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# Topic: FBModelCube, FBModelTransformationMatrix, FBModelShadingMode

from pyfbsdk import FBModelCube, FBVector3d, FBModelTransformationMatrix, FBModelShadingMode

# Create the cube.
lCube = FBModelCube('aFBModelCube')

lCube.SetVector( FBVector3d( 50, 50, 50 ) )
lCube.SetVector( FBVector3d( 25, 25, 25 ), FBModelTransformationMatrix.kModelScaling )
lCube.SetVector( FBVector3d( 15, 25, 35 ), FBModelTransformationMatrix.kModelRotation )

# Let's use a different shading mode.
lCube.ShadingMode = FBModelShadingMode.kFBModelShadingWire

# The object must be set visible to be present in the system.
lCube.Visible = True
lCube.Show = True
# Cleanup.
del( lCube, FBModelCube, FBVector3d, FBModelTransformationMatrix, FBModelShadingMode )