This appendix contains the formal syntax of the mental images .mi scene description format. The grammar is in yacc format; yacc is a Unix compiler generator.
The appendix is intended to aid translator writers, and to describe the relationship between the .mi scene description language and the API available to geometry shader writers. This is the complete mental ray 3.6 grammar.
Nonterminals that begin with T_ are typed values:
is an unquoted string consisting of zero or more letters, numbers, and underscores and does not begin with a number.
is a nonempty sequence of numerical digits.
is a nonempty sequence of digits, followed by a period, followed by a nonempty sequence of digits.
is a sequence of arbitrary printable characters enclosed in double quotes. Nonprintables such as newlines are not allowed. Backslash and double quote characters that should be part of the string must be prefixed with a backslash.
is a sequence of hexadecimal bytes, each consisting of two characters in the range 0.. 9 or a.. f. Line breaks are allowed between bytes. Other characters are not allowed. The maximum length is 1024 bytes (2048 characters); for more bytes use multiple strings.
is a backquote followed by 12 bytes followed by a backquote. The 12 bytes are the binary image of three floats in big-endian order.
The grammar results in 3 shift / reduce conflicts with typical yacc implementations. The conflicts are caused by ambiguities between string options and other options containing optional strings, and can usually be ignored. The conflicts are resolved by treating the strings as optional string arguments; string options can in these cases be specified e.g. by specifying an empty string ("") instead of omitting the optional string.
%start start %union { miBoolean boolean; char *symbol; char *string; struct { int len; miUchar *bytes; } byte_string; int integer; double floating; float floatoctet[8]; miMatrix matrix; miColor color; miVector vector; miGeoVector geovector; miTransform *transform; miParameter *para_type; miDlist *dlist; miTag tag; } %token <symbol> T_SYMBOL %token <integer> T_INTEGER %token <floating> T_FLOAT %token <string> T_STRING %token <byte_string> T_BYTE_STRING %token <vector> T_VECTOR %token AMBIENTOCCLUSION ACCELERATION ACCURACY ADAPTIVE ALL ALPHA ANGLE ANY %token APERTURE APPLY %token APPROXIMATE ARRAY ASPECT ASSEMBLY ATTRIBUTE AUTOFILL AUTOVOLUME %token B BACK BASIS BEZIER BIAS BINARY BLUE BOOLEAN BORDER BOTH BOX BSDF %token BSP BSP2 BSPLINE BUFFER BUMP %token CALL CAMERA CARDINAL CAUSTIC CCMESH CG CHILD %token CLASSIFICATION CLIP CODE COLLECT COLOR COLORCLIP COLORPROFILE %token COMPRESS COMPRESSION CONE %token CONIC CONNECT CONST_ CONSTANT CONTOUR CONTRAST CONTROL CORNER CP CREASE %token CURVATURE CURVE CUSP CYLINDER %token D D2 DART DATA DATATYPE DEBUG_ DECLARE DEFAULT DEGREE DELAUNAY DELETE_ DENSITY %token DEPTH DERIVATIVE DESATURATE DETAIL DIAGNOSTIC DIM DIRECTION DISC DISPLACE %token DISTANCE DITHER DOD DOF DPI %token ECHO EMITTER END ENVIRONMENT ESTIMATE EVEN ENERGY EULUMDAT EXPONENT %token FACE FALLOFF FALSE_ FAN FAST FASTLOOKUP FIELD FILENAME FILETYPE %token FILE_ FILTER FILTERING FINALGATHER FINE FLAGS FOCAL %token FORCE FORMAT FRAGMENT FRAME FRAMEBUFFER FREEZE FRONT %token GAMMA GAUSS GEOMETRY GLOBAL GLOBILLUM GRADING GREEN GRID GROUP GUI %token HAIR HARDWARE HERMITE HIDE HOLE HULL %token IBL IES IMP IMPORTANCE INCREMENTAL INFINITY_ INHERITANCE INSTANCE %token INSTGROUP INTEGER INTERFACE_ INTERSECTION IRRADIANCE %token JITTER %token LANCZOS LARGE LENGTH LENS LEVEL LIGHT LIGHTMAP LIGHTPROFILE LINK LOCAL %token LUMINANCE %token M MAP MAPSTO MASK MATERIAL MATRIX MAX_ MEMORY MERGE MI_ MIN_ MITCHELL MIXED %token MOTION %token N NAMESPACE NATIVE NOCONTOUR NOSMOOTHING NORMAL NULL_ NTSC %token OBJECT ODD OFF OFFSET OFFSCREEN ON ONLY OPAQUE_ OPENGL OPTIONS ORIGIN %token OUTPUT OVERRIDE %token P_ PARALLEL_ PARAMETRIC PASS PHENOMENON PHOTON PHOTONMAP PHOTONS %token PHOTONVOL POLYGON POSITION PREMULTIPLY PREP PRESAMPLE PRIMARY PRIORITY PRIVATE %token PROTOCOL %token QUALITY %token RADIUS RAPID RAST RATIONAL RAY_ RAYCL RAW READ REBUILD RECTANGLE RECURSIVE %token RED REFLECTION REFRACTION REGISTRY REGULAR %token RENAME RENDER RESOLUTION RGB_ ROOT %token SAMPLELOCK SAMPLES SCALE SCALAR SCANLINE SECONDARY SEGMENTS SELECT SESSION %token SET SHADER SHADING SHADOW SHADOWMAP SHARED SHARP SHUTTER SIZE %token SOFTNESS SORT SPACE %token SPATIAL SPDL SPECIAL SPECTRUM SPHERE SPREAD STATE STEPS STORE STRING %token STRIP STRUCT %token SUBDIVISION SURFACE SYSTEM %token T_ TAG TAGGED TASK TAYLOR TEXTURE TIME TOPOLOGY TOUCH TRACE TRANSFORM %token TRANSPARENCY TRAVERSAL TREE TRIANGLE TRILIST TRIM TRUE_ %token U_ UNIFORM USEOPACITY USEPRIMARY USER %token V_ VALUE VECTOR VENDOR VERBOSE VERSION VERTEX VIEW VISIBLE VOLUME %token W_ WEIGHT WHITE WIDTH WINDOW WORLD WRITABLE WRITE %type <floating> floating %type <boolean> boolean %type <string> symbol %type <string> opt_symbol %type <matrix> transform %type <integer> tex_flags %type <integer> tex_flag %type <integer> tex_type %type <integer> simple_type %type <string> inst_item %type <tag> inst_func %type <tag> inst_params %type <tag> function %type <tag> function_list %type <tag> function_array %type <tag> tex_func_list %type <tag> phen_root %type <para_type> shret_type %type <para_type> shret_type_nosh %type <para_type> shret_decl_seq %type <para_type> shret_decl %type <para_type> decl_simple %type <para_type> parm_decl_list %type <para_type> parm_decl_seq %type <para_type> parm_decl %type <para_type> map_param_decl_list %type <para_type> map_parm_decl_seq %type <para_type> map_parm_decl %type <para_type> map_array_parm_decl %type <integer> map_simple_type %type <tag> map_def %type <boolean> map_def_body %type <boolean> map_files_list %type <boolean> map_files_seq %type <boolean> map_file %type <boolean> map_elements_seq %type <boolean> map_element %type <boolean> map_fields_seq %type <boolean> map_field_value_seq %type <boolean> map_field_value %type <vector> vector %type <integer> apply %type <integer> apply_list %type <integer> filter_type %type <string> colorspace_set %type <color> color %type <boolean> incl_excl %type <tag> light_list /* smallparser_begin */ %type <tag> opt_function_list %type <string> opt_string %type <integer> colorclip_mode %type <geovector> geovector %type <string> mtl_or_label %type <boolean> rational %type <dlist> basis_matrix %type <floating> merge_option %type <dlist> para_list %type <boolean> opt_volume_flag %type <boolean> opt_vector_flag %type <boolean> opt_incremental %type <floatoctet> out_parms %type <integer> c_filter_type %type <integer> pass_samples %type <dlist> string_list %type <dlist> map_list %type <integer> opt_size %type <integer> pl_border /* smallparser_end */ %% start : { functag = 0; mi_api_incremental(is_incremental = miFALSE); mi_api_private(session_depth = 0); my_timer = mi_timing(0, 0); } command_list { mi_timing(my_timer, 0); } | ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * primitive types *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ boolean : ON { $$ = miTRUE; } | OFF { $$ = miFALSE; } | TRUE_ { $$ = miTRUE; } | FALSE_ { $$ = miFALSE; } ; floating : T_FLOAT { $$ = $1; } | T_INTEGER { $$ = $1; } ; vector : floating floating floating { $$.x = $1; $$.y = $2; $$.z = $3; } | T_VECTOR { $$ = $1; } ; /* smallparser_begin */ geovector : floating floating floating { $$.x = $1; $$.y = $2; $$.z = $3; } | T_VECTOR { $$.z = $1.z; $$.y = $1.y; $$.x = $1.x; } ; /* smallparser_end */ color : floating floating floating { $$.r = $1; $$.g = $2; $$.b = $3; $$.a = 1.0f; } | floating floating floating floating { $$.r = $1; $$.g = $2; $$.b = $3; $$.a = $4; } ; transform : TRANSFORM floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating { $$[0] = $2; $$[1] = $3; $$[2] = $4; $$[3] = $5; $$[4] = $6; $$[5] = $7; $$[6] = $8; $$[7] = $9; $$[8] = $10; $$[9] = $11; $$[10]= $12; $$[11]= $13; $$[12]= $14; $$[13]= $15; $$[14]= $16; $$[15]= $17; } ; symbol : T_SYMBOL { $$ = $1; } | T_STRING { $$ = $1; } ; opt_symbol : { $$ = 0; } | symbol { $$ = $1; } ; /* smallparser_begin */ opt_string : { $$ = 0; } | T_STRING { $$ = $1; } ; colorclip_mode : RGB_ { $$ = miIMG_COLORCLIP_RGB; } | ALPHA { $$ = miIMG_COLORCLIP_ALPHA; } | RAW { $$ = miIMG_COLORCLIP_RAW; } ; /* smallparser_end */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * top-level commands *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ command_list : { mi_api_incremental(is_incremental = miFALSE); mi_api_private(session_depth = 0); } command | command_list { mi_api_incremental(is_incremental = miFALSE); mi_api_private(session_depth = 0); } command ; command : set /* smallparser_begin */ | frame | debug | call /* smallparser_end */ | version | incr_command | PRIVATE { mi_api_private(session_depth = 255); } incr_command | SESSION DEPTH T_INTEGER { mi_api_private(session_depth = $3); } incr_command | INCREMENTAL { mi_api_incremental(is_incremental = miTRUE); mi_api_private(session_depth = 0); } incr_command /* smallparser_begin */ | DELETE_ symbol { mi_api_delete($2); } | RENAME symbol symbol { mi_api_rename($2, $3); } | RENDER symbol symbol symbol { mi_timing(my_timer, "mi scene file parsing"); mi_timing(my_timer, 0); mi_api_render($2, $3, $4, mi_api_strdup(ctx->inheritance_func)); yyreturn MIYYRENDER; } /* smallparser_end */ | VERBOSE boolean { if (!ctx->mi_force_verbose) mi_set_verbosity($2? miERR_ALL & ~miERR_DEBUG & ~miERR_VDEBUG : miERR_FATAL|miERR_ERROR);} | VERBOSE T_INTEGER { if (!ctx->mi_force_verbose) mi_set_verbosity((1 << $2) - 1); } | ECHO T_STRING { mi_info("%s", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | SYSTEM T_STRING { if ((system($2) >> 8) & 0xff) mi_api_warning("system \"%s\" failed", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | MEMORY T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("memory view parameter ignored"); } | CODE T_STRING { mi_link_file_add($2, miTRUE, miFALSE, miFALSE); mi_api_release($2); } | CODE { mi_api_code_verbatim_begin(); } code_bytes_list { mi_api_code_verbatim_end(); } | LINK T_STRING { mi_link_file_add($2, miFALSE, miFALSE, miFALSE); mi_api_release($2); } | DECLARE function_decl | DECLARE phenomenon_decl | DECLARE data_decl | DECLARE map_decl | REGISTRY symbol { mi_api_registry_begin($2); } reg_body END REGISTRY { mi_api_registry_end(); } | TOUCH symbol { mi_api_touch($2); } | NAMESPACE symbol { mi_api_scope_begin($2); } | END NAMESPACE { mi_api_scope_end(); } | ROOT symbol { mi_api_assembly_root($2); } ; reg_body : | reg_item reg_body ; reg_item : VALUE symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("value"), $2); } | LINK symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("link"), $2); } | CODE symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("code"), $2); } | MI_ symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("mi"), $2); } | SPDL symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("spdl"), $2); } | ECHO symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("echo"), $2); } | SYSTEM symbol { mi_api_registry_add(mi_api_strdup("system"), $2); } | symbol symbol { mi_api_registry_add($1, $2); } ; incr_command : light | instance /* smallparser_begin */ | options | camera | object /* smallparser_end */ | texture | profile_data | cprof | spectrum_data | material | instgroup | assembly | userdata | gui | SHADER symbol function_list { mi_api_shader_add($2, $3); } | map_def ; code_bytes_list : T_BYTE_STRING { mi_api_code_byte_copy($1.len, $1.bytes); } | code_bytes_list T_BYTE_STRING { mi_api_code_byte_copy($2.len, $2.bytes); } ; set : SET symbol { mi_api_variable_set($2, 0); } | SET symbol symbol { mi_api_variable_set($2, $3); } ; /* smallparser_begin */ call : CALL function_list { mi_api_shader_call($2, 0, 0); } | CALL function_list ',' symbol symbol { mi_api_shader_call($2, $4, $5); } ; debug : DEBUG_ symbol opt_symbol { mi_api_debug($2, $3); } /* smallparser_end */ ; version : VERSION T_STRING { mi_api_version_check($2, 0); } | MIN_ VERSION T_STRING { mi_api_version_check($3, 0); } | MAX_ VERSION T_STRING { mi_api_version_check($3, 1); } ; /* smallparser_begin */ /***************************************************************************** ************************* mi1 compatibility *************************** *****************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * frame *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ frame : { mi_api_frame_begin(&camera, &options); } frame_number initial_frame_cmd_list view frame_command_list END FRAME { mi_timing(my_timer, "mi scene file parsing"); mi_timing(my_timer, 0); mi_api_frame_end(); yyreturn MIYYENDFRAME; } ; initial_frame_cmd_list : | initial_frame_cmd_list initial_frame_cmd ; initial_frame_cmd : texture | light | material ; frame_command_list : | frame_command_list frame_command ; frame_command : texture | light | material | object | call | debug | version | gui ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * view *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ view : VIEW { static miBoolean warned = miFALSE; if (!warned) { mi_nwarning(2, ".mi1 syntax is deprecated"); warned = miTRUE; } have_l = have_v = have_e = have_p = 0; if (is_incremental == miFALSE) { mi_api_function_delete(&camera->output); Edit_fb fb(camera->buffertag); fb->reset(); } } view_list END VIEW ; view_list : | view_list view_item ; view_item : camview_item | optview_item | MIN_ SAMPLES T_INTEGER { options->min_samples = $3; } | MAX_ SAMPLES T_INTEGER { options->max_samples = $3; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning( "\"samples\" view parameter ignored"); } | RECURSIVE boolean { if (!