Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

The cluster node deforms one or more geometries by transforming them by some percentage of the transformation of another object in the scene. The default percentage is one, so the default cluster will rigidly deform the geometries.

A different percentage can be associated with each CV in the deformed object.The accuracy of the deformation is controlled by the percentResolution attribute.The envelope attribute can be used to globally attenuate the amount of deformation.
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
cluster weightGeometryFilter kClusterFilter kBase

Related nodes

lattice, jointCluster, nonLinear, blendShape, skinCluster, boneLattice, wrap, wire, ffd, jointFfd, sculpt, jointLattice, flexorShape, deformFunc, deformSquash, deformTwist, deformBend, deformWave, deformFlare, deformSine, baseLattice, clusterHandle

Attributes (15)

angleInterpolation, bindPreMatrix, bindState, clusterXforms, geomMatrix, matrix, percentResolution, postCompensationMatrix, postMatrix, preCompensationMatrix, preMatrix, relative, usePartialResolution, weightedCompensationMatrix, weightedMatrix

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
percentResolution (ptr) float 5 outputinputstorable
resolution by which cluster percents can differ without being lumped together as a single percentage for efficiency
usePartialResolution (upr) enum 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
whether or not to use the partial resolution
relative (rel) bool false outputinputconnectablestorable
relative => only use weighted node i.e. no pre, post matrix
clusterXforms (x) compound n/a outputinputconnectable
the bundled cluster transforms
preMatrix (pre) matrix identity outputinputconnectable
Represents the transformation in the DAG above the weighted node.
weightedMatrix (wt) matrix identity outputinputconnectable
cluster weighted matrix
postMatrix (post) matrix identity outputinputconnectable
Represents the transformation in the DAG below the weighted node.
weightedCompensationMatrix (wcm) matrix identity outputinputconnectablestorablehidden
cluster weighted matrix compensation
geomMatrix (gm) matrix identity arrayoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Matrix to set account for the geom matrix at cluster creation time.
matrix (ma) matrix identity outputinputconnectablestorable
transform that we will rigidly deform by when all percentages are at one
bindPreMatrix (pm) matrix identity outputinputconnectablestorable
compensation matrix used when we rigidly deform the geometry
bindState (bs) bool false outputinputconnectable
not used
postCompensationMatrix (psc) matrix identity outputinputconnectablehidden
WorldSpace matrix below cluster weighted matrix compensation
preCompensationMatrix (prc) matrix identity outputinputconnectablehidden
WorldSpace matrix above cluster weighted matrix comp (-bs)
angleInterpolation (ait) enum 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
The direction of angle interpolation. In most cases 0 (Closest) will work the best. However, if components appear to be rotating in the wrong direction, a value of 1 (Positive) or 2 (Negative) may be needed.