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# Topic: FBDelete

from pyfbsdk import FBGetSelectedModels, FBModelList

def DestroyModel( pModel ):
    # Always destroy from the last children to the first
    while len( pModel.Children ) > 0:
        DestroyModel( pModel.Children[-1] )
    print "Destroying model: '%s'" % pModel.Name

# Get the list of selected objects, if any.
lModelList = FBModelList()
FBGetSelectedModels( lModelList )

# Iterate thru the list, and delete each one of them...
for lModel in lModelList:
    DestroyModel( lModel )

# Cleanup

# Cleanup local variables
del( lModelList, DestroyModel )

# Cleanup things from pyfbsdk
del( FBGetSelectedModels, FBModelList )