$2) mi_api_warning("\"recursive off\" ignored"); } | ADAPTIVE boolean { mi_api_warning("\"adaptive\" statement ignored"); } | ACCELERATION RAY_ CLASSIFICATION { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_BSP; mi_api_warning( "ray classification is obsolete, using BSP"); } | ACCELERATION SPATIAL SUBDIVISION { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_BSP; } | ACCELERATION GRID { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_GRID; } | SUBDIVISION MEMORY T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("ray classification is obsolete, " "statement \"subdivision memory %d\" ignored", $3); } | SUBDIVISION T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("ray classification is obsolete, " "statement \"subdivision %d %d\" ignored", $2, $3); } | MAX_ SIZE T_INTEGER { options->space_max_size = $3; } | MAX_ DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->space_max_depth = $3; } | SHADOW SORT boolean { if ($3) options->shadow = 'l'; } | SHADOW SEGMENTS boolean { if ($3) options->shadow = 's'; } | transform { mi_api_view_transform($1); } | RED floating floating | GREEN floating floating | BLUE floating floating | WHITE floating floating ; /* smallparser_end */ /***************************************************************************** ************************* new mi2 features **************************** *****************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * options *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* smallparser_begin */ options : OPTIONS symbol { options = mi_api_options_begin($2); iface = mi_get_shader_interface(); string_options = iface->getOptions(options->string_options); iface->release(); iface = 0; have_pm = miFALSE; have_sf = 0; } option_list END OPTIONS { string_options->release(); string_options = 0; mi_api_options_end(); } ; option_list : | option_list option_item ; option_item : optview_item | string_option_item | { curr_datatag = &options->userdata; } data | ACCELERATION RAYCL { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_BSP; mi_api_warning("ray classification is obsolete, using BSP"); } | ACCELERATION BSP { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_BSP; } | ACCELERATION BSP2 { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_BSP2; } | ACCELERATION LARGE BSP { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_LARGEBSP; } | ACCELERATION GRID { options->acceleration = miRENDER_ACCEL_GRID; } | MOTION boolean { if ($2) options->motion = 1; } | MOTION STEPS T_INTEGER { options->n_motion_vectors = $3;} | DIAGNOSTIC SAMPLES boolean { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_SAMPLES,$3);} | DIAGNOSTIC PHOTON OFF { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_PHOTON, miFALSE);} | DIAGNOSTIC PHOTON DENSITY floating { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_PHOTON, miFALSE); miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_PHOTON_D, miTRUE); options->diag_photon_density = $4;} | DIAGNOSTIC PHOTON IRRADIANCE floating { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_PHOTON, miFALSE); miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_PHOTON_I, miTRUE); options->diag_photon_density = $4;} | DIAGNOSTIC GRID OFF { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID, miFALSE);} | DIAGNOSTIC GRID OBJECT floating { options->diag_grid_size = $4; miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID, miFALSE); miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID_O, $4 != 0.0);} | DIAGNOSTIC GRID WORLD floating { options->diag_grid_size = $4; miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID, miFALSE); miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID_W, $4 != 0.0);} | DIAGNOSTIC GRID CAMERA floating { options->diag_grid_size = $4; miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID, miFALSE); miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_GRID_C, $4 != 0.0);} | DIAGNOSTIC BSP OFF { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_BSP, miFALSE); } | DIAGNOSTIC BSP DEPTH { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_BSP_D, miTRUE); } | DIAGNOSTIC BSP SIZE { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_BSP_L, miTRUE); } | DIAGNOSTIC FINALGATHER boolean { miBIT_SWITCH(options->diagnostic_mode, miSCENE_DIAG_FG, $3);} /* hardware_begin */ | DIAGNOSTIC HARDWARE boolean { miBIT_SWITCH(options->hardware_diagnostic, miSCENE_HWDIAG_SOLID, $3); } | DIAGNOSTIC HARDWARE GRID { miBIT_SWITCH(options->hardware_diagnostic, miSCENE_HWDIAG_WIRE, miTRUE); } | DIAGNOSTIC HARDWARE WINDOW { miBIT_SWITCH(options->hardware_diagnostic, miSCENE_HWDIAG_WINDOW, miTRUE); } | DIAGNOSTIC HARDWARE LIGHT { miBIT_SWITCH(options->hardware_diagnostic, miSCENE_HWDIAG_LIGHTS, miTRUE); } /* hardware_end */ | SAMPLES T_INTEGER { options->min_samples = $2-2; options->max_samples = $2; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->min_samples = $2; options->max_samples = $3; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->min_samples = $2; options->max_samples = $3; options->def_min_samples = $4; options->def_max_samples = $5; } | SAMPLES COLLECT T_INTEGER { if ($3 > 0) options->rast_collect_rate = $3; else if ($3 < 0) mi_warning("invalid negative \"samples" " collect %d\" has been ignored.", $3); } | SAMPLES MOTION T_INTEGER { options->rast_motion_resample = $3; } | SHADOW SORT { options->shadow = 'l'; } | SHADOW SEGMENTS { options->shadow = 's'; } | COLORPROFILE symbol { options->render_cprof = mi_api_name_lookup($2); } | options_attribute ; optview_item : SHADOW OFF { options->shadow = 0; } | SHADOW ON { options->shadow = 1; } | TRACE boolean { options->trace = $2; } | SCANLINE boolean { if ($2) options->scanline = miRENDER_FH_SCANLINE; else options->scanline = miRENDER_FH_OFF; } | SCANLINE RAST { options->scanline = miRENDER_FH_RAST; } | SCANLINE RAPID { options->scanline = miRENDER_FH_RAST; } | SCANLINE OPENGL { options->scanline = miRENDER_FH_OPENGL; } /* hardware_begin */ | HARDWARE boolean { options->hardware = $2 ? 1 : 0; } | HARDWARE ALL { options->hardware = 3; } | HARDWARE FORCE { options->hwshader |= 1; } | HARDWARE CG { options->hwshader |= 2; } | HARDWARE NATIVE { options->hwshader |= 4; } | HARDWARE FAST { options->hwshader |= 8; } | HARDWARE SAMPLES T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { hoptions = mi_rchw_get_options(); hoptions->multi_samples = $3; hoptions->super_samples = $4; } /* hardware_end */ | LENS boolean { options->no_lens = !$2; } | VOLUME boolean { options->no_volume = !$2; } | GEOMETRY boolean { options->no_geometry = !$2; } | DISPLACE boolean { options->no_displace = !$2; } | DISPLACE PRESAMPLE boolean { options->no_predisplace = !$3; } | OUTPUT boolean { options->no_output = !$2; } | MERGE boolean { options->no_merge = !$2; } | HAIR boolean { options->no_hair = !$2; } | PASS boolean { options->no_pass = !$2; } | AUTOVOLUME boolean { options->autovolume = $2; } | PHOTON AUTOVOLUME boolean { options->photon_autovolume = $3; } | FILTER filter_type { options->filter = $2; options->filter_size_x = options->filter_size_y = 0.0; } | FILTER filter_type floating { options->filter = $2; options->filter_size_x = options->filter_size_y = $3; } | FILTER filter_type floating floating { options->filter = $2; options->filter_size_x = $3; options->filter_size_y = $4; } | FACE FRONT { options->face = 'f'; } | FACE BACK { options->face = 'b'; } | FACE BOTH { options->face = 'a'; } | FIELD OFF { options->field = 0; } | FIELD EVEN { options->field = 'e'; } | FIELD ODD { options->field = 'o'; } | SAMPLELOCK boolean { options->samplelock = $2; } | PHOTON TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->photon_reflection_depth = $4; options->photon_refraction_depth = $4; options->photon_trace_depth = $4 + $4; } | PHOTON TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->photon_reflection_depth = $4; options->photon_refraction_depth = $5; options->photon_trace_depth = $4 + $5; } | PHOTON TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->photon_reflection_depth = $4; options->photon_refraction_depth = $5; options->photon_trace_depth = $6; } | FINALGATHER TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->fg_reflection_depth = options->fg_refraction_depth = $4; options->fg_diffuse_depth = options->fg_trace_depth = $4 + $4; } | FINALGATHER TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->fg_reflection_depth = $4; options->fg_refraction_depth = $5; options->fg_diffuse_depth = options->fg_trace_depth = $4 + $5; } | FINALGATHER TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->fg_reflection_depth = $4; options->fg_refraction_depth = $5; options->fg_diffuse_depth = options->fg_trace_depth = $6; } | FINALGATHER TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->fg_reflection_depth = $4; options->fg_refraction_depth = $5; options->fg_diffuse_depth = $6; options->fg_trace_depth = $7; } | TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->reflection_depth = $3; options->refraction_depth = $3; options->trace_depth = $3 + $3; } | TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->reflection_depth = $3; options->refraction_depth = $4; options->trace_depth = $3 + $4; } | TRACE DEPTH T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->reflection_depth = $3; options->refraction_depth = $4; options->trace_depth = $5; } | CONTRAST floating floating floating { options->contrast.r = $2; options->contrast.g = $3; options->contrast.b = $4; options->contrast.a = ($2 + $3 + $4)/3; } | CONTRAST floating floating floating floating { options->contrast.r = $2; options->contrast.g = $3; options->contrast.b = $4; options->contrast.a = $5; } | TIME CONTRAST floating floating floating { options->time_contrast.r = $3; options->time_contrast.g = $4; options->time_contrast.b = $5; options->time_contrast.a = ($3 + $4 + $5)/3; } | TIME CONTRAST floating floating floating floating { options->time_contrast.r = $3; options->time_contrast.g = $4; options->time_contrast.b = $5; options->time_contrast.a = $6; } | CONTOUR STORE function { options->contour_store = $3; } | CONTOUR CONTRAST function { options->contour_contrast = $3; } | STATE function { if (!have_sf++) mi_api_function_delete(&options->state_func); options->state_func = mi_api_function_append(options->state_func, $2); } | STATE function_array { if ($2 != miNULLTAG) { if (!have_sf++) mi_api_function_delete(&options->state_func); options->state_func = mi_api_function_append( options->state_func, $2); } else { mi_api_function_delete(&options->state_func); have_sf = 0; } } | JITTER floating { options->jitter = $2; } | SHUTTER floating { options->shutter = $2; options->motion = options->shutter > 0; } | SHUTTER floating floating { options->shutter_delay = $2; options->shutter = $3; options->motion = options->shutter > 0; } | TASK SIZE T_INTEGER { options->task_size = $3; } | RAYCL SUBDIVISION T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("ray classification is obsolete, " "statement \"raycl subdivision %d %d\" ignored", $3, $4); } | RAYCL MEMORY T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("ray classification is obsolete, " "statement \"raycl memory %d\" ignored", $3); } | BSP SIZE T_INTEGER { options->space_max_size = $3; } | BSP DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->space_max_depth = $3; } | BSP MEMORY T_INTEGER { mi_api_warning("bsp memory N is obsolete, " "statement \"bsp memory %d\" ignored", $3); } | BSP SHADOW boolean { options->space_shadow_separate = $3; } | GRID SIZE T_INTEGER { options->grid_max_size = $3; } | GRID SIZE T_FLOAT { options->grid_res[0] = options->grid_res[1] = options->grid_res[2] = (int)$3; mi_api_warning("obsolete grid size statement, " "use grid resolution instead"); } | GRID RESOLUTION T_INTEGER { options->grid_res[0] = options->grid_res[1] = options->grid_res[2] = $3; } | GRID RESOLUTION T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { options->grid_res[0] = $3; options->grid_res[1] = $4; options->grid_res[2] = $5; } | GRID DEPTH T_INTEGER { options->grid_max_depth = $3; } | DESATURATE boolean { options->desaturate = $2; } | DITHER boolean { options->dither = $2; } | PREMULTIPLY boolean { options->nopremult = !$2; } | COLORCLIP colorclip_mode { options->colorclip = $2; } | GAMMA floating { options->gamma = $2; } | OBJECT SPACE { options->render_space = 'o'; } | CAMERA SPACE { options->render_space = 'c'; } | MIXED SPACE { options->render_space = 'm'; } | WORLD SPACE { mi_api_warning( "world space statement ignored"); } /*<<<*/ | INHERITANCE symbol { options->inh_is_traversal = miFALSE; if (ctx->inheritance_func) mi_api_release(ctx->inheritance_func); ctx->inheritance_func = $2; if (!(options->inh_funcdecl = mi_api_decl_lookup( mi_api_strdup($2)))) mi_api_nerror(176, "undeclared inheritance " "shader \"%s\"", $2); } | TRAVERSAL symbol { options->inh_is_traversal = miTRUE; if (ctx->inheritance_func) mi_api_release(ctx->inheritance_func); ctx->inheritance_func = $2; if (!(options->inh_funcdecl = mi_api_decl_lookup( mi_api_strdup($2)))) mi_api_nerror(177, "undeclared traversal " "shader \"%s\"", $2); } | SHADING SAMPLES floating { options->rast_shading_samples = $3; } | SHADOWMAP MOTION boolean { options->shadow_map_motion = $3; } | SHADOWMAP REBUILD boolean { options->recompute_shadow_maps = (($3)?'y':'n'); options->shadowmap_flags &= ~miSHADOWMAP_MERGE; } | SHADOWMAP REBUILD MERGE { options->recompute_shadow_maps = 'm'; options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_MERGE; } | SHADOWMAP boolean { options->use_shadow_maps &= 0x80; options->shadowmap_flags &= ~miSHADOWMAP_DETAIL; if ($2) options->use_shadow_maps |= 1; else options->use_shadow_maps = 0; } | SHADOWMAP OPENGL { options->use_shadow_maps &= 0x80; options->use_shadow_maps |= 'o'; } | SHADOWMAP TRACE { options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_TRACE; } | SHADOWMAP TRACE boolean { if ($3) options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_TRACE; else options->shadowmap_flags &=~miSHADOWMAP_TRACE;} | SHADOWMAP WINDOW { options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_CROP; } | SHADOWMAP WINDOW boolean { if ($3) options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_CROP; else options->shadowmap_flags &= ~miSHADOWMAP_CROP;} | SHADOWMAP ONLY { options->use_shadow_maps |= 0x80; options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_ONLY; } | SHADOWMAP DETAIL { options->use_shadow_maps &= 0x80; options->use_shadow_maps |= 'd'; options->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_DETAIL; } | SHADOWMAP BIAS floating { options->shadowmap_bias = $3; } | LIGHTMAP boolean { options->lightmap = $2 ? miLIGHTMAP_ON : miLIGHTMAP_OFF; } | LIGHTMAP ONLY { options->lightmap = miLIGHTMAP_ONLY; } | CAUSTIC boolean { options->caustic = $2; } | CAUSTIC T_INTEGER { options->caustic_flag = $2; } | CAUSTIC ACCURACY T_INTEGER { options->caustic_accuracy = $3; } | CAUSTIC ACCURACY T_INTEGER floating { options->caustic_accuracy = $3; options->caustic_radius = $4; } | CAUSTIC FILTER c_filter_type { options->caustic_filter = $3; options->caustic_filter_const = 1.1; } | CAUSTIC FILTER c_filter_type floating { options->caustic_filter = $3; options->caustic_filter_const = $4; } | CAUSTIC SCALE color { options->caustic_scale = $3; } | GLOBILLUM boolean { options->globillum = $2; } | GLOBILLUM T_INTEGER { options->globillum_flag = $2; } | GLOBILLUM ACCURACY T_INTEGER { options->globillum_accuracy = $3; } | GLOBILLUM ACCURACY T_INTEGER