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Chapter 18, Masking
Transforming Masks

Once your mask is created, use the Transform tool to fine tune its position, shape, and size. You can manipulate the mask inside the player These settings can also be animated. Once you select the Translate tool, the following parameters are displayed:

The following mask shape Transform parameters can be animated. They are accessible from the animation timeline and expressions can be assigned to all of them:

Note: Tracking information can be assigned to shape transformation--see Chapter 25, Tracking and Stabilizing.

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Use: To:
Translation X,Y Translate the mask in the X and Y direction.
Offset X,Y Add an offset to the translation of a garbage mask.
Rotation Rotate the mask.
Scale Change the mask's X or Y scale (or both with Link enabled).
Pivot Adjust the X and Y location of the mask's center of rotation/scaling. Use the Center button to set the pivot point to the center of the mask's bounding box.
Reset Reset all the transform parameters to their initial values.

To translate the mask:
To add an offset to the translation of a mask:
To rotate a mask:
To scale a mask:
To adjust the X and Y location of the mask's center of rotation (pivot point):
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