# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement # provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies # this software in either electronic or hard copy form. # # Topic: FBConstraintManager, FBPlug # from pyfbsdk import FBConstraintManager, FBSystem # We create new constraints with thr constaint manager. lMgr = FBConstraintManager() lScene = FBSystem().Scene # We want to create one constraint of each types that exists. for lIdx in range( lMgr.TypeGetCount() ): # We create the constraint. lCnst = lMgr.TypeCreateConstraint( lIdx ) # Set its name lCnst.Name = "%s Created by script" % lMgr.TypeGetName( lIdx ) # The constraint has been created, but is not yet present in # the system. We need to do that explicitely with the following line: lScene.Constraints.append(lCnst) # User feedback, if the python console is up. print "Adding new constraint: '%s'" % lCnst.Name # Cleanup. del( lCnst ) # Cleanup. del( lMgr, lIdx, FBConstraintManager )