floating { options->globillum_accuracy = $3; options->globillum_radius = $4; } | GLOBILLUM SCALE color { options->globillum_scale = $3; } | FINALGATHER boolean { options->finalgather = $2; } | FINALGATHER FASTLOOKUP { options->finalgather = 'f'; } | FINALGATHER ONLY { options->finalgather = 'o'; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY T_INTEGER { options->finalgather_view = miFALSE; options->finalgather_rays = $3; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY T_INTEGER floating { options->finalgather_view = miFALSE; options->finalgather_rays = $3; options->finalgather_maxradius = $4; options->finalgather_minradius = 0.0; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY T_INTEGER floating floating { options->finalgather_view = miFALSE; options->finalgather_rays = $3; options->finalgather_maxradius = $4; options->finalgather_minradius = $5; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY VIEW T_INTEGER { options->finalgather_view = miTRUE; options->finalgather_rays = $4; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY VIEW T_INTEGER floating { options->finalgather_view = miTRUE; options->finalgather_rays = $4; options->finalgather_maxradius = $5; options->finalgather_minradius = 0.0; } | FINALGATHER ACCURACY VIEW T_INTEGER floating floating { options->finalgather_view = miTRUE; options->finalgather_rays = $4; options->finalgather_maxradius = $5; options->finalgather_minradius = $6; } | FINALGATHER FILE_ map_list { mi_api_taglist_reset(&options->finalgather_file, $3); } | FINALGATHER FILTER T_INTEGER { options->finalgather_filter = $3; } | FINALGATHER REBUILD boolean { options->finalgather_rebuild = $3; } | FINALGATHER REBUILD FREEZE { options->finalgather_rebuild = 2; } | FINALGATHER FALLOFF floating floating { options->fg_falloff_start = $3; options->fg_falloff_stop = $4; } | FINALGATHER FALLOFF floating { options->fg_falloff_start = $3; options->fg_falloff_stop = $3; } | FINALGATHER SCALE color { options->finalgather_scale = $3; } | FINALGATHER SECONDARY SCALE color { options->finalgather_sec_scale = $4; } | FINALGATHER PRESAMPLE DENSITY floating { options->fg_presamp_density = $4; } | PHOTONVOL ACCURACY T_INTEGER { options->photonvol_accuracy = $3; } | PHOTONVOL ACCURACY T_INTEGER floating { options->photonvol_accuracy = $3; options->photonvol_radius = $4; } | PHOTONVOL SCALE color { options->photonvol_scale = $3; } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ { mi_scene_delete(options->photonmap_file); options->photonmap_file = 0; } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ OFF { mi_scene_delete(options->photonmap_file); options->photonmap_file = 0; } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ T_STRING { mi_scene_delete(options->photonmap_file); if (($3)[0]) { strcpy((char *)mi_scene_create( &options->photonmap_file, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($3)+1), $3); mi_scene_edit_end(options->photonmap_file); } else { options->photonmap_file = 0; } mi_api_release($3); } | PHOTONMAP ONLY { options->photonmap_only = miTRUE; } | PHOTONMAP ONLY boolean { options->photonmap_only = $3; } | PHOTONMAP REBUILD boolean { options->photonmap_rebuild = $3; } | APPROXIMATE opt_displace | FRAME BUFFER T_INTEGER opt_symbol { mi_api_framebuffer(options, $3, $4); } | LUMINANCE WEIGHT NTSC { options->luminance_weight.r = 0.299; options->luminance_weight.g = 0.587; options->luminance_weight.b = 0.114; options->luminance_weight.a = 0.0; } | LUMINANCE WEIGHT color { options->luminance_weight = $3; } | MAX_ DISPLACE floating { options->maxdisplace = $3; } ; map_list : '[' { taglist = mi_api_dlist_create(miDLIST_TAG); } map_list_items ']' { $$ = taglist; } | T_STRING { if (($1)[0]) { taglist = mi_api_dlist_create(miDLIST_TAG); strcpy((char *)mi_scene_create( &tag, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($1)+1), $1); mi_scene_edit_end(tag); mi_api_release($1); mi_api_dlist_add(taglist, (void *)(miIntptr)tag); $$ = taglist; } else { mi_api_release($1); $$ = NULL; } } | OFF { $$ = NULL; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; map_list_items : T_STRING { strcpy((char *)mi_scene_create( &tag, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($1)+1), $1); mi_scene_edit_end(tag); mi_api_release($1); mi_api_dlist_add(taglist, (void *)(miIntptr)tag); } map_list_next ; map_list_next : | ',' | ',' map_list_items ; /* smallparser_end */ filter_type : BOX { $$ = 'b'; } | TRIANGLE { $$ = 't'; } | GAUSS { $$ = 'g'; } | MITCHELL { $$ = 'm'; } | LANCZOS { $$ = 'l'; } | CLIP MITCHELL { $$ = 'M'; } | CLIP LANCZOS { $$ = 'c'; } ; /* smallparser_begin */ c_filter_type : BOX { $$ = 'b'; } | CONE { $$ = 'c'; } | GAUSS { $$ = 'g'; } ; opt_displace : { miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } s_approx_tech ALL { memcpy(&options->approx, &approx, sizeof(miApprox));} | { miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } DISPLACE s_approx_tech ALL { memcpy(&options->approx_displace, &approx, sizeof(miApprox)); } ; string_option_item : T_STRING boolean { string_options->set($1, $2 != 0); mi_api_release($1); } | T_STRING T_STRING { string_options->set($1, $2); mi_api_release($1); mi_api_release($2); } | T_STRING T_INTEGER { string_options->set($1, $2); mi_api_release($1); } | T_STRING T_FLOAT { string_options->set($1, (float)$2); mi_api_release($1); } | T_STRING floating floating floating { string_options->set($1, (float)$2, (float)$3, (float)$4); mi_api_release($1); } | T_STRING floating floating floating floating { string_options->set($1, (float)$2, (float)$3, (float)$4, (float)$5); mi_api_release($1); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * camera *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ camera : CAMERA symbol { camera = mi_api_camera_begin($2); have_l = have_v = have_e = have_p = 0; if (is_incremental == miFALSE) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->output); } camera_list END CAMERA { mi_api_camera_end(); } ; camera_list : | camera_list camera_item ; camera_item : camview_item | frame_number | FIELD T_INTEGER { camera->frame_field = $2; } | dummy_attribute ; camview_item : OUTPUT { Edit_fb fb(camera->buffertag); fb->reset(); mi_api_function_delete(&camera->output); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set T_STRING T_STRING { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); mi_api_framebuffer_add(camera->buffertag, 0, $3, 0, $4); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set T_STRING out_parms T_STRING { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); mi_api_framebuffer_add(camera->buffertag, 0, $3, $4, $5); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set T_STRING T_STRING T_STRING { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); mi_api_framebuffer_add(camera->buffertag, $3, $4, 0, $5); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set T_STRING T_STRING out_parms T_STRING { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); mi_api_framebuffer_add(camera->buffertag, $3, $4, $5, $6); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set function { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); camera->output = mi_api_function_append( camera->output, mi_api_output_function_def(0, 0, $3)); } | OUTPUT colorspace_set T_STRING function { mi_api_output_colorprofile($2); mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $3); camera->output = mi_api_function_append( camera->output, mi_api_output_function_def(tbm, ibm, $4)); } | PASS NULL_ { mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); } | PASS pass_samples opt_string WRITE T_STRING { if (!have_p++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $3); camera->pass = mi_api_function_append(camera->pass, mi_api_pass_save_def(tbm, ibm, $2, $5)); } | PASS PREP pass_samples opt_string READ T_STRING WRITE T_STRING function_list { if (!have_p++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $4); camera->pass = mi_api_function_append(camera->pass, mi_api_pass_prep_def(tbm, ibm, $3, $6,$8,$9));} | PASS MERGE pass_samples opt_string READ string_list opt_function_list { if (!have_p++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $4); camera->pass = mi_api_function_append(camera->pass, mi_api_pass_merge_def(tbm, ibm, $3, $6,0,$7));} | PASS MERGE pass_samples opt_string READ string_list WRITE T_STRING opt_function_list { if (!have_p++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $4); camera->pass = mi_api_function_append(camera->pass, mi_api_pass_merge_def(tbm,ibm, $3, $6,$8,$9));} | PASS DELETE_ T_STRING { if (!have_p++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->pass); camera->pass = mi_api_function_append(camera->pass, mi_api_pass_delete_def($3)); } | PASS MASK boolean { camera->pass_mask = $3; } | VOLUME { mi_api_function_delete(&camera->volume); } | VOLUME { if (!have_v++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->volume); } function_list { camera->volume = mi_api_function_append( camera->volume, $3); } | ENVIRONMENT { mi_api_function_delete(&camera->environment); } | ENVIRONMENT { if (!have_e++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->environment); } function_list { camera->environment = mi_api_function_append( camera->environment, $3); } | LENS { mi_api_function_delete(&camera->lens); } | LENS { if (!have_l++) mi_api_function_delete(&camera->lens); } function_list { camera->lens = mi_api_function_append( camera->lens, $3); } | FOCAL floating { camera->focal = $2; camera->orthographic = miFALSE; } | FOCAL INFINITY_ { camera->focal = 1; camera->orthographic = miTRUE; } | APERTURE floating { camera->aperture = $2; } | ASPECT floating { camera->aspect = $2; } | RESOLUTION T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { camera->x_resolution = $2; camera->y_resolution = $3; } | OFFSET floating floating { camera->x_offset = $2; camera->y_offset = $3; } | WINDOW T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { camera->window.xl = $2; camera->window.yl = $3; camera->window.xh = $4; camera->window.yh = $5; } | CLIP floating floating { camera->clip.min = $2; camera->clip.max = $3; } | DOF floating floating { camera->focus = $2; camera->radius = $3; } | FRAMEBUFFER T_STRING { ctx->buffer_tag = camera->buffertag; Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); if (ctx->buffer_name) mi_api_release(ctx->buffer_name); ctx->buffer_name = $2; } buffer_list | { curr_datatag = &camera->userdata; } data ; out_parms : QUALITY T_INTEGER { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); $$[0] = (float)$2; } | EVEN { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); $$[1] = 1.0; } | ODD { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); $$[1] = 2.0; } | DOD { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); $$[4] = 1.0; } | DPI floating { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); $$[6] = $2; } | COMPRESS T_STRING { memset($$, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); if (!strcmp($2, "none")) $$[0] = 1.0; else if (!strcmp($2, "piz")) $$[0] = 2.0; else if (!strcmp($2, "zip")) $$[0] = 3.0; else if (!strcmp($2, "rle")) $$[0] = 4.0; else if (!strcmp($2, "pxr24")) $$[0] = 5.0; else { mi_api_error("%s is not a valid compression " "type, using rle compression", $2); $$[0] = 4.0; } } ; frame_number : FRAME T_INTEGER { camera->frame = $2; camera->frame_time = 0; camera->frame_field = 0; } | FRAME T_INTEGER floating { camera->frame = $2; camera->frame_time = $3; camera->frame_field = 0; } ; /* smallparser_end */ colorspace_set : { $$ = 0; } | COLORPROFILE symbol { $$ = $2; } ; /* smallparser_begin */ pass_samples : { $$ = ~0; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER { $$ = $2; } ; string_list : { $$ = stringlist = mi_api_dlist_create(miDLIST_POINTER); } '[' strings ']' ; strings : T_STRING { mi_api_dlist_add(stringlist, $1); } | strings ',' T_STRING { mi_api_dlist_add(stringlist, $3); } ; buffer_list : | buffer_list buffer_item ; buffer_item : DATATYPE T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "datatype", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | FILENAME T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "filename", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | FILETYPE T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "filetype", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | FILTERING boolean { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "filtering", $2 == miTRUE); } | COLORPROFILE T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "colorprofile", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | COMPRESSION T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "compression", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | FIELD T_STRING { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "field", $2); mi_api_release($2); } | QUALITY T_INTEGER { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "quality", (int)$2); } | DOD boolean { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "dod", $2 == miTRUE); } | DPI T_INTEGER { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "dpi", $2); } | PRIMARY boolean { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "primary", $2 == miTRUE); } | USEOPACITY boolean { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "useopacity", $2 == miTRUE); } | USEPRIMARY boolean { /* Deprecated. Please use 'user' instead. */ Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "user", $2 == miFALSE); } | AUTOFILL boolean { /* Deprecated. Please use 'user' instead. */ Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "user", $2 == miFALSE); } | USER boolean { Edit_fb fb(ctx->buffer_tag); fb->set(ctx->buffer_name, "user", $2 == miTRUE); } ; /* smallparser_end */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * instance *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ instance : INSTANCE symbol { curr_inst = mi_api_instance_begin($2); if (!curr_inst) { memset(&dummy_inst, 0, sizeof(dummy_inst)); curr_inst = &dummy_inst; } override = miFALSE; } inst_item inst_func inst_flags inst_params { mi_api_instance_end($4, $5, $7); } END INSTANCE ; inst_item : { $$ = 0; } | symbol { $$ = $1; } ; inst_func : { $$ = miNULLTAG; } | GEOMETRY function_list { $$ = $2; } ; inst_flags : | inst_flag inst_flags ; inst_flag : VISIBLE boolean { curr_inst->visible = $2 ? 2 : 1; } | SHADOW boolean { curr_inst->shadow = $2 ? 0x03 : 0x06; } | SHADOW T_INTEGER { curr_inst->shadow = ($2 & 0x0f); } | SHADOWMAP boolean { curr_inst->shadowmap = $2 ? 2 : 1; } | TRACE boolean { curr_inst->reflection = curr_inst->refraction = $2 ? 0x03 : 0x0c; curr_inst->finalgather= $2 ? 