# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement 
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
# Topic: FBCamera, FBColor, FBScene
from pyfbsdk import FBSystem, FBModelList, FBColor, FBGetSelectedModels

# Because FBGetSelectedModels returns only model references that cannot be
# changed into other types, we have this function that tries to match up
# the name of the model passed as a parameter, and see if there is a camera
# listed in the camera list with the same name. If so, we return this camera.
# This function returns None if no camera is found.
def GetCamera( pModel ):
    lSystem = FBSystem()

    # Set the default return value.
    lResult = None

    # Lets find a camera with the same name.
    for lCamera in lSystem.Scene.Cameras:
        if pModel.Name == lCamera.Name:
            lResult = lCamera

    # Cleanup.
    del( lSystem, lCamera )
    return lResult

# We build the model list object that must be passed to FBGetSelectedModels.
lModelList = FBModelList()
FBGetSelectedModels( lModelList )

# Iterate thru the list of models selected.
for lModel in lModelList:

    # See if the object is a camera.
    lSelectedCamera = GetCamera( lModel )

    # If the lSelectedCamera is not None.
    if lSelectedCamera:

        # If we do have a camera selected, use its BackGroundColor for all
        # the other cameras in the system.
        for lCamera in FBSystem().Scene.Cameras:

            # WARNING: Due to a problem with the implementation of the class
            #          FBPropertyAnimatableColor, we have to create a tuple from the
            #          string representation of the BackGroundColor. This tuple is then
            #          used as a parameter in the constructor of FBColor.
            lCamera.BackGroundColor = FBColor( eval( str( lSelectedCamera.BackGroundColor )))

            # Cleanup.
            del( lCamera )

        # Cleanup.
        del( lSelectedCamera, lModel )

        # Once we have found a camera, we do not bother to look at the other
        # Selected models.

    # cleanup.

# Cleanup everything.
del( GetCamera )
del( lModelList )
del( FBSystem, FBModelList, FBColor, FBGetSelectedModels )