Stabilizing Previous Next 2-point Stabilizing

Chapter 25, Tracking and Stabilizing
1-point Stabilizing

1-point stabilizing is useful when the motion you want to remove is horizontal/vertical (side-to-side/up and down).

Hand-held camera and helicopter shots nearly always have undesired horizontal or vertical motion jitter.

In the following example, the camera was bumped several times during filming which caused unwanted camera motion along the Y axis.

To perform 1-point stabilizing:

    Note: Although this example uses the Reaction tool, any tool that has position and translation parameter controls can be used to perform 1-point stabilization, such as the Panner tool, 2D Transform, Warp 2D and the vertices in the Garbage Mask and the Remove Dust tools.

  1. Play the footage to verify that you have a good reference feature.

    A decorative point at the six o'clock position was chosen as the reference feature.

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  2. Click Analyze Forward to track the selected reference position in the footage.

  3. Drag a Reaction tool from the Tools tab and place it on the dependency graph between the footage node and the Output node.

  4. With the cursor over the Reaction node, right-click and select Add Source.

  5. To associate a layer with the source you just created, select the source layer from the Layer Editor. At the bottom of the Layer Editor, select Bilinear and click Create.

  6. In the Reaction tab, under Position, right-click inside the Y field and select Stabilize Position Y.

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    The Tracker Selector appears.

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  7. Select the Tracker Analyzer from the list and click Link.

    An expression is automatically created linking the tracking data to the stabilizing filter for position Y.

  8. Play the footage to view the result.

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