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Chapter 18, Rendering
Saving and Loading Colour Mapping Presets

When you create output LUTs in the Render Output menu, you can save them as presets and re-use the presets on future renders. The output colour space setting (Log or Lin) and colour mapping values are saved with the presets.

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  1. Output colour space Log and Lin buttons
  1. Output colour mapping options

To save a colour mapping preset:
  1. Access the Render Output menu.

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    1. Save button
    1. Preset field
    1. Preset list

  2. Set the colour space and colour mapping values as needed. See Setting Colour Space Options.

  3. In the Preset field, enter a name for the preset.

    Note: Spaces are not permitted in naming conventions. It is recommended that underscores be used instead of spaces when working on either Linux or Windows.

  4. Click Save.

    The new preset appears in the Preset list.

To load a preset:
  1. In the Preset list, click the preset you want to load.

    It is highlighted in light grey.

  2. Click Load.

    Show full-size image

To delete a preset:
  1. In the Preset list, click the preset you want to delete.

    It is highlighted in light grey.

  2. Click Delete and confirm.

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