0x23 : 0x10; } | REFLECTION T_INTEGER { curr_inst->reflection = ($2 & 0x0f); } | REFRACTION T_INTEGER { curr_inst->refraction = ($2 & 0x0f); } | TRANSPARENCY T_INTEGER { curr_inst->transparency = ($2 & 0x0f); } | FACE FRONT { curr_inst->face = 'f'; } | FACE BACK { curr_inst->face = 'b'; } | FACE BOTH { curr_inst->face = 'a'; } | SELECT boolean { curr_inst->select = $2 ? 2 : 1; } | CAUSTIC { curr_inst->caustic &= 0x30; curr_inst->caustic |= 0x03; } | CAUSTIC boolean { curr_inst->caustic &= 0x0f; curr_inst->caustic |= $2 ? 0x20 : 0x10; } | CAUSTIC T_INTEGER { curr_inst->caustic &= 0x30; curr_inst->caustic |= ($2 & 0x0f); } | GLOBILLUM { curr_inst->globillum &= 0x30; curr_inst->globillum |= 0x03; } | GLOBILLUM boolean { curr_inst->globillum &= 0x0f; curr_inst->globillum |= $2 ? 0x20 : 0x10; } | GLOBILLUM T_INTEGER { curr_inst->globillum &= 0x30; curr_inst->globillum |= ($2 & 0x0f); } | FINALGATHER { curr_inst->finalgather &= 0x30; curr_inst->finalgather |= 0x03; } | FINALGATHER boolean { curr_inst->finalgather &= 0x0f; curr_inst->finalgather |= $2 ? 0x20 : 0x10; } | FINALGATHER T_INTEGER { curr_inst->finalgather &= 0x30; curr_inst->finalgather |= ($2 & 0x0f); } /* hardware_begin */ | SHADING SAMPLES floating { curr_inst->shading_samples = $3; } | HARDWARE { curr_inst->hardware = 2; } | HARDWARE boolean { curr_inst->hardware = $2 ? 2 : 1; } /* hardware_end */ | HIDE boolean { curr_inst->off = $2; } | TRANSFORM { curr_inst->tf.function = miNULLTAG; mi_matrix_ident(curr_inst->tf.global_to_local); } | TRANSFORM function { curr_inst->tf.function = $2; mi_matrix_ident(curr_inst->tf.global_to_local); } | transform { curr_inst->tf.function = miNULLTAG; mi_matrix_copy( curr_inst->tf.global_to_local, $1); if (!mi_matrix_invert(curr_inst->tf.local_to_global, curr_inst->tf.global_to_local)){ mi_api_warning("singular matrix, using " "identity"); mi_matrix_ident(curr_inst->tf.global_to_local); mi_matrix_ident(curr_inst->tf.local_to_global); }} | MOTION OFF { mi_matrix_null(curr_inst->motion_transform); curr_inst->gen_motion = miGM_OFF; } | MOTION TRANSFORM { mi_matrix_null(curr_inst->motion_transform); curr_inst->gen_motion = miGM_INHERIT; } | MOTION transform { mi_matrix_copy(curr_inst->motion_transform, $2); curr_inst->gen_motion = miGM_TRANSFORM; } | LIGHT incl_excl light_list { curr_inst->exclusive = $2; curr_inst->light_list = $3; } | LIGHT SHADOW incl_excl light_list { curr_inst->shadow_excl = $3; curr_inst->shadow_list = $4; } | MATERIAL { curr_inst->material = miNULLTAG; curr_inst->mtl_array_size = 0; curr_inst->mtl_override = miFALSE; } inst_mtl | TAG T_INTEGER { curr_inst->label = $2; } | { curr_datatag = &curr_inst->userdata; } data | OVERRIDE { override = miTRUE; } /* for approx and material */ /* smallparser_begin */ | APPROXIMATE { mi_api_instance_approx(0, miFALSE); } | APPROXIMATE { miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); curr_inst->approx_override = override; override = miFALSE; } '[' inst_approx_arr ']' | dummy_attribute /* smallparser_end */ ; inst_params : { $$ = (miTag)-1; } | '(' ')' { $$ = miNULLTAG; } | '(' { if (!ctx->inheritance_func) mi_api_error("no inheritance function in options"); else mi_api_function_call(mi_api_strdup( ctx->inheritance_func)); } parameter_seq comma_rparen { $$ = mi_api_function_call_end(0); } ; comma_rparen : ')' | ',' ')' ; inst_mtl : | symbol { curr_inst->material = mi_api_material_lookup($1); curr_inst->mtl_override = override; override = miFALSE; } | '[' { taglist = mi_api_dlist_create(miDLIST_TAG); } inst_mtl_array ']' { curr_inst->mtl_array_size = taglist->nb; curr_inst->material = mi_api_taglist(taglist); curr_inst->mtl_override = override; } ; inst_mtl_array : symbol { mi_api_dlist_add(taglist, (void *)(miIntptr)mi_api_material_lookup($1));} inst_mtl_next ; inst_mtl_next : | ',' | ',' inst_mtl_array ; /* smallparser_begin */ inst_approx_arr : approx_flags APPROXIMATE s_approx_tech ALL { mi_api_instance_approx(&approx, miFALSE); miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } inst_approx_nxt | approx_flags APPROXIMATE DISPLACE s_approx_tech ALL { mi_api_instance_approx(&approx, miTRUE); miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } inst_approx_nxt ; inst_approx_nxt : | ',' | ',' inst_approx_arr ; /* smallparser_end */ incl_excl : { $$ = 0 ; /* not exclusive */ } | T_STRING { if(!strcmp($1, "exclusive")) { $$ = 1; } else { $$ = 0; mi_api_nwarning(127,"instance light list modifier \"%s\"" " is not \"exclusive\" -- using non-exclusive light list!", $1); } mi_mem_release($1); } ; light_list : '[' { mi_api_light_list_begin(); } light_list_element ']' { $$ = mi_api_light_list_end(); } | '[' ']' { mi_api_light_list_begin(); $$ = mi_api_light_list_end(); } ; light_list_element : symbol { mi_api_light_list_add($1); } | light_list_element light_list_next symbol { mi_api_light_list_add($3); } ; light_list_next : | ',' ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * instgroup *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ instgroup : INSTGROUP symbol { curr_group = mi_api_instgroup_begin($2); mi_api_instgroup_clear(); } group_flags group_kids END INSTGROUP { mi_api_instgroup_end(); } ; group_flags : | group_flag group_flags ; group_flag : MERGE floating { curr_group->merge = $2; curr_group->merge_group = $2 >= miMERGE_MIN; } | TAG T_INTEGER { curr_group->label = $2; } | { curr_datatag = &curr_group->userdata; } data | dummy_attribute ; group_kids : | group_kids symbol { mi_api_instgroup_additem($2); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * assembly *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ assembly : ASSEMBLY symbol { curr_assembly = mi_api_assembly_begin($2); } | assembly_flags END ASSEMBLY { mi_api_assembly_end(); } ; assembly_flags : assembly_flag assembly_flags | assembly_flag ; assembly_flag : BOX vector vector { curr_assembly->bbox_min = $2; curr_assembly->bbox_max = $3; } | BOX { curr_assembly->bbox_min = nullvec; curr_assembly->bbox_max = nullvec; } | MOTION BOX vector vector { curr_assembly->bbox_min_m = $3; curr_assembly->bbox_max_m = $4; } | MOTION BOX { curr_assembly->bbox_min_m = nullvec; curr_assembly->bbox_max_m = nullvec; } | FILE_ T_STRING { mi_api_assembly_filename($2); } ; /***************************************************************************** ************************* either ************************************** *****************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * function declaration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function_decl : shret_type_nosh T_STRING parm_decl_list { mi_api_funcdecl_begin($1, $2, $3); mi_api_funcdecl_end(); } | SHADER shret_type T_STRING parm_decl_list { if (!(curr_decl = mi_api_funcdecl_begin($2,$3,$4))){ memset(&dummy_decl, 0, sizeof(dummy_decl)); curr_decl = &dummy_decl; } } declare_req_seq END DECLARE { mi_api_funcdecl_end(); } ; shret_type : shret_type_nosh { $$ = $1; } | SHADER { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_SHADER, 0, 0); } ; shret_type_nosh : { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_COLOR, 0, 0); } | simple_type { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl((miParam_type)$1, 0, 0); } | STRUCT '{' shret_decl_seq '}' { miParameter *parm = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_STRUCT, 0, 0); mi_api_parameter_child(parm, $3); $$ = parm; } ; shret_decl_seq : shret_decl_seq ',' shret_decl { $$ = mi_api_parameter_append($1, $3); } | shret_decl { $$ = $1; } ; shret_decl : simple_type symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl((miParam_type)$1, $2, 0); } | SHADER symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_SHADER, $2, 0); } | DATA symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_DATA, $2, 0); } ; parm_decl_list : '(' parm_decl_seq ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' parm_decl_seq ',' ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' ')' { $$ = 0; } ; parm_decl_seq : parm_decl_seq ',' parm_decl { $$ = mi_api_parameter_append($1, $3); } | parm_decl { $$ = $1; } ; parm_decl : decl_simple decl_default { $$ = $1; } | SHADER symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_SHADER, $2, 0); } | DATA symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_DATA, $2, 0); } | STRUCT symbol '{' parm_decl_seq '}' { miParameter *parm = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_STRUCT, $2, 0); mi_api_parameter_child(parm, $4); $$ = parm; } | ARRAY parm_decl { miParameter *parm = mi_api_parameter_decl(miTYPE_ARRAY, 0, 0); mi_api_parameter_child(parm, $2); $$ = parm; } ; decl_simple : simple_type symbol { $$ = mi_api_parameter_decl((miParam_type) $1, $2, 0); } ; simple_type : BOOLEAN { $$ = miTYPE_BOOLEAN; } | INTEGER { $$ = miTYPE_INTEGER; } | SCALAR { $$ = miTYPE_SCALAR; } | STRING { $$ = miTYPE_STRING; } | COLOR { $$ = miTYPE_COLOR; } | VECTOR { $$ = miTYPE_VECTOR; } | TRANSFORM { $$ = miTYPE_TRANSFORM; } | SCALAR TEXTURE { $$ = miTYPE_SCALAR_TEX; } | VECTOR TEXTURE { $$ = miTYPE_VECTOR_TEX; } | COLOR TEXTURE { $$ = miTYPE_COLOR_TEX; } | LIGHTPROFILE { $$ = miTYPE_LIGHTPROFILE; } | SPECTRUM { $$ = miTYPE_SPECTRUM; } | LIGHT { $$ = miTYPE_LIGHT; } | MATERIAL { $$ = miTYPE_MATERIAL; } | GEOMETRY { $$ = miTYPE_GEOMETRY; } | MAP { $$ = miTYPE_MAP; } ; decl_default : | DEFAULT decl_def_values ; decl_def_values : | decl_def_value decl_def_values ; decl_def_value : boolean { int value = $1; mi_api_parameter_default(miTYPE_BOOLEAN, &value); } | T_INTEGER { int value = $1; mi_api_parameter_default(miTYPE_INTEGER, &value); } | T_FLOAT { float value = $1; mi_api_parameter_default(miTYPE_SCALAR, &value); } ; declare_req_seq : | declare_req declare_req_seq ; declare_req : gui | SCANLINE OFF { curr_decl->phen.scanline = 1; } | SCANLINE ON { curr_decl->phen.scanline = 2; } | TRACE OFF { curr_decl->phen.trace = 1; } | TRACE ON { curr_decl->phen.trace = 2; } | SHADOW OFF { curr_decl->phen.shadow = 1; } | SHADOW ON { curr_decl->phen.shadow = 2; } | SHADOW SORT { curr_decl->phen.shadow = 'l'; } | SHADOW SEGMENTS { curr_decl->phen.shadow = 's'; } | FACE FRONT { curr_decl->phen.face = 'f'; } | FACE BACK { curr_decl->phen.face = 'b'; } | FACE BOTH { curr_decl->phen.face = 'a'; } | TEXTURE T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.mintextures = $2; } | BUMP T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.minbumps = $2; } | DERIVATIVE { curr_decl->phen.deriv1 = curr_decl->phen.deriv2 = 0; } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER { if ($2 == 1) curr_decl->phen.deriv1 = miTRUE; else if ($2 == 2) curr_decl->phen.deriv2 = miTRUE; else mi_api_error("derivative not 1 or 2"); } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { if ($2 == 1 || $3 == 1) curr_decl->phen.deriv1 = miTRUE; else if ($2 == 2 || $3 == 2) curr_decl->phen.deriv2 = miTRUE; if ($2 != 1 && $2 != 2 || $3 != 1 && $3 != 2) mi_api_error("derivative not 1 or 2"); } | OBJECT SPACE { curr_decl->phen.render_space = 'o'; } | CAMERA SPACE { curr_decl->phen.render_space = 'c'; } | MIXED SPACE { curr_decl->phen.render_space = 'm'; } | WORLD SPACE { mi_api_warning("world space statement ignored"); } | PARALLEL_ { curr_decl->phen.parallel = miTRUE; } | VOLUME LEVEL T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.volume_level = $3; } | VERSION T_INTEGER { curr_decl->version = $2; } | APPLY apply_list { curr_decl->apply = $2; } /* hardware_begin */ | HARDWARE { curr_hw = mi_api_hardware_begin(); } hardware_list { curr_decl->hardware = mi_api_hardware_end(curr_hw); } /* hardware_end */ ; /* hardware_begin */ hardware_list : | '(' hardware_seq ')' | '(' hardware_seq ',' ')' ; hardware_seq : | hardware_seq ',' hardware_attr | hardware_attr ; hardware_attr : UNIFORM T_STRING { mi_api_hardware_attr(curr_hw, 'u', $2); } | VERTEX T_STRING { mi_api_hardware_attr(curr_hw, 'v', $2); } | FRAGMENT T_STRING { mi_api_hardware_attr(curr_hw, 'f', $2); } ; /* hardware_end */ apply_list : apply { $$ = $1; } | apply_list ',' apply { $$ = $1 | $3; } ; apply : LENS { $$ = miAPPLY_LENS; } | MATERIAL { $$ = miAPPLY_MATERIAL; } | LIGHT { $$ = miAPPLY_LIGHT; } | SHADOW { $$ = miAPPLY_SHADOW; } | ENVIRONMENT { $$ = miAPPLY_ENVIRONMENT; } | VOLUME { $$ = miAPPLY_VOLUME; } | TEXTURE { $$ = miAPPLY_TEXTURE; } | PHOTON { $$ = miAPPLY_PHOTON; } | GEOMETRY { $$ = miAPPLY_GEOMETRY; } | DISPLACE { $$ = miAPPLY_DISPLACE; } | EMITTER { $$ = miAPPLY_PHOTON_EMITTER; } | OUTPUT { $$ = miAPPLY_OUTPUT; } | LIGHTMAP { $$ = miAPPLY_LIGHTMAP; } | PHOTONVOL { $$ = miAPPLY_PHOTONVOL; } | STATE { $$ = miAPPLY_STATE; } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * function instance *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* smallparser_begin */ opt_function_list: { $$ = 0; } | function_list { $$ = $1; } ; /* smallparser_end */ function_list : { funclist = miNULLTAG; } func_list { $$ = funclist; } ; func_list : function { funclist = $1; } | func_list function { funclist = mi_api_function_append(funclist, $2); } ; function_array : '[' ']' { $$ = miNULLTAG; } | '[' { funclist = miNULLTAG; } func_array ']' { $$ = funclist; } ; func_array : function { funclist = $1; } | func_array ',' function { funclist = mi_api_function_append(funclist, $3); } ; function : T_STRING { mi_api_function_call($1); } parameter_list { $$ = mi_api_function_call_end(functag); functag = 0;} | '=' symbol { $$ = mi_api_function_assign($2); } | '=' opt_incremental SHADER symbol function { mi_api_shader_add($4, $5); $$ = $5; mi_api_incremental(is_incremental); mi_api_private(session_depth); } ; opt_incremental : { mi_api_incremental(miFALSE); } | INCREMENTAL { mi_api_incremental(miTRUE); } ; parameter_list : '(' ')' | '(' parameter_seq ')' | '(' parameter_seq ',' ')' ; parameter_seq : parameter | parameter_seq ',' parameter ; parameter : symbol { mi_api_parameter_name($1); } colorspace_set value_list { mi_api_parameter_colorprofile($3); } ; value_list : value | value_list value ; value : NULL_ | boolean { int value = $1; mi_api_parameter_value(miTYPE_BOOLEAN, &value,0,0); } | T_INTEGER { int value = $1; mi_api_parameter_value(miTYPE_INTEGER, &value,0,0); } | T_FLOAT { float value = $1; mi_api_parameter_value(miTYPE_SCALAR, &value,0,0); } | symbol { mi_api_parameter_value(miTYPE_STRING, $1, 0, 0); } | '=' symbol { mi_api_parameter_shader($2); } | '=' INTERFACE_ symbol { mi_api_parameter_interface($3); } | '{' { mi_api_parameter_push(miFALSE); } parameter_seq '}' { mi_api_parameter_pop(); } | '[' { mi_api_parameter_push(miTRUE); } array_value_seq ']' { mi_api_parameter_pop(); } | '[' ']' { mi_api_parameter_push(miTRUE); mi_api_parameter_pop(); } ; array_value_seq : { mi_api_new_array_element(); } value_list array_value_cont ; array_value_cont: | ',' { mi_api_new_array_element(); } value_list array_value_cont ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * map declaration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ map_decl : MAP T_STRING map_param_decl_list { mi_api_map_decl_begin($2, $3); } END DECLARE { mi_api_map_decl_end(); } ; map_param_decl_list : '(' ')' { $$ = 0; } | '(' map_dim_decl ')' { $$ = 0; } | '(' map_dim_decl ',' map_parm_decl_seq ')' { $$ = $4; } | '(' map_parm_decl_seq ')' { $$ = $2; } ; map_dim_decl : DIM T_INTEGER { mi_api_map_decl_dim($2); } ; map_parm_decl_seq : map_parm_decl_seq ',' map_parm_decl { $$ = mi_api_map_field_append($1, $3); } | map_parm_decl { $$ = $1; } ; map_parm_decl : map_simple_type symbol { $$ = mi_api_map_field_decl((miParam_type)$1, $2, 0); } | map_array_parm_decl { $$ = $1; } ; map_simple_type : SCALAR { $$ = miTYPE_SCALAR; } | INTEGER { $$ = miTYPE_INTEGER; } | VECTOR { $$ = miTYPE_VECTOR; } | COLOR { $$ = miTYPE_COLOR; } | TRANSFORM { $$ = miTYPE_TRANSFORM; } ; map_array_parm_decl : SCALAR ARRAY T_INTEGER symbol { $$ = mi_api_map_field_decl(miTYPE_SCALAR, $4, $3); } | INTEGER ARRAY T_INTEGER symbol { $$ = mi_api_map_field_decl(miTYPE_INTEGER, $4, $3); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * map definition *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ map_def : MAP T_STRING T_STRING { mi_api_map_begin($3); } map_def_body { miTag map_tag = mi_api_map_end(0); mi_api_map_add($2, map_tag); $$ = map_tag; } ; map_def_body : '(' ')' { $$ = 0; }; | '(' map_elements_seq ')' { $$ = $2; } ; map_elements_seq : map_elements_seq ',' map_element { $$ = $1; } | map_element { $$ = $1; } | map_files_list { $$ = $1; } ; map_element : '{' map_fields_seq '}' { $$ = mi_api_map_element_end(); } ; map_fields_seq : map_fields_seq ',' map_field_value_seq { $$ = mi_api_map_field_end(); } | map_field_value_seq { $$ = mi_api_map_field_end(); } ; map_field_value_seq : map_field_value_seq map_field_value { $$ = $1; } | map_field_value { $$ = $1; } ; map_field_value : T_INTEGER { int value = $1; $$ = mi_api_map_value(miTYPE_INTEGER, &value); } | T_FLOAT { float value = $1; $$ = mi_api_map_value(miTYPE_SCALAR, &value); } ; map_files_list : '[' ']' { $$ = 0; } | '[' map_files_seq ']' { $$ = $2; } ; map_files_seq : map_files_seq ',' map_file { $$ = $1; } | map_file { $$ = $1; } ; map_file : T_STRING { $$ = mi_api_map_file($1); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * user data *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ userdata : DATA symbol data_label T_INTEGER { curr_data = mi_api_data_begin($2, 0, (void *)(miIntptr)$4); curr_data->label = label; } '[' data_bytes_list ']' { mi_api_data_end(); } | DATA symbol data_label symbol { curr_data = mi_api_data_begin($2, 1, (void *)(miIntptr)$4); curr_data->label = label; mi_api_data_end(); } | DATA symbol data_label symbol '(' { mi_api_function_call($4); } parameter_seq comma_rparen { tag = mi_api_function_call_end(0); curr_data = mi_api_data_begin($2, 2, (void *)(miIntptr)tag); curr_data->label = label; mi_api_data_end(); } ; data_label : { label = 0; } | TAG T_INTEGER { label = $2; } ; data_bytes_list : | data_bytes_list T_BYTE_STRING { mi_api_data_byte_copy($2.len, $2.bytes); } ; data_decl : DATA T_STRING parm_decl_list { curr_decl = mi_api_funcdecl_begin(0, $2, $3); if (curr_decl) curr_decl->type = miFUNCTION_DATA; } data_decl_req END DECLARE { if (curr_decl) mi_api_funcdecl_end(); } ; data_decl_req : | gui | VERSION T_INTEGER { if (curr_decl) curr_decl->version = $2; } | APPLY apply_list { if (curr_decl) curr_decl->apply = $2; } ; data : DATA symbol { *curr_datatag = mi_api_data_append(*curr_datatag, mi_api_data_lookup($2)); } | DATA NULL_ { *curr_datatag = 0; } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * phenomenon declaration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ phenomenon_decl : PHENOMENON shret_type T_STRING parm_decl_list { curr_decl = mi_api_phen_begin($2, $3, $4); if (!curr_decl) { memset(&dummy_decl, 0, sizeof(dummy_decl)); curr_decl = &dummy_decl; } } phen_body_list END DECLARE { mi_api_phen_end(); } ; phen_body_list : | phen_body_list phen_body ; phen_body : SHADER symbol function_list { mi_api_shader_add($2, $3); } | material | light | instance | declare_req | ROOT phen_root { if (curr_decl->phen.root) mi_api_error("multiple roots not allowed"); else curr_decl->phen.root = $2; } | OUTPUT function { curr_decl->phen.output = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.output, mi_api_output_function_def(0, 0, $2)); } | OUTPUT T_STRING function { mi_api_output_type_identify(&tbm, &ibm, $2); curr_decl->phen.output = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.output, mi_api_output_function_def(tbm, ibm, $3)); } | LENS function_list { curr_decl->phen.lens = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.lens, $2); } | VOLUME function_list { curr_decl->phen.volume = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.volume, $2); } | ENVIRONMENT function_list { curr_decl->phen.environment = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.environment, $2); } | GEOMETRY function_list { curr_decl->phen.geometry = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.geometry, $2);} | CONTOUR STORE function { curr_decl->phen.contour_store = $3; } | CONTOUR CONTRAST function { curr_decl->phen.contour_contrast = $3; } | OUTPUT PRIORITY T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.output_seqnr = $3; } | LENS PRIORITY T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.lens_seqnr = $3; } | VOLUME PRIORITY T_INTEGER { curr_decl->phen.volume_seqnr = $3; } ; phen_root : MATERIAL symbol { if (*curr_decl->declaration != 'm') { mi_api_error("not a material phenomenon"); $$ = 0; } else $$ = mi_api_material_lookup($2); } | LIGHT symbol { if (*curr_decl->declaration != 'l') { mi_api_error("not a light phenomenon"); $$ = 0; } else $$ = mi_api_light_lookup($2); } | function_list { $$ = 0; if (*curr_decl->declaration == 'm') mi_api_error("must use ``root material''"); else if (*curr_decl->declaration == 'l') mi_api_error("must use ``root light''"); else $$ = mi_api_function_append( curr_decl->phen.root, $1); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * texture *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ texture : { pyramid_filter = 0.; curr_cprof = 0; } tex_flags tex_type TEXTURE symbol colorspace_set { functag = mi_api_texture_begin($5, $3, $2); mi_api_texture_set_colorprofile($6); mi_api_texture_set_filter(pyramid_filter); } tex_data { if (pyramid_filter > 0. && functag && (mi_db_type(functag) != miSCENE_IMAGE)) { mi_api_nwarning(42, "cannot filter shaders"); } mi_api_texture_end(); functag = 0; } ; tex_flags : { $$ = 0; } | tex_flag tex_flags { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; tex_flag : LOCAL { $$ = 1; } | FILTER { pyramid_filter = 1.; $$ = 2; } | FILTER floating { pyramid_filter = $2; $$ = (pyramid_filter > 0.) ? 2 : 0; } | WRITABLE { $$ = 4; } ; tex_type : COLOR { $$ = 0; } | SCALAR { $$ = 1; } | VECTOR { $$ = 2; } ; tex_data : '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_array_def_begin($2, $3, 1); } tex_bytes_list { functag = mi_api_texture_array_def_end(); } | '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_array_def_begin($2, $3, $4); } tex_bytes_list { functag = mi_api_texture_array_def_end(); } | tex_func_list { functag = mi_api_texture_function_def($1); } | T_STRING { functag = mi_api_texture_file_def($1); } | T_STRING '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_file_size($3, $4, 1, miIMG_TYPE_ANY); functag = mi_api_texture_file_def($1); } | T_STRING '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_file_size($3, $4, $5, miIMG_TYPE_ANY); functag = mi_api_texture_file_def($1); } | T_STRING T_STRING '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_file_size($4, $5, 0, mi_api_texture_type_identify($2)); functag = mi_api_texture_file_def($1); } | T_STRING T_STRING T_STRING '[' T_INTEGER T_INTEGER ']' { mi_api_texture_file_size($5, $6, 0, mi_api_texture_type_identify($2)); functag = mi_api_texture_fileext_def($1, $3); } ; tex_func_list : function { $$ = $1; } | function tex_func_list { $$ = mi_api_function_append($1, $2); } ; tex_bytes_list : | tex_bytes_list T_BYTE_STRING { mi_api_texture_byte_copy($2.len, $2.bytes); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * light profiles *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ profile_data : LIGHTPROFILE symbol { lprof = mi_api_lightprofile_begin($2); } lprof_ops END LIGHTPROFILE { mi_api_lightprofile_end(); } ; lprof_ops : lprof_ops lprof_op | ; lprof_op : FORMAT IES { lprof->format = miLP_STD_IES; } | FORMAT EULUMDAT { lprof->format = miLP_STD_EULUMDAT; } | FLAGS T_INTEGER { lprof->flags = $2; } | FILE_ T_STRING { char* fn = (char*) mi_scene_create(&lprof->filename, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($2)+1); strcpy(fn, $2); mi_api_release($2); mi_scene_edit_end(lprof->filename); } | HERMITE T_INTEGER { lprof->base = miLP_BASIS_HERMITE; lprof->quality = $2; } | RESOLUTION T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { lprof->n_horz_angles = $2; lprof->n_vert_angles = $3; } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * color profiles *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ cprof : COLORPROFILE symbol { cprof = mi_api_colorprofile_begin($2); } cprof_ops END COLORPROFILE { mi_api_colorprofile_end(); } ; cprof_ops : cprof_ops cprof_op | ; cprof_op : COLOR SPACE T_STRING { cprof->space = mi_api_colorprofile_space($3); } | TRANSFORM floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating floating { if((cprof->space & miCPROF_SPACEMASK ) == miCPROF_CUSTOM) { miMatrix mat; cprof->space |= miCPROF_CID_NOT_ENOUGH; mat[0] = $2; mat[1] = $3; mat[2] = $4; mat[3] = 0; mat[4] = $5; mat[5] = $6; mat[6] = $7; mat[7] = 0; mat[8] = $8; mat[9] = $9; mat[10] = $10; mat[11] = 0; mat[12] = 0; mat[13] = 0; mat[14] = 0; mat[15] = 1; mi_api_colorprofile_custom(cprof, mat); } } | SPECTRUM { cprof->space = miCPROF_SPECTRUM; mi_api_colorprofile_gamma(0.0f, 0.0f, miFALSE); } | WHITE floating floating { /* white point chroma (x,y), intensity 1 lumen */ cprof->white_adapt = miTRUE; cprof->white.r = $2/$3; cprof->white.g = 1.0f; cprof->white.b = (1.0f-$2-$3)/$3; mi_colorprofile_ciexyz_to_internal(&cprof->white); } | WHITE floating floating floating { /* CIE XYZ coords of the white point */ cprof->white_adapt = miTRUE; cprof->white.r = $2; cprof->white.g = $3; cprof->white.b = $4; mi_colorprofile_ciexyz_to_internal(&cprof->white); } | WHITE D T_INTEGER { cprof->white_adapt = miTRUE; mi_api_colorprofile_white(&cprof->white, $3, 1.0f); } | WHITE D T_INTEGER floating { cprof->white_adapt = miTRUE; mi_api_colorprofile_white(&cprof->white, $3, $4); } | WHITE boolean { cprof->white_adapt = $2; } | GAMMA floating { mi_api_colorprofile_gamma($2, 0, miFALSE); } | GAMMA floating floating { mi_api_colorprofile_gamma($2, $3, miFALSE); } | GAMMA floating floating boolean { mi_api_colorprofile_gamma($2, $3, $4); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * light spectra *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ spectrum_data : SPECTRUM symbol { mi_api_spectrum_begin($2); } spectrum_scalars END SPECTRUM { mi_api_spectrum_end(); } ; spectrum_scalars : | spectrum_scalars floating floating { mi_api_spectrum_pair_add($2, $3); } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * light *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ light : LIGHT symbol { curr_light = mi_api_light_begin($2); light_map = 0; } light_ops END LIGHT { /* 0x26 equals 100110 in binary. We want to select * only the bits that identify the light type, that * is, the bits that tell whether we have an origin, * a direction and a spread value. */ switch (light_map & 0x26) { case 0: /* if nothing is defined, default to * a point light */ case 2: /* origin only: point light */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_ORIGIN; break; case 4: /* direction only: directional light */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_DIRECTION; break; case 6: /* origin and direction, no spread: * directional light with origin */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_DIRECTION; curr_light->dirlight_has_org = miTRUE; break; case 32: /* spread only: point light */ case 34: /* origin and spread, no direction: * point light */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_ORIGIN; break; case 36: /* direction and spread, no origin: * directional light */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_DIRECTION; break; case 38: /* origin, direction and spread: * spot light */ curr_light->type = miLIGHT_SPOT; break; } mi_api_light_end(); } ; light_ops : | light_op light_ops ; light_op : function { if (!(light_map & 1)) mi_api_function_delete(&curr_light->shader); light_map |= 1; curr_light->shader = mi_api_function_append( curr_light->shader, $1); } | EMITTER function { if (!(light_map & 8)) mi_api_function_delete(&curr_light->emitter); light_map |= 8; curr_light->emitter = mi_api_function_append( curr_light->emitter, $2); } /* hardware_begin */ | HARDWARE function { if (!