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ikSCsolver works on one ikHandle at a time. Therefore, the weight attribute of the ikHandle is ignored by this solver.

ikSCsolver is history independent, meaning that it will produce the same solution after the ikHandle is moved, or rotated, away and put back again. Since it is history independent, if an assignment of values to the rotation attributes makes a solution, it is always the solution provided it can meet the objective. The assignment by the corresponding preferred angles is guaranteed to be a solution.Following attributes of the joint node would affect the solution: stiffness, minRotateDampRange, minRotateDampStrength, maxRotateDampRange, maxRotateDampStrength. See the document on the joint node for their meanings.It uses the rotation attributes of all the joints from the startJoint to the endEffector specified by the ikHandle. In order for a specific rotation attribute, say rotateX, to be used, it must be in the jointType attribute (of string type) of the corresponding joint. For example, rotateX will not be used if the jointType attribute has value "yz". The objective of this solver is to put the position and orientation of the effector in the world space to where the ikHandle is. It puts the position first and then adjusts the orientation by rotating the start joint about the line from the start joint to the effector. This may not make the effector's orientation match the ikHandle's exactly, but it will put them as close as possible. The poWeight attribute of the ikHandle is not used.
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
ikSCsolver ikSolver
kSCsolver kBase

Related nodes

joint, ikSolver, ikMCsolver, ikSplineSolver, ikRPsolver, ikPASolver, ikSystem, ikEffector, ikHandle