Release Notes for the Autodesk® Civil 3D® Denmark Country Kit

Thank you for downloading the Denmark Country Kit for Autodesk® Civil 3D®.

These release notes contain the latest information regarding the installation and use of this Country Kit. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply this Country Kit to your product. For reference, you should save this document to your hard drive or print a copy.


The Denmark Country Kit for Civil 3D has not been activly updated for several release cycles. For the 2022 release year the decision was made to offer the source files as a single zipped file so that users in this region can adopt the content as they see fit for their use. There are no plans to offer a .msi installable version of this Country Kit for the 2022 release.

Below is information on where the folders and files contained in the zipped source would be installed by the Country Kit installer.

Denmark Country Kit Source Folders to Destination Folders Mappings (C3D 2022/Windows 10):

It is recommended that you create a new User Profile in Civil 3D named "<<C3D_Denmark>>" and import or reference content from the zipped set of source files as needed.

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