(light_map & 16)) mi_api_function_delete(&curr_light->hardware); light_map |= 16; curr_light->hardware = mi_api_function_append( curr_light->hardware, $2); } /* hardware_end */ | SHADOWMAP { curr_light->use_shadow_maps = miTRUE; curr_light->shadowmap_flags = 0; } | SHADOWMAP DETAIL { curr_light->use_shadow_maps = miTRUE; curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_DETAIL; } | SHADOWMAP DETAIL SAMPLES T_INTEGER { curr_light->shmap.samples = $4; } | SHADOWMAP MERGE { curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_MERGE; } | SHADOWMAP MERGE boolean { if ($3) curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_MERGE; else curr_light->shadowmap_flags &=~miSHADOWMAP_MERGE; } | SHADOWMAP TRACE { curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_TRACE; } | SHADOWMAP TRACE boolean { if ($3) curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_TRACE; else curr_light->shadowmap_flags &=~miSHADOWMAP_TRACE; } | SHADOWMAP WINDOW floating floating floating floating { curr_light->shadowmap_flags |= miSHADOWMAP_CROP; curr_light->shmap_h_min = (short)miFLOOR($3 * SHRT_MAX); curr_light->shmap_v_min = (short)miFLOOR($4 * SHRT_MAX); curr_light->shmap_h_max = (short)miFLOOR($5 * SHRT_MAX); curr_light->shmap_v_max = (short)miFLOOR($6 * SHRT_MAX);} | SHADOWMAP boolean { curr_light->use_shadow_maps = $2; curr_light->shadowmap_flags = 0; } | SHADOWMAP CAMERA symbol { mi_api_light_shmap_camera($3); } | SHADOWMAP BIAS floating { curr_light->shadowmap_bias = $3; } | ORIGIN vector { curr_light->origin = $2; light_map |= 2; } | DIRECTION vector { curr_light->direction = $2; mi_vector_normalize(&curr_light->direction); light_map |= 4; } | ENERGY colorspace_set color { mi_api_colorprofile_to_renderspace( &$3, $2, $3.r, $3.g, $3.b); curr_light->energy = $3; } | ENERGY SPECTRUM symbol { curr_light->emitter_spectrum = mi_api_name_lookup($3);} | EXPONENT floating { curr_light->exponent = $2; } | CAUSTIC PHOTONS T_INTEGER { curr_light->caustic_store_photons = $3; curr_light->caustic_emit_photons = 0; } | CAUSTIC PHOTONS T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_light->caustic_store_photons = $3; curr_light->caustic_emit_photons = $4; } | GLOBILLUM PHOTONS T_INTEGER { curr_light->global_store_photons = $3; curr_light->global_emit_photons = 0; } | GLOBILLUM PHOTONS T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_light->global_store_photons = $3; curr_light->global_emit_photons = $4; } | PHOTONS ONLY boolean { curr_light->photons_only = $3; } | RECTANGLE vector vector light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_RECTANGLE; curr_light->primitive.rectangle.edge_u = $2; curr_light->primitive.rectangle.edge_v = $3; } | DISC vector floating light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_DISC; curr_light->primitive.disc.normal = $2; curr_light->primitive.disc.radius = $3; } | SPHERE floating light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_SPHERE; curr_light->primitive.sphere.radius = $2; } | CYLINDER vector floating light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_CYLINDER; curr_light->primitive.cylinder.axis = $2; curr_light->primitive.cylinder.radius = $3; } | OBJECT symbol light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_OBJECT; curr_light->primitive.object.object = mi_api_name_lookup($2); } | USER light_samples { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_USER; } | RECTANGLE { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_NONE; } | DISC { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_NONE; } | SPHERE { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_NONE; } | CYLINDER { curr_light->area = miLIGHT_NONE; } | SPREAD floating { curr_light->spread = $2; light_map |= 32; } | SHADOWMAP RESOLUTION T_INTEGER { curr_light->shadowmap_resolution = $3; } | SHADOWMAP SOFTNESS floating { curr_light->shadowmap_softness = $3; } | SHADOWMAP SAMPLES T_INTEGER { curr_light->shadowmap_samples = $3; } | SHADOWMAP FILTER filter_type { curr_light->shmap.filter = $3; curr_light->shmap.filter_u = curr_light->shmap.filter_v = 0.0; } | SHADOWMAP FILTER filter_type floating { curr_light->shmap.filter = $3; curr_light->shmap.filter_u = curr_light->shmap.filter_v = $4; } | SHADOWMAP FILTER filter_type floating floating { curr_light->shmap.filter = $3; curr_light->shmap.filter_u = $4; curr_light->shmap.filter_v = $5; } | SHADOWMAP ACCURACY floating { curr_light->shmap.accuracy = $3; } | SHADOWMAP ALPHA { curr_light->shmap.type = 'a'; } | SHADOWMAP COLOR { curr_light->shmap.type = 'c'; } | SHADOWMAP FILE_ T_STRING { mi_scene_delete(curr_light->shadowmap_file); strcpy((char *)mi_scene_create( &curr_light->shadowmap_file, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($3)+1), $3); mi_db_unpin(curr_light->shadowmap_file); mi_api_release($3); } | LIGHTPROFILE T_STRING { if (strcmp($2, "Lambertian")) { curr_light->lightprofile = mi_api_lightprofile_lookup($2); if (curr_light->lightprofile) { curr_light->use_lprof = miTRUE; } } else { curr_light->use_lprof = miTRUE; } } | VISIBLE { curr_light->visible = miTRUE; } | VISIBLE boolean { curr_light->visible = $2; } | TAG T_INTEGER { curr_light->label = $2; } | { curr_datatag = &curr_light->userdata; } data | dummy_attribute ; light_samples : | T_INTEGER { curr_light->samples_u = $1; curr_light->samples_v = 1; } | T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_light->samples_u = $1; curr_light->samples_v = $2; } | T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_light->samples_u = $1; curr_light->samples_v = $2; curr_light->low_level = $3; } | T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_light->samples_u = $1; curr_light->samples_v = $2; curr_light->low_level = $3; curr_light->low_samples_u = $4; curr_light->low_samples_v = $5; } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * material *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ material : MATERIAL symbol { curr_mtl = mi_api_material_begin($2); have_v = have_e = have_p = 0; } mtl_flags mtl_shader mtl_args END MATERIAL { mi_api_material_end(); } ; mtl_shader : | function_list { curr_mtl->shader = $1; } ; mtl_flags : | mtl_flag mtl_flags ; mtl_flag : NOCONTOUR { mi_api_warning( "obsolete \"nocontour\" flag ignored"); } | OPAQUE_ { curr_mtl->opaque = miTRUE; } | dummy_attribute ; mtl_args : | mtl_arg mtl_args ; mtl_arg : DISPLACE { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->displace); } | DISPLACE { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->displace); } function_list { curr_mtl->displace = $3; } | SHADOW { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->shadow); } | SHADOW { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->shadow); } function_list { curr_mtl->shadow = $3; } | VOLUME { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->volume); } | VOLUME { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->volume); } function_list { curr_mtl->volume = $3; } | ENVIRONMENT { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->environment); } | ENVIRONMENT { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->environment); } function_list { curr_mtl->environment = $3; } | CONTOUR { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->contour); } | CONTOUR { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->contour); } function_list { curr_mtl->contour = $3; } | PHOTON { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->photon); } | PHOTON { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->photon); } function_list { curr_mtl->photon = $3; } | PHOTONVOL { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->photonvol); } | PHOTONVOL { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->photonvol); } function_list { curr_mtl->photonvol = $3; } | LIGHTMAP { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->lightmap); } | LIGHTMAP { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->lightmap); } function_list { curr_mtl->lightmap = $3; } | BSDF { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->bsdf); } | BSDF { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->bsdf); } function_list { curr_mtl->bsdf = $3; } /* hardware_begin */ | HARDWARE { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->hardware); } | HARDWARE { mi_api_function_delete(&curr_mtl->hardware); } function_list { curr_mtl->hardware = $3; } /* hardware_end */ ; /* smallparser_begin */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * object *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ object : OBJECT { mi_get_filepos(&filepos, &filename); filepos-=7; } opt_symbol { if (mi_reload_parsing()) { mi_api_incremental(miTRUE); curr_obj = mi_api_object_begin($3); } else { curr_obj = mi_api_object_begin_r( $3, mi_api_strdup(filename), filepos); } } obj_flags object_body END OBJECT { mi_api_object_end(); mi_end_object(); } ; obj_flags : | obj_flags obj_flag ; obj_flag : VISIBLE { curr_obj->visible = miTRUE; } | VISIBLE boolean { curr_obj->visible = $2; } | SHADOW { curr_obj->shadow = 0x03; } | SHADOW boolean { curr_obj->shadow = $2 ? 0x03 : 0x02; } | SHADOW T_INTEGER { curr_obj->shadow = ($2 & 0x03); } | SHADOWMAP { curr_obj->shadowmap = miTRUE; } | SHADOWMAP boolean { curr_obj->shadowmap = $2; } | TRACE { curr_obj->reflection = curr_obj->refraction = curr_obj->finalgather = 0x03; } | TRACE boolean { curr_obj->reflection = curr_obj->refraction = curr_obj->finalgather = $2 ? 0x03 : 0x02; } | REFLECTION T_INTEGER { curr_obj->reflection = ($2 & 0x03); } | REFRACTION T_INTEGER { curr_obj->refraction = ($2 & 0x03); } | TRANSPARENCY T_INTEGER { curr_obj->transparency = ($2 & 0x03); } | FACE FRONT { curr_obj->face = 'f'; } | FACE BACK { curr_obj->face = 'b'; } | FACE BOTH { curr_obj->face = 'a'; } | SELECT { curr_obj->select = miTRUE; } | SELECT boolean { curr_obj->select = $2; } | TAGGED { curr_obj->mtl_is_label = miTRUE; } | TAGGED boolean { curr_obj->mtl_is_label = $2; } | CAUSTIC { curr_obj->caustic |= 3; } | CAUSTIC boolean { curr_obj->caustic &= 0x03; if (!$2) curr_obj->caustic |= 0x10; } | CAUSTIC T_INTEGER { curr_obj->caustic &= 0x10; curr_obj->caustic |= ($2 & 0x03); } | GLOBILLUM { curr_obj->globillum |= 3; } | GLOBILLUM boolean { curr_obj->globillum &= 0x03; if (!$2) curr_obj->globillum |= 0x10; } | GLOBILLUM T_INTEGER { curr_obj->globillum &= 0x10; curr_obj->globillum |= ($2 & 0x03); } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ { mi_scene_delete(curr_obj->photonmap_file); curr_obj->photonmap_file = miNULLTAG; } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ OFF { mi_scene_delete(curr_obj->photonmap_file); curr_obj->photonmap_file = miNULLTAG; } | PHOTONMAP FILE_ T_STRING { mi_scene_delete(curr_obj->photonmap_file); if (($3)[0]) { strcpy((char *)mi_scene_create( &curr_obj->photonmap_file, miSCENE_STRING, strlen($3)+1), $3); mi_scene_edit_end(curr_obj->photonmap_file); } else { curr_obj->photonmap_file = miNULLTAG; } mi_api_release($3); } | FINALGATHER boolean { curr_obj->finalgather &= 0x03; if (!$2) curr_obj->finalgather |= 0x10; } | FINALGATHER T_INTEGER { curr_obj->finalgather &= 0x10; curr_obj->finalgather |= ($2 & 0x03); } | FINALGATHER FILE_ map_list { mi_api_taglist_reset(&curr_obj->finalgather_file, $3); } /* hardware_begin */ | SHADING SAMPLES floating { curr_obj->shading_samples = $3; } | HARDWARE { curr_obj->hardware = miTRUE; } | HARDWARE boolean { curr_obj->hardware = $2; } /* hardware_end */ | TAG T_INTEGER { curr_obj->label = $2; } | { curr_datatag = &curr_obj->userdata; } data | transform { mi_api_object_matrix($1); } | MAX_ DISPLACE floating { curr_obj->maxdisplace = $3; } | RAY_ OFFSET floating {curr_obj->ray_offset = $3; } | BOX vector vector { curr_obj->bbox_min = $2; curr_obj->bbox_max = $3; } | BOX { curr_obj->bbox_min = nullvec; curr_obj->bbox_max = nullvec; } | MOTION BOX vector vector { curr_obj->bbox_min_m = $3; curr_obj->bbox_max_m = $4; } | MOTION BOX { curr_obj->bbox_min_m = nullvec; curr_obj->bbox_max_m = nullvec; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER { curr_obj->min_samples = $2-2; curr_obj->max_samples = $2; } | SAMPLES T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { curr_obj->min_samples = $2; curr_obj->max_samples = $3;} | TRIANGLE ESTIMATE T_INTEGER { curr_obj->tri_est = $3; } | VOLUME GROUP T_INTEGER { curr_obj->volume_id = $3; } | dummy_attribute ; object_body : bases_and_groups | FILE_ T_STRING { mi_api_object_file($2); } | hair_object | trilist_object | isect_object ; bases_and_groups: | basis bases_and_groups | group bases_and_groups ; basis : BASIS symbol rational MATRIX T_INTEGER T_INTEGER basis_matrix { mi_api_basis_add($2, $3, miBASIS_MATRIX, $5,$6,$7); } | BASIS symbol rational BEZIER T_INTEGER { mi_api_basis_add($2, $3, miBASIS_BEZIER, $5, 0, 0); } | BASIS symbol rational TAYLOR T_INTEGER { mi_api_basis_add($2, $3, miBASIS_TAYLOR, $5, 0, 0); } | BASIS symbol rational BSPLINE T_INTEGER { mi_api_basis_add($2, $3, miBASIS_BSPLINE, $5, 0, 0);} | BASIS symbol rational CARDINAL { mi_api_basis_add($2, $3, miBASIS_CARDINAL, 3, 0, 0);} ; rational : { $$ = miFALSE; } | RATIONAL { $$ = miTRUE; } ; basis_matrix : { $$ = mi_api_dlist_create(miDLIST_GEOSCALAR); } | basis_matrix floating { miGeoScalar s=$2; mi_api_dlist_add($1, &s); $$=$1; } ; group : GROUP opt_symbol merge_option { mi_api_object_group_begin($3); mi_api_release($2); } vector_list vertex_list geometry_list END GROUP { mi_api_object_group_end(); } ; merge_option : { $$ = 0.0; } | MERGE floating { $$ = $2; } ; vector_list : | vector_list geovector { mi_api_geovector_xyz_add(&$2); } ; vertex_list : | vertex_list vertex ; vertex : V_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_add($2); } n_vector d_vector t_vector_list m_vector_list u_vector_list vertex_flag ; n_vector : | N T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_normal_add($2); } ; d_vector : | D T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_deriv_add($2, $3); } | D T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_deriv2_add($2, $3, $4); } | D T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_deriv_add($2, $3); mi_api_vertex_deriv2_add($4, $5, $6); } ; m_vector_list : | m_vector_list M T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_motion_add($3); } ; t_vector_list : | t_vector_list T_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_tex_add($3, -1, -1); } | t_vector_list T_ T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_tex_add($3, $4, $5); } ; u_vector_list : | u_vector_list U_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_user_add($3); } ; vertex_flag : | CUSP { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CUSP, 0, 1.f); } | CUSP LEVEL T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CUSP, $3, 1.f); } | CONIC { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CONIC, 0, 1.f); } | CONIC LEVEL T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CONIC, $3, 1.f); } | CORNER { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CORNER, 0, 1.f); } | CORNER LEVEL T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_CORNER, $3, 1.f); } | DART { mi_api_vertex_flags_add(miAPI_V_DART, 0, 0.f); } ; geometry_list : | geometry_list geometry ; geometry : polygon | curve | spacecurve | surface | subdivsurf | ccmesh | connection | approximation ; /* polygons */ polygon : CP opt_symbol { mi_api_poly_begin(1, $2); } poly_indices { mi_api_poly_end(); } | P_ opt_symbol { mi_api_poly_begin(0, $2); } poly_indices { mi_api_poly_end(); } | STRIP opt_symbol { mi_api_poly_begin(2, $2); } strip_indices { mi_api_poly_end(); } | FAN opt_symbol { mi_api_poly_begin(3, $2); } strip_indices { mi_api_poly_end(); } ; poly_indices : | T_INTEGER { mi_api_poly_index_add($1); } poly_indices | HOLE { mi_api_poly_hole_add(); } poly_indices ; strip_indices : | T_INTEGER { mi_api_poly_index_add($1); } strip_indices ; h_vertex_ref_seq: h_vertex_ref | h_vertex_ref_seq h_vertex_ref ; h_vertex_ref : T_INTEGER { mi_api_vertex_ref_add($1, (double)1.0); } | T_INTEGER T_FLOAT { mi_api_vertex_ref_add($1, $2); } | T_INTEGER W_ floating { mi_api_vertex_ref_add($1, $3); } ; para_list : T_FLOAT { miDlist *dlp = mi_api_dlist_create_x(miDLIST_GEOSCALAR,128); miGeoScalar s = $1; /* $1 is a double */ mi_api_dlist_add(dlp, &s); $$ = dlp; } | para_list T_FLOAT { miGeoScalar s = $2; /* $2 is a double */ mi_api_dlist_add($1, &s); $$ = $1; } ; /* curves and space curves */ curve : CURVE symbol rational symbol { mi_api_curve_begin($2, $4, $3); } para_list h_vertex_ref_seq curve_spec { mi_api_curve_end($6); } ; curve_spec : | SPECIAL curve_special_list ; curve_special_list : curve_special | curve_special_list curve_special ; curve_special : T_INTEGER { mi_api_curve_specpnt($1, -1); } | T_INTEGER MAPSTO T_INTEGER { mi_api_curve_specpnt($1, $3); } ; spacecurve : SPACE CURVE symbol { mi_api_spacecurve_begin($3); } spcurve_list { mi_api_spacecurve_end(); } ; spcurve_list : symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $2; r.max = $3; mi_api_spacecurve_curveseg(miTRUE, $1, &r); } | spcurve_list symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $3; r.max = $4; mi_api_spacecurve_curveseg(miFALSE, $2, &r); } ; /* free-form surfaces */ surface : SURFACE symbol mtl_or_label { mi_api_surface_begin($2, $3); } rational symbol floating floating para_list { mi_api_surface_params(miU, $6, $7, $8, $9, $5); } rational symbol floating floating para_list { mi_api_surface_params(miV, $12, $13, $14, $15, $11);} h_vertex_ref_seq tex_surf_list surf_spec_list { mi_api_surface_end(); } ; mtl_or_label : symbol { $$ = $1; } | T_INTEGER { $$ = (char *)(miIntptr)$1; } ; tex_surf_list : | tex_surf_list tex_surf ; tex_surf : opt_volume_flag opt_vector_flag TEXTURE rational symbol para_list rational symbol para_list { mi_api_surface_texture_begin( $1, $2, $5, $6, $4, $8, $9, $7); } h_vertex_ref_seq | DERIVATIVE { mi_api_surface_derivative(1); } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER { mi_api_surface_derivative($2); } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_surface_derivative($2); mi_api_surface_derivative($3); } ; opt_volume_flag : { $$ = miFALSE; } | VOLUME { $$ = miTRUE; } ; opt_vector_flag : { $$ = miFALSE; } | VECTOR { $$ = miTRUE; } ; surf_spec_list : | surf_spec_list surf_spec ; surf_spec : TRIM trim_spec_list | HOLE hole_spec_list | SPECIAL { newloop = miTRUE; } special_spec_list ; trim_spec_list : symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $2; r.max = $3; mi_api_surface_curveseg(miTRUE, miCURVE_TRIM,$1,&r);} | trim_spec_list symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $3; r.max = $4; mi_api_surface_curveseg(miFALSE,miCURVE_TRIM,$2,&r);} ; hole_spec_list : symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $2; r.max = $3; mi_api_surface_curveseg(miTRUE,miCURVE_HOLE,$1,&r); } | hole_spec_list symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $3; r.max = $4; mi_api_surface_curveseg(miFALSE,miCURVE_HOLE,$2,&r);} ; special_spec_list : special_spec | special_spec_list special_spec ; special_spec : T_INTEGER { mi_api_surface_specpnt($1, -1); } | T_INTEGER MAPSTO T_INTEGER { mi_api_surface_specpnt($1, $3); } | symbol floating floating { miGeoRange r; r.min = $2; r.max = $3; mi_api_surface_curveseg(newloop, miCURVE_SPECIAL, $1, &r); newloop = miFALSE; } ; connection : CONNECT symbol symbol floating floating symbol symbol floating floating { miGeoRange c1, c2; c1.min = $4; c1.max = $5; c2.min = $8; c2.max = $9; mi_api_object_group_connection($2,$3,&c1,$6,$7,&c2);} ; /* subdivision surfaces */ subdivsurf : SUBDIVISION SURFACE { memset(&subdiv_opt, 0, sizeof(subdiv_opt)); } sds_surf sds_base_faces derivatives END SUBDIVISION SURFACE { mi_api_subdivsurf_end(); } ; sds_surf : symbol sds_specs { mi_api_subdivsurf_begin_x($1, &subdiv_opt); } sds_specs : | sds_specs sds_spec ; sds_spec : POLYGON T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { subdiv_opt.no_basetris = $2; subdiv_opt.no_hiratris = $3; subdiv_opt.no_basequads = $4; subdiv_opt.no_hiraquads = $5; subdiv_opt.no_vertices = 0; } | TEXTURE SPACE { texspace_idx = 0; } '[' texspace ']' { mi_api_subdivsurf_texspace(subdiv_texspace, texspace_idx); } ; texspace : FACE texspace_nxt { subdiv_texspace[texspace_idx++].face = miTRUE; } | SUBDIVISION texspace_nxt { subdiv_texspace[texspace_idx++].face = miFALSE; } ; texspace_nxt : | ',' | ',' texspace ; derivatives : | derivatives derivative ; derivative : DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_derivative($2, 0); } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER SPACE T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_derivative($2, $4); } ; sds_base_faces : | sds_base_faces sds_base_face ; sds_base_face : P_ opt_symbol sds_indices { mi_api_subdivsurf_baseface(); mi_api_subdivsurf_mtl(-1, $2); } base_data ; base_data : | base_spec base_data ; base_spec : '{' { mi_api_subdivsurf_push(); mi_api_subdivsurf_subdivide(-1); } hira_data '}' { mi_api_subdivsurf_pop(); } | CREASE T_INTEGER sds_creaseflags { mi_api_subdivsurf_crease(-1, $2); } | TRIM T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_trim(-1, $2); } ; hira_data : | hira_spec hira_data ; hira_spec : MATERIAL T_INTEGER symbol { mi_api_subdivsurf_mtl($2, $3); } | MATERIAL T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_mtl_tag($2, $3); } | DETAIL T_INTEGER sds_indices { mi_api_subdivsurf_detail($2); } | CREASE T_INTEGER T_INTEGER sds_creaseflags { mi_api_subdivsurf_crease($2, $3); } | TRIM T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_trim($2, $3); } | CHILD T_INTEGER '{' { mi_api_subdivsurf_push(); mi_api_subdivsurf_subdivide($2); } hira_data '}' { mi_api_subdivsurf_pop(); } ; sds_indices : | T_INTEGER { mi_api_subdivsurf_index($1); } sds_indices ; sds_creaseflags : | floating { mi_api_subdivsurf_crease_edge($1); } sds_creaseflags ; /* ccmesh surfaces */ ccmesh : CCMESH symbol POLYGON T_INTEGER VERTEX T_INTEGER { miApi_ccmesh_options opt; opt.no_polygons = $4; opt.no_vertices = $6; mi_api_ccmesh_begin($2, &opt); ccmesh_nvtx = 0; ccmesh_ncrease = 0; ccmesh_mtl = 0; ccmesh_needslabel = curr_obj->mtl_is_label; } ccmesh_polys ccmesh_derivs END CCMESH { mi_api_ccmesh_end(); ccmesh_mtl = 0; } ; ccmesh_polys : P_ symbol ccmesh_vertices { ccmesh_mtl = mi_api_material_lookup($2); mi_api_ccmesh_polygon(ccmesh_nvtx, ctx->ccmesh_vtx, ccmesh_mtl); ccmesh_nvtx = 0; } ccmesh_crease ccmesh_sym | P_ { ccmesh_label = ccmesh_needslabel; } ccmesh_vertices { mi_api_ccmesh_polygon(ccmesh_nvtx, ctx->ccmesh_vtx, ccmesh_mtl); ccmesh_nvtx = 0; } ccmesh_crease ccmesh_nosym ; ccmesh_sym : | ccmesh_sym P_ opt_symbol ccmesh_vertices { if ($3) ccmesh_mtl = mi_api_material_lookup($3); mi_api_ccmesh_polygon(ccmesh_nvtx, ctx->ccmesh_vtx, ccmesh_mtl); ccmesh_nvtx = 0; } ccmesh_crease ; ccmesh_nosym : | ccmesh_nosym P_ { ccmesh_label = ccmesh_needslabel; } ccmesh_vertices { mi_api_ccmesh_polygon(ccmesh_nvtx, ctx->ccmesh_vtx, ccmesh_mtl); ccmesh_nvtx = 0; } ccmesh_crease ; ccmesh_vertices : | ccmesh_vertices T_INTEGER { if (ccmesh_label) { ccmesh_mtl = $2; ccmesh_label = miFALSE; } else { if (ccmesh_nvtx+1 > ctx->ccmesh_vtx_size) { ctx->ccmesh_vtx_size = ctx->ccmesh_vtx_size * 3 / 2; ctx->ccmesh_vtx = (miUint*) mi_api_reallocate( ctx->ccmesh_vtx, sizeof(miUint) * ctx->ccmesh_vtx_size); } ctx->ccmesh_vtx[ccmesh_nvtx++] = $2; } } ; ccmesh_crease : | CREASE ccmesh_cvalues { mi_api_ccmesh_crease(ctx->ccmesh_crease); ccmesh_ncrease = 0; } ; ccmesh_cvalues : | ccmesh_cvalues floating { if (ccmesh_ncrease+1 > ctx->ccmesh_crease_size) { ctx->ccmesh_crease_size = ctx->ccmesh_crease_size * 3 / 2; ctx->ccmesh_crease = (miScalar*) mi_api_reallocate( ctx->ccmesh_crease, sizeof(miScalar) * ctx->ccmesh_crease_size); } ctx->ccmesh_crease[ccmesh_ncrease++] = $2; } ; ccmesh_derivs : | ccmesh_derivs ccmesh_deriv ; ccmesh_deriv : DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER { mi_api_ccmesh_derivative($2, 0); } | DERIVATIVE T_INTEGER SPACE T_INTEGER { mi_api_ccmesh_derivative($2, $4); } ; /* hairs */ hair_object : HAIR { hair = mi_api_hair_begin(); hair_approx_int = miFALSE; miAPPROX_DEFAULT(hair->approx); miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } hair_options { if (hair_approx_int) hair->approx.cnst[0] /= miScalar(hair->degree); } SCALAR '[' T_INTEGER ']' { hair_index = 0; hair_scalars = mi_api_hair_scalars_begin($7); } hair_scalars { mi_api_hair_scalars_end(hair_index); } HAIR '[' T_INTEGER ']' { hair_indices = mi_api_hair_hairs_begin($14); } hair_hairs { mi_api_hair_hairs_end(); mi_api_hair_end(); } END HAIR hair_options : hair_option hair_options | ; hair_option : MATERIAL symbol { hair->material = mi_api_material_lookup($2); } | RADIUS floating { hair->radius = $2; } | APPROXIMATE T_INTEGER { hair->approx.cnst[0] = $2; hair_approx_int = miTRUE; } | APPROXIMATE HAIR c_approx_tech { hair->approx = approx; } | DEGREE T_INTEGER { hair->degree = $2; } | MAX_ SIZE T_INTEGER { hair->space_max_size = $3; } | MAX_ DEPTH T_INTEGER { hair->space_max_depth = $3; } | HAIR N { mi_api_hair_info(0, 'n', 3); } | HAIR M T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(0, 'm', 3*$3); } | HAIR T_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(0, 't', $3); } | HAIR RADIUS { mi_api_hair_info(0, 'r', 1); } | HAIR U_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(0, 'u', $3); } | VERTEX N { mi_api_hair_info(1, 'n', 3); } | VERTEX M T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(1, 'm', 3*$3); } | VERTEX T_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(1, 't', $3); } | VERTEX RADIUS { mi_api_hair_info(1, 'r', 1); } | VERTEX U_ T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_info(1, 'u', $3); } ; hair_scalars : BINARY { ctx->read_integer = hair->no_scalars; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)hair_scalars; } T_VECTOR { hair_index = hair->no_scalars; } | hair_scalars_a ; hair_scalars_a : | hair_scalars_a floating { if (hair_index < hair->no_scalars) hair_scalars[hair_index] = $2; hair_index++; } ; hair_hairs : BINARY { ctx->read_integer = hair->no_hairs+1; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)hair_indices; } T_VECTOR | hair_hairs_a ; hair_hairs_a : | hair_hairs_a T_INTEGER { mi_api_hair_hairs_add($2); } ; /* trilists */ trilist_object : TRILIST { memset(&tlcont, 0, sizeof(tlcont)); tlcont.sizeof_vertex++; } VECTOR '[' T_INTEGER ']' VERTEX '[' T_INTEGER ']' P_ tl_specs TRIANGLE '[' T_INTEGER ']' { tlbox = mi_api_trilist_begin(&tlcont, $5, $9, $15); tlvec = tlbox->vectors; tlvert = miBOX_GET_VERTICES(tlbox); tlvec_idx = tlvert_idx = tl_ind = 0; tl_nvec = $5; tl_nvert = $9 * tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tl_nind = tlbox->mtl_is_label ? 4 : 3; } '[' tl_vectors ']' '[' tl_vertices ']' '[' tl_triangles ']' END TRILIST { mi_api_trilist_end(); } tl_approx | TRILIST VERTEX T_INTEGER P_ /* new in 3.4 */ { memset(&plinfo, 0, sizeof(plinfo)); plinfo.line_size = 3; pl_priminfosize = 0; pl_primdatasize = 0; } pl_specs TRIANGLE T_INTEGER pl_border pl_priminfo { miUint no_prims = $8 + $9; miUint no_plist = $9 ? 2 : 1; plbox = mi_api_primlist_begin_2(&plinfo, $3, no_plist, no_prims * 3, no_prims, /* no_materials */ pl_primdatasize,/* primdata_size */ pl_priminfosize,/* pd_info_size */ no_prims); if ($9) mi_api_primlist_border(1, $9); pllines = miBOX_VERTEX_LINES(plbox); plprims = miBOX_PRIMS(plbox); plmtls = miBOX_MATERIALS(plbox); pl_priminfo = miBOX_PD_INFO(plbox); pl_primdata = miBOX_PRIMDATA(plbox); *plprims++ = miSCENE_PRIMLIST_MAKE_CODE( miSCENE_PRIM_TRI, $8 * 3); mi_api_primlist_dimensions(pl_texo, pl_uso); tl_nind = plbox->mtl_is_label ? 4 : 3; tl_ind = 0; pl_no_prims = $8; } pl_lines pl_prims pl_borderprims pl_primdata pl_topology END TRILIST { miUint no_prims = $8 + $9; miUint no_plist = $9 ? 2 : 1; mi_api_primlist_end(); if (plprims != miBOX_PRIMS(plbox)+ no_prims*3+no_plist) mi_api_error("wrong number of triangles"); if (pllines != miBOX_VERTEX_LINES(plbox) + $3 * plinfo.line_size) mi_api_error("wrong number of scalars"); if (pl_priminfo != miBOX_PD_INFO(plbox) + pl_priminfosize) mi_api_error("wrong prim info size"); if (pl_primdata != miBOX_PRIMDATA(plbox) + pl_primdatasize * no_prims) mi_api_error("wrong prim data size"); } tl_approx ; /* new trilists 3.4 */ pl_topology : | TOPOLOGY { pltop = (miUint*) mi_api_allocate(sizeof(miUint) * plbox->no_prims*3); cur_pltop = pltop; } pl_top { mi_api_primlist_topology(pltop); mi_api_release(pltop); } ; pl_top : '[' pl_top_ascii ']' | INTEGER { ctx->read_integer = plbox->no_prims*3; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)pltop; } T_VECTOR ; pl_top_ascii : | pl_top_ascii T_INTEGER { *cur_pltop++ = $2; } ; pl_border : { $$ = 0; } | BORDER T_INTEGER { $$ = $2; } ; pl_priminfo : | DATA T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { pl_priminfosize = $2; pl_primdatasize = $3; } ; pl_primdata : | TRIANGLE DATA '[' pl_priminfodata_a ']' '[' pl_primdata_a ']' | TRIANGLE DATA INTEGER { ctx->read_integer = pl_priminfosize; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)pl_priminfo; } T_VECTOR INTEGER { ctx->read_integer = pl_primdatasize * plbox->no_prims; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)pl_primdata; } T_VECTOR { pl_priminfo += pl_priminfosize; pl_primdata += pl_primdatasize * plbox->no_prims; } ; pl_priminfodata_a: | pl_priminfodata_a T_INTEGER { *pl_priminfo++ = $2; } ; pl_primdata_a : | pl_primdata_a T_INTEGER { *pl_primdata++ = $2; } ; pl_lines : SCALAR { ctx->read_integer = plinfo.line_size * miBOX_NO_VTXLINES(plbox); ctx->ri_buf = (int*)pllines; } T_VECTOR { pllines += plinfo.line_size * miBOX_NO_VTXLINES(plbox); } | '[' pl_ascii_lines ']' ; pl_ascii_lines : | pl_ascii_lines floating { *pllines++ = $2; } ; pl_borderprims : | { *plprims++ = miSCENE_PRIMLIST_MAKE_CODE( miSCENE_PRIM_TRI, plbox->no_border_prims * 3); pl_no_prims = plbox->no_border_prims; } pl_prims ; pl_prims : '[' symbol T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { *plmtls++ = mi_api_material_lookup($2); *plprims++ = $3; *plprims++ = $4; *plprims++ = $5; } pl_tri_mtl ']' | pl_tri_index ; pl_tri_mtl : | pl_tri_mtl opt_symbol T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { *plmtls = ($2) ? mi_api_material_lookup($2) : *(plmtls-1); plmtls++; *plprims++ = $3; *plprims++ = $4; *plprims++ = $5; } ; pl_tri_index : INTEGER { if (tl_nind != 4) mi_api_error("binary triangles/no " "tagged mode"); ctx->read_integer = pl_no_prims*3; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)plprims; } T_VECTOR { plprims += pl_no_prims*3; } INTEGER { ctx->read_integer = pl_no_prims; ctx->ri_buf = (int*)plmtls; } T_VECTOR { plmtls += pl_no_prims; } | '[' pl_tri_ascindex ']' ; pl_tri_ascindex : | pl_tri_ascindex T_INTEGER { if (tl_nind == 4 && !