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Chapter 25, Tracking and Stabilizing
Tracking Workflow

Tracking workflow usually consists of the following steps:

Adding a Tracker Tool to the Dependency Graph Top

Once your project folders, project preferences, layout (including the Player Options) are set up, and the media is imported and opened, you are ready to begin your tracking task.

To add a Tracker tool to the dependency graph:

You can also add Trackers and Tracker Analyzers to a dependency graph using the Create Trackers feature found in any tools with position, rotation, scale, and pivot parameter controls. These tools include the Panner, 2D Transform, Reaction, Warp 2D, Garbage Mask, and Remove Dust. Furthermore, shape tools (Warp 2D, Garbage Mask, and Remove Dust) also let you create Trackers on a per point basis.

The Create Trackers toggle button is found in the Tracker Selection Dialog. It only applies if you are going to press the Link button. Ordinarily the Tracker Selector Dialog allows you to select a set of 1 or more tracker analyzers to link or copy to. However, if Create Trackers is selected, then when you press Link, it will actually create the required number of tracker analyzers. Where it creates them depends on whether you have a tracker tool selected or not. If one is selected, it creates the new analyzers in that tool, otherwise, it creates a new tracker tool, with the required number of analyzers. In the following example procedure, the 2D Transform tool is used to create the Tracker and required number of tracker analyzers specified by the Transform Type selected.

To create Trackers and Tracker Analyzers for 4-point tracking using the Create Trackers feature:
  1. Add a 2D Transform tool to the dependency graph.

  2. Select 4 Point from the Transform Type menu.

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  3. Right-click the Source label and select Select Trackers.

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    The Tracker Selector window is displayed.

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  4. Toggle the Create Trackers button and click Link.

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    A Tracker with four Tracker Analyzers is created in the dependency graph.

To add a Tracker and Tracker Analyzer for a single point in a shape (Warp 2D, Remove Dust, Garbage Mask):
  1. Select the point you want tracked in the Player.

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    Note: If you want to track all the points in the shape, use Ctrl + Ato select all the shapes while your cursor is in the player.

  2. Right-click the point and select Select Trackers.

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    The Tracker Selector window is displayed.

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    Note: You can also right-click the Position label under the Point # label to display the Tracker Selector window.

  3. Toggle the Create Trackers button and click Link.

    Show full-size image

    A Tracker and Tracker Analyzer is created in the dependency graph.

    Note: If you selected all the points in the shape, a Tracker Analyzer will be created for each point.

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