
digraph inheritancec57bef0e45 {
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  "Field" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.Field.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.Field",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
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  "ContainerBase" -> "Entity" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];
  "DependNode" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.DependNode.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.DependNode",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "PyNode" -> "DependNode" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];
  "PyNode" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="../pymel.core.general/pymel.core.general.PyNode.html#pymel.core.general.PyNode",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
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  "DagNode" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.DagNode.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.DagNode",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "Entity" -> "DagNode" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];
  "ContainerBase" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.ContainerBase.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.ContainerBase",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "DependNode" -> "ContainerBase" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];
  "DynBase" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.DynBase.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.DynBase",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "Transform" -> "DynBase" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];
  "DragField" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="#pymel.core.nodetypes.DragField",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
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  "ProxyUnicode" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="../pymel.util.utilitytypes/pymel.util.utilitytypes.ProxyUnicode.html#pymel.util.utilitytypes.ProxyUnicode",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "Transform" [fontname=Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans,URL="pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform.html#pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform",style="setlinewidth(0.5)",height=0.25,shape=box,fontsize=8];
  "DagNode" -> "Transform" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"];

class DragField(*args, **kwargs)

class counterpart of mel function drag

Drag exerts a friction, or braking force proportional to the speed of a moving object. If direction is not enabled, the drag acts opposite to the current velocity of the object. If direction is enabled, it acts opposite to the component of the velocity in the specified direction. The force is independent of the position of the affected object. The transform is the associated dependency node. Use connectDynamic to cause the field to affect a dynamic object. If fields are created, this command returns the names of each of the fields. If a field was queried, the results of the query are returned. If a field was edited, the field name is returned. If object names are provided or the active selection list is non-empty, the command creates a field for every object in the list and calls addDynamic to add it to the object. If the list is empty, the command defaults to -pos 0 0 0. Setting the -pos flag with objects named on the command line is an error.


Returns the direction of the drag force’s influence along the x, y, and z axes. You must have the Use Direction setting turned on for this attribute to take effect.

Return type:Vector

Derived from api method maya.OpenMayaFX.MFnDragField.direction


X-component of direction.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag


Y-component of direction.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag


Z-component of direction

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

Returns true if the braking force is exerted only against the component of the object’s velocity that lies along the direction of the drag force.

Return type:bool

Derived from api method maya.OpenMayaFX.MFnDragField.useDirection

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

Sets the direction of the drag force’s influence along the x, y, and z axes. You must have the Use Direction setting turned on for this attribute to take effect.

dragDirection : Vector

A vector representing direction.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMayaFX.MFnDragField.setDirection

setDirectionX(val=True, **kwargs)

X-component of direction.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

setDirectionY(val=True, **kwargs)

Y-component of direction.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

setDirectionZ(val=True, **kwargs)

Z-component of direction

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

setTorusSectionRadius(val=True, **kwargs)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

Enables the braking force to be exerted only against the component of the object’s velocity that lies along the direction setting of the drag force.

enable : bool

Flag to enable or disable direction setting.

Derived from api method maya.OpenMayaFX.MFnDragField.setUseDirection

setVolumeExclusion(val=True, **kwargs)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
setVolumeOffset(val=True, **kwargs)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
setVolumeShape(val=True, **kwargs)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag
setVolumeSweep(val=True, **kwargs)
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.drag

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