Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


textureWindow( string , [changeCommand=[string, string, string, string]], [clearImage=boolean], [control=boolean], [defineTemplate=string], [displayAxes=boolean], [displayDivisionLines=boolean], [displayGridLines=boolean], [displayImage=int], [displayLabels=boolean], [displaySolidMap=boolean], [displayStyle=string], [divisions=int], [docTag=string], [doubleBuffer=boolean], [exists=boolean], [filter=string], [forceMainConnection=string], [forceRebake=boolean], [frameAll=boolean], [frameSelected=boolean], [highlightConnection=string], [imageBaseColor=[float, float, float]], [imageDisplay=boolean], [imageNames=boolean], [imageNumber=int], [imagePixelSnap=boolean], [imageRatio=boolean], [imageSize=boolean], [imageTileRange=[float, float, float, float]], [imageUnfiltered=boolean], [internalFaces=boolean], [labelPosition=string], [loadImage=string], [lockMainConnection=boolean], [mainListConnection=string], [maxResolution=int], [nbImages=boolean], [numUvSets=boolean], [numberOfImages=int], [panel=string], [parent=string], [realSize=boolean], [relatedFaces=boolean], [removeAllImages=boolean], [removeImage=boolean], [reset=boolean], [saveImage=boolean], [scaleBlue=float], [scaleGreen=float], [scaleRed=float], [selectInternalFaces=boolean], [selectRelatedFaces=boolean], [selectionConnection=string], [setUvSet=int], [singleBuffer=boolean], [size=float], [spacing=float], [stateString=boolean], [style=int], [toggle=boolean], [unParent=boolean], [unlockMainConnection=boolean], [updateMainConnection=boolean], [useFaceGroup=boolean], [useTemplate=string], [uvSets=boolean], [viewPortImage=boolean], [writeImage=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

textureWindow is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command is used to create a UV Texture Editor and to query or edit the texture editor settings. The UV Texture Editor displays texture mapped polygon objects in 2D texture space. Only active objects are visible in this window. The UV Texture Editor has the ability to display two types of images. The Texture Image is a visualisation of the current texture and associated placement parameters. The Editor Image is a user specified image loaded from disk. A UV Texture Editor can be invoked by selecting the "Window -> UV Texture Editor..." menu item from the main maya menu listing that appears at the top of the maya window. It can also be invoked by selecting the "Panel -> UV Texture Editor" item under the "Panels" menu item that appears at the top right hand corner of the view. As a UV Texture Editor typically exists at start-up time, and as only one of these can exist at any given time, this command is normally used to query and edit the editor settings.

