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class Light(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieves the value of the “centerOfIllumination” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents the distance to the center of illumination of the light.

Return type:float

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.centerOfIllumination


Retrieves the value of the “color” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents the color of the light emitted by the light node.

Return type:Color

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.color


Retrieves the value of the “intensity” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents a uniform scaling factor applied to the light color.

Return type:float

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.intensity


Retrieves the value of the “numShadowSamples” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents the number of shadow samples per point used in occulusion testing.

Return type:int

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.numShadowSamples


Retrieves the value of the “opticalFXvisibility” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents an occlusion scaling factor for light glow effects on this light.

Return type:Color

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.opticalFXvisibility


Retrieves the value of the “rayDepthLimit” attribute of a light node. This attribute determines a cutoff point for shadow calculations related to the light. Rays whose depth is higher than the value of this attribute will not trigger a shadow calculation for the light.

Return type:int

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.rayDepthLimit


Retrieves the value of the “shadowColor” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents the color of the shadows cast by the light.

Return type:Color

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.shadowColor


Retrieves the value of the “useRayTraceShadows” attribute of a light node. This attribute determines whether or not the light should raytrace it’s shadows.

Return type:bool

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.useRayTraceShadows


Retrieves the value of the “lightAmbient” attribute of a light node. This attribute indicates if the light has an ambient component.

Return type:bool

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.lightAmbient


Retrieves the value of the “lightDiffuse” attribute of a light node. This attribute indicates if the light has a diffuse component.

Return type:bool

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.lightDiffuse

lightDirection(instance, space='world')

Returns the direction in which the light is pointing. This is only valid for lights which are associated with a direction, such as area, directional or spot lights. The vector returned is not normalized.

instance : int

The instance of the light for which to return the direction.

space : Space.Space

The coordinate space for which the direction vector is returned. If is passed in the vector will be in the lights world space. If any other value in pass in the vector will be returned in object (or local) space.

values: ‘transform’, ‘preTransform’, ‘object’, ‘world’

Return type:


Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MSpace.lightDirection


Retrieves the value of the “lightIntensity” attribute of a light node. This attribute represents the intensity of the light specified as a color.

Return type:Color

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.lightIntensity


Retrieves the value of the “lightSpecular” attribute of a light node. This attribute indicates if the light has a specular component.

Return type:bool

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.lightSpecular


Sets the value of the “centerOfIllumination” attribute of a light node.

dist : float

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setCenterOfIllumination


Sets the value of the “color” attribute of a light node.

col : Color

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setColor


Sets the value of the “intensity” attribute of a light node.

intens : float

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setIntensity


Sets the value of the “numShadowSamples” attribute of a light node.

num_shadow_samples : int

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setNumShadowSamples


Sets the value of the “opticalFXvisibility” attribute of a light node.

visibility : Color

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setOpticalFXvisibility


Sets the value of the “rayDepthLimit” attribute of a light node.

ray_depth_limit : int

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setRayDepthLimit


Sets the value of the “shadowColor” attribute of a light node.

shadow_color : Color

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setShadowColor


Sets the value of the “useRayTraceShadows” attribute of a light node.

useRayTraceShadows : bool

value to which the attribute will be set.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMaya.MFnLight.setUseRayTraceShadows

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