

txrender -d DB_MYDATABASE -u User1 -p Project1 -c CompA -r "CompA_06-06-29_174526" -f "CompA-<FrameNo>" -D "D:\renders"-s 5 -e 10 -frameoffset 4 -i EXR

This command will do the same as the first command with the following exception: it will only render frame 9 (the start frame index is 5 and with a frame offset of 4 frames).

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