# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement # provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies # this software in either electronic or hard copy form. # # Topic: FBFolderPopup, FBTake, FBApplication.FileOpen # from pyfbsdk import FBApplication, FBSystem, FBFolderPopup from nt import listdir # Create global objects needed for our work... lApplication = FBApplication() lSystem = FBSystem() # Let the user select the folder where the FBX files are... lFolderPopup = FBFolderPopup() lFolderPopup.Caption = "Select the folder where all the FBX files are located" if lFolderPopup.Execute(): lFileList = listdir( lFolderPopup.Path ) for lFile in lFileList: if lFile.endswith( '.fbx' ): lFileFullPath = "%s\\%s" % ( lFolderPopup.Path, lFile ) # Open the FBX file print"Message: Opening file '%s'" % lFileFullPath lApplication.FileOpen( lFileFullPath ) # First obtain the name of the current FBX file, and # remove the trailing '.fbx' extention. lName = lFile.replace( ".fbx", "" ) # The use that name for the first take in the list of takes... # If the takes have not been re-ordered and renamed, it will be # the take named 'Take 001' that will be renamed. print "Message: Renaming take '%s' to '%s'" % ( lSystem.Scene.Takes[0].Name, lName ) lSystem.Scene.Takes[0].Name = lName # Save the new file. # Warning: media will not be embedded! print "Message: Saving file '%s'\n" % lFileFullPath lApplication.FileSave( lFileFullPath ) # Clear the scene. lApplication.FileNew() # Cleanup local variables del( lName, lFileFullPath ) # Cleanup local variables del( lFileList, lFile ) # Cleanup # Cleanup things from pyfbsdk del( FBApplication, FBSystem, FBFolderPopup ) # Cleanup things from nt del( listdir ) # Cleanup local variables del( lApplication, lSystem, lFolderPopup )