Return value

string The name of the texture window

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


changeCommand, clearImage, control, defineTemplate, displayAxes, displayDivisionLines, displayGridLines, displayImage, displayLabels, displaySolidMap, displayStyle, divisions, docTag, doubleBuffer, exists, filter, forceMainConnection, forceRebake, frameAll, frameSelected, highlightConnection, imageBaseColor, imageDisplay, imageNames, imageNumber, imagePixelSnap, imageRatio, imageSize, imageTileRange, imageUnfiltered, internalFaces, labelPosition, loadImage, lockMainConnection, mainListConnection, maxResolution, nbImages, numUvSets, numberOfImages, panel, parent, realSize, relatedFaces, removeAllImages, removeImage, reset, saveImage, scaleBlue, scaleGreen, scaleRed, selectInternalFaces, selectRelatedFaces, selectionConnection, setUvSet, singleBuffer, size, spacing, stateString, style, toggle, unParent, unlockMainConnection, updateMainConnection, useFaceGroup, useTemplate, uvSets, viewPortImage, writeImage
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
exists(ex) boolean create
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
defineTemplate(dt) string create
Puts a command in a mode where any other flags and args are parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument. They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current template.
useTemplate(ut) string create
Force the command to use a command template other than the current one.
panel(pnl) string createquery
Specifies the panel that the editor belongs to. By default if an editor is created in the create callback of a scripted panel it will belong to that panel. If an editor doesn't belong to a panel it will be deleted when the window that it is in is deleted.
parent(p) string createqueryedit
Specifies the parent layout for this editor. This flag will only have an effect if the editor is currently un-parented.
unParent(up) boolean createedit
Specifies that the editor should be removed from its layout. This cannot be used with query.
control(ctl) boolean query
Query only. Returns the top level control for this editor. Usually used for getting a parent to attach popup menus. Caution: It is possible, at times, for an editor to exist without a control. This flag returns "NONE" if no control is present.
mainListConnection(mlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object.
forceMainConnection(fmc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object. This is a variant of the -mainListConnection flag in that it will force a change even when the connection is locked. This flag is used to reduce the overhead when using the -unlockMainConnection , -mainListConnection, -lockMainConnection flags in immediate succession.
selectionConnection(slc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will synchronize with its own selection list. As the user selects things in this editor, they will be selected in the selectionConnection object. If the object undergoes changes, the editor updates to show the change.
highlightConnection(hlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the editor will synchronize with its highlight list. Not all editors have a highlight list. For those that do, it is a secondary selection list.
filter(f) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of an itemFilter object to be placed on this editor. This filters the information coming onto the main list of the editor.
lockMainConnection(lck) boolean createedit
Locks the current list of objects within the mainConnection, so that only those objects are displayed within the editor. Further changes to the original mainConnection are ignored.
stateString(sts) boolean query
Query only flag. Returns the MEL command that will edit an editor to match the current editor state. The returned command string uses the string variable $editorName in place of a specific name.
unlockMainConnection(ulk) boolean createedit
Unlocks the mainConnection, effectively restoring the original mainConnection (if it is still available), and dynamic updates.
updateMainConnection(upd) boolean createedit
Causes a locked mainConnection to be updated from the orginal mainConnection, but preserves the lock state.
docTag(dtg) string createqueryedit
Attaches a tag to the Maya editor.
scaleRed(sr) float createqueryedit
Define the scaling factor for the red component in the View. The default value is 1 and can be between -1000 to +1000
scaleGreen(sg) float createqueryedit
Define the scaling factor for the green component in the View. The default value is 1 and can be between -1000 to +1000
scaleBlue(sb) float createqueryedit
Define the scaling factor for the blue component in the View. The default value is 1 and can be between -1000 to +1000
singleBuffer(sbf) boolean createqueryedit
Set the display in single buffer mode
doubleBuffer(dbf) boolean createqueryedit
Set the display in double buffer mode
changeCommand(cc) [string, string, string, string] createqueryedit
  • First string: command
  • Second string: editorName
  • Third string: editorCmd
  • Fourth string: updateFunc
Call the command when something changes in the editor The command should have this prototype :
command(string $editor, string $editorCmd, string $updateFunc, int $reason)
The possible reasons could be :
  • 0: no particular reason
  • 1: scale color
  • 2: buffer (single/double)
  • 3: axis
  • 4: image displayed
  • 5: image saved in memory
displayImage(di) int queryedit
Set a particular image in the Editor Image Stack as the current Editor Image. Images are added to the Editor Image Stack using the "si/saveImage" flag.
loadImage(li) string edit
load an image from disk and set it as the current Editor Image
writeImage(wi) string edit
write the current Editor Image to disk
displayStyle(dst) string createqueryedit
Set the mode to display the image. Valid values are:
  • "color" to display the basic RGB image
  • "mask" to display the mask channel
  • "lum" to display the luminance of the image
removeImage(ri) boolean edit
remove the current Editor Image from the Editor Image Stack
removeAllImages(ra) boolean edit
remove all the Editor Images from the Editor Image Stack
saveImage(si) boolean edit
