# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement 
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
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# Topic: FBmessageBoxGetUserValue, FBPopupInputType, FBModelRoot, FBScene
from pyfbsdk import FBSystem, FBMessageBoxGetUserValue, FBPopupInputType

# This recursive function selects the children that match the pattern and
# calls itself to inspect the whole hierarchy.
def SelectModels( pRoot, pPattern ):

    # Insure that we have a valid root and pattern.
    if pRoot and pPattern:

        # For each children, tag it if necessary and see its own children.
        for lChild in pRoot.Children:

            # If the pattern is not found, -1 is returned. Any other values
            # means success.
            if lChild.Name.find( pPattern ) != -1:
                lChild.Selected = True

            # Recurse.
            SelectModels( lChild, pPattern )

# Get the substring that we want to match in the model name.
(lRes, lPattern ) = FBMessageBoxGetUserValue( "Enter pattern", "Enter pattern of model name to select: ", "Cube", FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupString, "OK", "Cancel" )

# Insure that the pattern is valid (i.e. not None) and that the user clicked
# on the "OK" button.
if lPattern and lRes == 1:

    # Get the scene from the system.
    lScene = FBSystem().Scene

    # Start the search.
    SelectModels( lScene.RootModel, lPattern )

    # Cleanup.
    del( lScene )

# Cleanup.

# Cleanup local variables.
del( lRes, lPattern )

# Cleanup local functions.
del( SelectModels )

# Cleanup things from pyfbsdk.
del( FBSystem, FBMessageBoxGetUserValue, FBPopupInputType )