Perform Lambertian illumination, given ambient and diffuse RGB
colors (alpha is ignored), and a light list.
color "mib_illum_lambert" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Perform Phong illumination, given ambient, diffuse, and specular
RGB colors, a specular exponent, and a light list.
color "mib_illum_phong" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "specular",
scalar "exponent",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- specular
- provides the color of specular highlights.
- exponent
- controls the width of the specular highlight. Smaller values
increase the size.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Perform Ward illumination, given ambient, diffuse, and glossy
RGB colors, two shinyness parameters, two direction vectors, and a
light list.
color "mib_illum_ward" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "glossy",
scalar "shiny_u",
scalar "shiny_v",
vector "u",
vector "v",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- glossy
- is also added per light. It is the glossy color computed
according to Ward's anisotropic glossy reflection model.
- shiny_u
- controls the width of the glossy highlight in the u and v
directions, respectively. Smaller values increase the size of the
- u
- the brushing directions in the anisotropic material. They must
be perpendicular to each other and to the surface normal, and of
unit length. Such vectors are generated by the mib_texture_rotate
shader intended to drive these input parameters.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Ward with surface derivatives
Perform Ward illumination, given ambient, diffuse, and glossy
RGB colors, two shinyness parameters, and a light list. The only
difference from mib_illum_ward is that the brushing
directions are taken from the surface derivatives.
color "mib_illum_ward_deriv" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "glossy",
scalar "shiny_u",
scalar "shiny_v",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- glossy
- is also added per light. It is the glossy color computed
according to Ward's anisotropic glossy reflection model.
- shiny_u
- controls the width of the glossy highlight in the u and v
directions, respectively. The u direction is the first derivative
of the surface (read from the state), and v is perpendicular. Both
u and v are in the plane that is perpendicular to the surface
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Perform Cook-Torrance illumination, given ambient, diffuse, and
specular RGB colors, a roughness, index of refraction for three
wavelengths, and a light list. Cook-Torrance illumination has an
off-specular peak and a color shift with angles.
color "mib_illum_cooktorr" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "specular",
scalar "roughness",
color "ior",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- specular
- is a factor that the reflected color is multiplied with.
- roughness
- is the average microfacet slope of the surface. It controls the
width of the specular highlight.
- ior
- is the index of refraction of the material at three different
wavelengths (red, green, blue). Metals typically have a higher
index of refraction than glass. Values must be 1.0 or greater;
smaller values are clamped to 1.0.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Perform Blinn illumination, which is a like Cook-Torrance
illumination but without the color shift with angles. It only
requires one index of refraction.
color "mib_illum_blinn" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "specular",
scalar "roughness",
scalar "ior",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color. The idea is that ambient
and diffuse color can be derived from the same subshader result (a
texture mapper, for example) and the ambient brightness can be
reduced to avoid losing the effect of illumination.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- specular
- provides the color of specular highlights.
- roughness
- is the average microfacet slope of the surface. It controls the
width of the specular highlight.
- ior
- is the index of refraction of the material. Metals typically
have higher index of refraction than glass.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Perform illumination on hair geometry similar to Phong. Hair
requires specialized shaders because they are not shading regular
triangles but procedural flat-ribbon geometry. Note, that special
shaders should be used in parameter connections which can deal with
the differences in shading or texture mapping on hair geometry.
color "mib_illum_hair" (
color "ambience",
color "ambient",
color "diffuse",
color "specular",
scalar "exponent",
integer "mode",
array light "lights")
- ambience
- is a multiplier for the ambient color.
- ambient
- is a constant color offset.
- diffuse
- is added to the result for each light, after multiplication
with the color returned by the light and a weight based on the dot
product of the incident ray direction and the light direction.
- specular
- provides the color of specular highlights.
- exponent
- controls the width of the specular highlight.
- mode
- controls which lights to use, see light
- lights
- is a list of light instances used for light lists.
Light Lists
All illumination shaders above have a mode parameter
and a lights parameter to control the set of lights which
is used for illumination. Illumination is performed either using
the light instances given in the lights parameter, or the
light list of the geometry instance to be shaded. Using the light
lists assigned to scene objects allows to share a common shader
even on objects with different light relations. The lights are used
according to the following possible values for the mode
- 0
- illumination using the lights parameter; if no lights
are specified, then using the instance light list; if no instance
light list is specified, then using all lights in the scene. This
is the default.
- 1
- illumination using the specified lights in inclusive
mode, i.e., instances of groups of light instances are evaluated to
all light instances in the group
- 2
- illumination using the specified lights in exclusive
modes, i.e., using all lights except the specified ones
- 4
- illumination ignoring any specified lights, and using
the instance light list. If no instance light list is specified
then all light instances in the scene are used.
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