(tl_ind++ & 3)) *plmtls++ = $2; else *plprims++ = $2; } ; pl_specs : | pl_spec pl_specs ; tex_dims : | tex_dims T_INTEGER { plinfo.line_size += $2; pl_texo[plinfo.no_textures] = $2; plinfo.no_textures++; } ; us_dims : | us_dims T_INTEGER { plinfo.line_size += $2; pl_uso[plinfo.no_users] = $2; plinfo.no_users++; } ; pl_spec : N { plinfo.normal_offset = plinfo.line_size; plinfo.line_size += 3; } | D { plinfo.derivs_offset = plinfo.line_size; plinfo.line_size += 6; } | D2 { plinfo.derivs2_offset = plinfo.line_size; plinfo.line_size += 9; } | M opt_size { plinfo.motion_offset = plinfo.line_size; plinfo.no_motions = $2; plinfo.line_size += $2 * 3; } | B opt_size { plinfo.bump_offset = plinfo.line_size; plinfo.no_bumps = $2; plinfo.line_size += $2 * 3; } | T_ { plinfo.texture_offset = plinfo.line_size; } tex_dims | U_ { plinfo.user_offset = plinfo.line_size; } us_dims ; /* trilists 3.3 */ tl_vectors : | tl_vectors vector { if (tlvec_idx < tl_nvec) tlvec[tlvec_idx++] = $2; } ; tl_vertices : | tl_vertices T_INTEGER { if (tlvert_idx < tl_nvert) tlvert[tlvert_idx++] = $2; } ; tl_triangles : symbol T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { tl_indbuf[0] = $2; tl_indbuf[1] = $3; tl_indbuf[2] = $4; mi_api_trilist_triangle($1, tl_indbuf); } tl_tri_mtl | tl_tri_index ; tl_tri_mtl : | tl_tri_mtl opt_symbol T_INTEGER T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { tl_indbuf[0] = $3; tl_indbuf[1] = $4; tl_indbuf[2] = $5; mi_api_trilist_triangle($2, tl_indbuf); } ; tl_tri_index : | tl_tri_index T_INTEGER { tl_indbuf[tl_ind++] = $2; if (tl_ind == tl_nind) { mi_api_trilist_triangles(tl_indbuf, 1); tl_ind = 0; }} ; tl_specs : | tl_spec tl_specs ; tl_spec : N { tlcont.normal_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.sizeof_vertex++; } | D { tlcont.derivs_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.sizeof_vertex++; } | D2 { tlcont.derivs2_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.sizeof_vertex++; } | M opt_size { tlcont.motion_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.no_motions = $2; tlcont.sizeof_vertex += $2; } | T_ opt_size { tlcont.texture_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.no_textures = $2; tlcont.sizeof_vertex += $2; } | B opt_size { tlcont.bump_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.no_bumps = $2; tlcont.sizeof_vertex += $2; } | U_ opt_size { tlcont.user_offset = tlcont.sizeof_vertex; tlcont.no_users = $2; tlcont.sizeof_vertex += $2; } ; opt_size : { $$ = 1; } | T_INTEGER { $$ = $1; } ; tl_approx : | approximation ; isect_object : INTERSECTION function { curr_obj->type = miOBJECT_INTERSECT_FUNC; curr_obj->geo.intersect_func = $2; } ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * approximations (in objects and options) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ approximation : { miAPPROX_DEFAULT(approx); } approx_flags approx_body ; approx_flags : | approx_flag approx_flags ; approx_flag : VISIBLE { approx.flag |= miAPPROX_FLAG_VISIBLE; } | TRACE { approx.flag |= miAPPROX_FLAG_TRACE; } | SHADOW { approx.flag |= miAPPROX_FLAG_SHADOW; } | CAUSTIC { approx.flag |= miAPPROX_FLAG_CAUSTIC; } | GLOBILLUM { approx.flag |= miAPPROX_FLAG_GLOBILLUM; } ; approx_body : APPROXIMATE SURFACE s_approx_tech s_approx_names | APPROXIMATE SUBDIVISION SURFACE c_approx_tech sds_approx_names | APPROXIMATE CCMESH c_approx_tech ccm_approx_names | APPROXIMATE DISPLACE s_approx_tech d_approx_names | APPROXIMATE CURVE c_approx_tech c_approx_names | APPROXIMATE SPACE CURVE c_approx_tech spc_approx_names | APPROXIMATE TRIM c_approx_tech t_approx_names | APPROXIMATE s_approx_tech { mi_api_poly_approx(&approx); } | APPROXIMATE TRILIST s_approx_tech { mi_api_trilist_approx(&approx); } ; s_approx_tech : s_approx_params { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = 0; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 5; approx.max = miHUGE_INT; if ( == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE || == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING) approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 7; } | s_approx_params T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = $2; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = $3; approx.max = miHUGE_INT; } | s_approx_params MAX_ T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = 0; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 5; approx.max = $3; if ( == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE || == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING) approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 7; } | s_approx_params T_INTEGER T_INTEGER MAX_ T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = $2; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = $3; approx.max = $5; } | s_approx_params SAMPLES T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = 0; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 5; approx.max = $3; if ( == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE || == miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING) approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 7; } | s_approx_params T_INTEGER T_INTEGER SAMPLES T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = $2; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = $3; approx.max = $5; } ; c_approx_tech : c_approx_params { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = 0; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = 5; } | c_approx_params T_INTEGER T_INTEGER { approx.subdiv[miMIN] = $2; approx.subdiv[miMAX] = $3; } ; s_approx_params : s_approx_param | s_approx_param s_approx_params ; c_approx_params : c_approx_param | c_approx_param c_approx_params ; s_approx_param : x_approx_param | PARAMETRIC floating floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_PARAMETRIC; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $2; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = $3; } | REGULAR PARAMETRIC floating floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_REGULAR; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $3; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = $4; } | REGULAR PARAMETRIC floating '%' floating '%' { approx.method = miAPPROX_REGULAR_PERCENT; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $3; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = $5; } ; c_approx_param : x_approx_param | PARAMETRIC floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_PARAMETRIC; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $2; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = 1.0; } | REGULAR PARAMETRIC floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_REGULAR; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $3; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = 1.0; } | REGULAR PARAMETRIC floating '%' { approx.method = miAPPROX_REGULAR_PERCENT; approx.cnst[miCNST_UPARAM] = $3; approx.cnst[miCNST_VPARAM] = 100.0; } ; x_approx_param : VIEW { approx.view_dep |= 1; } | OFFSCREEN { approx.view_dep |= 2; } | ANY { approx.any = miTRUE; } | TREE { = miAPPROX_STYLE_TREE; } | GRID { = miAPPROX_STYLE_GRID; } | DELAUNAY { = miAPPROX_STYLE_DELAUNAY; } | FINE { = miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE; } | FINE NOSMOOTHING { = miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING; } | FINE SHARED { = miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_CONT_DISP; } | FINE NOSMOOTHING SHARED { = miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING_CONT_DISP;} | FINE SHARED NOSMOOTHING { = miAPPROX_STYLE_FINE_NO_SMOOTHING_CONT_DISP;} | SHARP floating { = $2<0 ? 0 : $2>1 ? 255 : (miUint1)($2*255.);} | LENGTH floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_LDA; approx.cnst[miCNST_LENGTH] = $2; } | DISTANCE floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_LDA; approx.cnst[miCNST_DISTANCE] = $2; } | ANGLE floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_LDA; approx.cnst[miCNST_ANGLE] = $2; } | SPATIAL approx_view floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_SPATIAL; approx.cnst[miCNST_LENGTH] = $3; } | CURVATURE approx_view floating floating { approx.method = miAPPROX_CURVATURE; approx.cnst[miCNST_DISTANCE] = $3; approx.cnst[miCNST_ANGLE] = $4; } | GRADING floating { approx.grading = $2; } ; approx_view : | VIEW { approx.view_dep |= 1; } | OFFSCREEN { approx.view_dep |= 2; } ; s_approx_names : symbol { mi_api_surface_approx($1, &approx); } | s_approx_names symbol { mi_api_surface_approx($2, &approx); } ; sds_approx_names: symbol { mi_api_subdivsurf_approx($1, &approx); } | sds_approx_names symbol { mi_api_subdivsurf_approx($2, &approx); } ; ccm_approx_names: symbol { mi_api_ccmesh_approx($1, &approx); } | ccm_approx_names symbol { mi_api_ccmesh_approx($2, &approx); } ; d_approx_names : symbol { mi_api_surface_approx_displace($1, &approx); } | s_approx_names symbol { mi_api_surface_approx_displace($2, &approx); } ; c_approx_names : symbol { mi_api_curve_approx($1, &approx); } | c_approx_names symbol { mi_api_curve_approx($2, &approx); } ; spc_approx_names: symbol { mi_api_spacecurve_approx($1, &approx); } | c_approx_names symbol { mi_api_spacecurve_approx($2, &approx); } ; t_approx_names : symbol { mi_api_surface_approx_trim($1, &approx); } | t_approx_names symbol { mi_api_surface_approx_trim($2, &approx); } ; /* smallparser_end */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reality Server and Reality Designer compatibility *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ options_attribute : ATTRIBUTE opt_override options_attribute_item /* for parsing of Reality Server and Reality Designer scenes */ | ATTRIBUTE opt_override attr_flag | AMBIENTOCCLUSION boolean | AMBIENTOCCLUSION REBUILD boolean | AMBIENTOCCLUSION REBUILD FREEZE | AMBIENTOCCLUSION FILTER filter_type | AMBIENTOCCLUSION FILTER filter_type floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION IMPORTANCE floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION IMPORTANCE floating floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION FALLOFF floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION FALLOFF floating floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION ACCURACY floating | AMBIENTOCCLUSION ACCURACY floating floating | IBL boolean | IBL FALLOFF floating | IBL FALLOFF floating floating | IBL ACCURACY floating | IBL ACCURACY floating floating | IBL JITTER boolean | FINALGATHER IMPORTANCE floating | FINALGATHER IMPORTANCE floating floating | TRACE IMPORTANCE floating | TRACE IMPORTANCE floating floating | TRACE FALLOFF floating | TRACE FALLOFF floating floating | GLOBILLUM IMPORTANCE floating | GLOBILLUM IMPORTANCE floating floating | GLOBILLUM FALLOFF floating | GLOBILLUM FALLOFF floating floating | CAUSTIC IMPORTANCE floating | CAUSTIC IMPORTANCE floating floating | CAUSTIC FALLOFF floating | CAUSTIC FALLOFF floating floating ; options_attribute_item : decl_modifiers BOOLEAN T_STRING boolean { string_options->set($3, $4 != 0); mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers INTEGER T_STRING T_INTEGER { string_options->set($3, $4); mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers SCALAR T_STRING floating { string_options->set($3, (float)$4); mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers COLOR T_STRING floating floating floating floating { string_options->set($3, (float)$4, (float)$5, (float)$6, (float)$7); mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers VECTOR T_STRING floating floating floating { string_options->set($3, (float)$4, (float)$5, (float)$6); mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers STRING T_STRING T_STRING { string_options->set($3, $4); mi_api_release($3); mi_api_release($4); } ; dummy_attribute : ATTRIBUTE opt_override dummy_attribute_item | ATTRIBUTE opt_override attr_flag ; dummy_attribute_item : decl_modifiers BOOLEAN T_STRING boolean { mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers INTEGER T_STRING T_INTEGER { mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers SCALAR T_STRING floating { mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers COLOR T_STRING floating floating floating floating { mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers VECTOR T_STRING floating floating floating { mi_api_release($3); } | decl_modifiers STRING T_STRING T_STRING { mi_api_release($3); mi_api_release($4); } ; opt_override : | OVERRIDE ; decl_modifiers : decl_mod_list ; decl_mod_list : decl_mod_list CONST_ | decl_mod_list GLOBAL | ; attr_flag : HIDE boolean | VISIBLE boolean | TRANSPARENCY T_INTEGER | REFLECTION T_INTEGER | REFRACTION T_INTEGER | SHADOW boolean | SHADOW T_INTEGER | FINALGATHER boolean | FINALGATHER T_INTEGER | CAUSTIC boolean | CAUSTIC T_INTEGER | GLOBILLUM boolean | GLOBILLUM T_INTEGER | MOTION boolean | FACE FRONT | FACE BACK | FACE BOTH | SELECT boolean | HULL boolean | SHADOWMAP boolean | TRACE boolean | CAUSTIC | GLOBILLUM | FINALGATHER | HARDWARE | HARDWARE boolean | TAG T_INTEGER ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * user-interface commands *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gui : GUI opt_symbol { mi_api_gui_begin($2); } '(' gui_attr_list ')' '{' gui_controls '}' { mi_api_gui_end(); } | GUI opt_symbol { mi_api_gui_begin($2); } '{' gui_controls '}' { mi_api_gui_end(); } ; gui_elems : | gui_elem gui_elems ; gui_elem : '(' gui_attr_list ')' | '{' { mi_api_gui_push(); } gui_controls '}' { mi_api_gui_pop(); } ; gui_controls : | gui_control gui_controls ; gui_control : CONTROL symbol opt_symbol { mi_api_gui_control_begin($3?$2:0, $3?$3:$2); } gui_elems { mi_api_gui_control_end(); } ; gui_attr_list : | ',' | gui_attr | gui_attr ',' gui_attr_list ; gui_attr : symbol { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miNTYPES, 0); } | symbol boolean { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, $2); } | symbol floating { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_SCALAR, 1, $2); } | symbol floating floating { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_SCALAR, 2, $2, $3); } | symbol floating floating floating { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_SCALAR, 3, $2, $3, $4); } | symbol floating floating floating floating { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_SCALAR, 4, $2,$3,$4,$5); } | symbol symbol { mi_api_gui_attr($1, miTYPE_STRING, 1, $2); } ;
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