In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
objectComponent(ocm) |
boolean |
Component flags apply to object mode. |
allObjects(alo) |
boolean |
Set all object selection masks on/off |
handle(ha) |
boolean |
Set object handle selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
ikHandle(ikh) |
boolean |
Set ik handle selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
ikEndEffector(iee) |
boolean |
Set ik end effector selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
joint(j) |
boolean |
Set ik handle selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
light(lt) |
boolean |
Set light selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
camera(ca) |
boolean |
Set camera selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
lattice(la) |
boolean |
Set lattice selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
cluster(cl) |
boolean |
Set cluster selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
sculpt(sc) |
boolean |
Set sculpt selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nonlinear(nl) |
boolean |
Set nonlinear selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nurbsCurve(nc) |
boolean |
Set nurbs-curve selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nurbsSurface(ns) |
boolean |
Set nurbs-surface selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
curveOnSurface(cos) |
boolean |
Set curve-on-surface selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
polymesh(p) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
subdiv(sd) |
boolean |
Set subdivision surfaces selection mask on/off. (object
flag) |
stroke(str) |
boolean |
Set the Paint Effects stroke selection mask on/off. (object
flag) |
plane(pl) |
boolean |
Set sketch plane selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
particleShape(ps) |
boolean |
Set particle shape selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
emitter(em) |
boolean |
Set emitter selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
field(fi) |
boolean |
Set field selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
fluid(fl) |
boolean |
Set fluid selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
hairSystem(hs) |
boolean |
Set hairSystem selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
follicle(fo) |
boolean |
Set follicle selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nCloth(ncl) |
boolean |
Set nCloth selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nRigid(nr) |
boolean |
Set nRigid selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
dynamicConstraint(dc) |
boolean |
Set dynamicConstraint selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nParticleShape(nps) |
boolean |
Set nParticle shape selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
nParticle(npr) |
boolean |
Set nParticle point selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
collisionModel(clm) |
boolean |
Set collision model selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
spring(spr) |
boolean |
Set spring shape selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
rigidBody(rb) |
boolean |
Set rigid body selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
rigidConstraint(rc) |
boolean |
Set rigid constraint selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
locatorXYZ(xyz) |
boolean |
Set xyz locator selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
orientationLocator(ol) |
boolean |
Set orientation locator selection mask on/off. (object
flag) |
locatorUV(luv) |
boolean |
Set uv locator selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
dimension(dim) |
boolean |
Set dimension shape selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
texture(tx) |
boolean |
Set texture selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
implicitGeometry(ig) |
boolean |
Set implicit geometry selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
locator(lc) |
boolean |
Set locator (all types) selection mask on/off. (object
flag) |
curve(c) |
boolean |
Set curve selection mask on/off. (object flag) |
allComponents(alc) |
boolean |
Set all component selection masks on/off |
controlVertex(cv) |
boolean |
Set control vertex selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
hull(hl) |
boolean |
Set hull selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
editPoint(ep) |
boolean |
Set edit-point selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
polymeshVertex(pv) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh vertex selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
polymeshEdge(pe) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh edge selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
polymeshFreeEdge(pfe) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh free-edge selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
polymeshFace(pf) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh face selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
polymeshUV(puv) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh UV point selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
polymeshVtxFace(pvf) |
boolean |
Set poly-mesh vertexFace selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
vertex(v) |
boolean |
Set mesh vertex selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
edge(eg) |
boolean |
Set mesh edge selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
facet(fc) |
boolean |
Set mesh face selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
curveParameterPoint(cpp) |
boolean |
Set curve parameter point selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
curveKnot(ck) |
boolean |
Set curve knot selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
surfaceParameterPoint(spp) |
boolean |
Set surface parameter point selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
surfaceKnot(sk) |
boolean |
Set surface knot selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
surfaceRange(sr) |
boolean |
Set surface range selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
surfaceEdge(se) |
boolean |
Set surface edge selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
surfaceFace(sf) |
boolean |
Set surface face selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
surfaceUV(suv) |
boolean |
Set surface uv selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
isoparm(iso) |
boolean |
Set surface iso-parm selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
subdivMeshPoint(smp) |
boolean |
Set subdivision surfaces mesh point selection mask on/off.
(component flag) |
subdivMeshEdge(sme) |
boolean |
Set subdivision surfaces mesh edge selection mask on/off.
(component flag) |
subdivMeshFace(smf) |
boolean |
Set subdivision surfaces mesh face selection mask on/off.
(component flag) |
subdivMeshUV(smu) |
boolean |
Set subdivision surfaces mesh UV map selection mask on/off.
(component flag) |
latticePoint(lp) |
boolean |
Set lattice point selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
particle(pr) |
boolean |
Set particle point selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
springComponent(spc) |
boolean |
Set individual spring selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
jointPivot(jp) |
boolean |
Set joint pivot selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
scalePivot(sp) |
boolean |
Set scale pivot selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
rotatePivot(rp) |
boolean |
Set rotate pivot selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
selectHandle(sh) |
boolean |
Set select handle selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
localRotationAxis(ra) |
boolean |
Set local rotation axis selection mask on/off. (component
flag) |
imagePlane(ip) |
boolean |
Set image plane selection mask on/off. (component flag) |
animCurve(ac) |
boolean |
Set animation curve selection mask on/off. |
animKeyframe(ak) |
boolean |
Set animation keyframe selection mask on/off. |
animInTangent(ait) |
boolean |
Set animation in-tangent selection mask on/off. |
animOutTangent(aot) |
boolean |
Set animation out-tangent selection mask on/off. |
animBreakdown(abd) |
boolean |
Set animation breakdown selection mask on/off. |