Caching Frames to Memory for Real-Time Playback Previous

Chapter 8, Playing, Viewing and Sorting Shots
Player Hot Keys

Following is a list of hot keys and mouse gestures commonly used in the Player and the full-screen Player.

Press: To:
Enter Toggle full-screen Player mode.
Spacebar Start or stop playback in the direction last played.
Up Arrow Start forward playback.
Down Arrow Start backward playback.
Right Ctrl (right hand side of keyboard) Frame step forward.
Right Alt (right hand side of keyboard) Frame step backward.
Shift+I Mark an in point for loop play.
Shift+O Mark an out point for loop play.
Shift+L Clear in and out points.
. (decimal point on the numeric keypad) Toggle through play modes (loop timeline, loop shot, and loop in and out points).
Shift+Spacebar Switch to P (Print) view mode, open the full-screen Player and start playback.
Middle mouse button and drag Pan the image.
Middle and right mouse buttons and drag Zoom into or out of the image.
F1 Display the current frame on Playhead A.
F2 Display the current frame on Playhead B.
F5 Toggle split view.
F3 Activate multi-view.
F4 Activate split view.
F6 Update multi-view with the new selection.
F7 Display the Colour menus in the Player.
F9 Toggle between full- and half-resolution in the Player.
Tab Display and hide the Storyboard.
Q Toggle between regular and large Storyboard view.
M Enable memory caching.
N Disable memory caching.
Alt+1 Display R, G, and B colour channels separately in the waveform monitor.
Alt+2 Display the histogram.
Alt+3 Display R, G, and B colour channels together in the waveform monitor.
Alt+4 Display the vectorscope.