save the current Editor Image to memory. Saved Editor Images are stored in an Editor Image Stack. The most recently saved image is stored in position 0, the second most recently saved image in position 1, and so on... To set the current Editor Image to a previously saved image use the "di/displayImage" flag.
nbImages(nim) boolean query
returns the number of images
toggle(tgl) boolean createqueryedit
Turns the ground plane display on/off.
reset(r) boolean create
Resets the ground plane to its default values.
spacing(sp) float create
Sets the spacing between main grid lines.
size(s) float createqueryedit
Sets the size of the grid.
divisions(d) int createqueryedit
Sets the number of subdivisions between main grid lines
clearImage(ci) boolean edit
Clears the current Editor Image
numberOfImages(ni) int query
The number of Texture Images currently available for display.
imageDisplay(id) boolean queryedit
Turns on or off Texture Image display
imageNumber(imageNumber) int queryedit
Sets the number of the Texture Image to display This depends on the number of textures corresponding to the current selection. If there are N textures, then the possible Texture Image numbers are 0 to N-1.
imageNames(imn) boolean query
The image names for all Texture Images available for display, if any.
imageRatio(imr) boolean queryedit
Sets the window to draw using the Texture Image's height versus width ratio. If the width is greater than the height than than the width is set to be 1 "unit" in the window and the height is adjusted by width divided by height. This only affects the display of a Texture Image, not an Editor Image.
imageTileRange(itr) [float, float, float, float] queryedit
Sets the UV range of the display. The 4 values specify the minimum U, V and maximum U, V in that order. When viewing a Texture Image, these values affect how many times the image is tiled based on appropriate parameters (e.g. Repeat UV, Mirror, Wrap, etc...) When viewing an Editor Image these values determine the visible size of the image. For example, setting the range to ( 0, 0, 2, 1 ) will cause the Editor Image to be loaded into a 2x1 rectangle, distorting it as necessary to fill the available space.
imageUnfiltered(iuf) boolean queryedit
Sets the Texture Image to draw unfiltered. The image will appear "pixelated" when the display resolution is higher than the resolution of the image.
imagePixelSnap(ip) boolean queryedit
Sets a mode so that uv transformations in the UV Texture Editor will cause uv values to snap to image pixel corners. Which pixels are used depends on whether a Texture Image or an Editor Image is being displayed, if both are displayed the Texture Image pixels will be used.
imageSize(imageSize) boolean query
Returns the size of the Texture Image currently being display. The values returned are width followed by height. Image size can only be queried.
displayAxes(dax) boolean queryedit
Specify true to display the grid axes.
displayGridLines(dgl) boolean queryedit
Specify true to display the grid lines.
displayDivisionLines(ddl) boolean queryedit
Specify true to display the subdivision lines between grid lines.
displayLabels(dl) boolean queryedit
Specify true to display the grid line numeric labels.
labelPosition(lp) string queryedit
The position of the grid's numeric labels. Valid values are "axis" and "edge".
style(st) int queryedit
This flag is obsolete and should not be used.
internalFaces(internalFaces) boolean createqueryedit
Display contained faces by the selected components.
relatedFaces(rf) boolean createqueryedit
Display connected faces by the selected components.
useFaceGroup(uf) boolean createqueryedit
Display faces that are associated with the groupId that is set on the mesh node that is drawn. (The attribute "displayFacesWithGroupId")
selectInternalFaces(sif) boolean createqueryedit
Add to selectionList the faces which are contained by (internal to) selected components.
selectRelatedFaces(srf) boolean create
Add to selectionList the faces which are connected to (non-internally related to) selected components.
frameAll(fa) boolean create
This will zoom on the whole scene.
frameSelected(fs) boolean create
This will zoom on the currently selected objects.
realSize(rs) boolean create
This will display the image with the size of the internal buffer. Note: This argument no long has any affect on image display.
uvSets(uvs) boolean createqueryedit
This flag will return strings containing uv set and object name pairs for selected objects in the texture window. The syntax of each pair is "objectName | uvSetName", where | is a literal character.
numUvSets(nuv) boolean createqueryedit
This flag will return the number of uv sets for selected objects in the texture window.
setUvSet(suv) int createedit
This flag will set the current uv set on one given selected object within the texture window.
maxResolution(mrs) int createqueryedit
This flag will set the current cached texture's maximum resolution.
forceRebake(frb) boolean createedit
Forces the current cache texture to refresh.
viewPortImage(vpi) boolean createedit
Toggles the view port/ caching texture images.
imageBaseColor(ibc) [float, float, float] createqueryedit
The base color of the image, default is white 1.0 1.0 1.0
displaySolidMap(dsm) boolean createqueryedit
Display an solid over lay for the active texture map.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# As a UV Texture Editor typically exists on start-up, you normally
# will not need to create one.. Hence all the examples that follow
# explain how to query and edit the editor settings.

# Get the panel that the editor belongs to.
texWinName = cmds.getPanel(sty='polyTexturePlacementPanel')

# Get the space between main grid lines
cmds.textureWindow(texWinName[0], q=True, sp=True)
# Result: 0.05 #

# Change the space between main grid lines
cmds.textureWindow( texWinName[0], e=True, sp=0.1 )

# Get the size of the grid
cmds.textureWindow( texWinName[0], q=True, s=True )
# Result: 12 #

# Change the size of the grid
cmds.textureWindow( texWinName[0], e=True, s=0.8 )

# Zoom on the whole scene
cmds.textureWindow( texWinName[0], e=True, fa=True )

# Set display mode to related (connected) faces
cmds.textureWindow(texWinName[0], e=True, rf=True )