# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement 
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
# Topic: FBAnimationNode, FBFindModelByName

from pyfbsdk import *

# Find the animation node recurvesive by name.
def findAnimationNode( pName, pNode ):
    lResult = None
    lName = pName.split( '/' )
    for lNode in pNode.Nodes:
        if lNode.Name == lName[0]:
            if len( lName ) > 1:
                lResult = findAnimationNode( pName.replace( '%s/' % lName[0], '' ), lNode )
                lResult = lNode
    return lResult

# Copy Model's TR animation data  
def copyAnimation(pSrc, pDst ):
    for pName in [ 'Lcl Translation/X','Lcl Translation/Y','Lcl Translation/Z', 'Lcl Rotation/X','Lcl Rotation/Y','Lcl Rotation/Z']:
        lSrcNode = findAnimationNode( pName, pSrc.AnimationNode )
        lDstNode = findAnimationNode( pName, pDst.AnimationNode )

        if lSrcNode and lSrcNode.FCurve and lDstNode:

lSrc = FBFindModelByName( 'SRC' )
lDst = FBFindModelByName( 'DST' )

if lSrc and lDst:
    copyAnimation(lSrc, lDst)