Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
exists(ex) |
boolean |
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified
object exists. Other flags are ignored. |
image1(i1) |
string |
image2(i2) |
string |
image3(i3) |
string |
Contexts support up to three icons that represent the tool
associated with the context. |
history(ch) |
boolean |
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for
the tool in question. |
name(n) |
string |
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately. |
dragSlider(dsl) |
string |
Sets the current brush drag state for resizing or offsetting
the brush (like the 'b' and 'm' default hotkeys). The string
argument is one of: "radius", "lowradius", "opacity", "value",
"depth", "displacement", "uvvector" or "none". C: Default is
"none". |
opacity(op) |
float |
Sets the brush opacity. C: Default is 1.0. Q: When queried, it
returns a float. |
accopacity(aco) |
boolean |
Sets opacity accumulation on/off. C: Default is false (Except
for sculpt tool for which it is true by default). Q: When queried,
it returns a boolean. |
radius(r) |
float |
Sets the size of the brush. C: Default is 1.0 cm. Q: When
queried, it returns a float. |
lowerradius(lr) |
float |
Sets the lower size of the brush (only apply on tablet). |
stampProfile(stP) |
string |
Sets the brush profile of the current stamp. Currently, the
following profiles are supported: "gaussian", "soft", "solid" and
"square". C: Default is gaussian. Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
profileShapeFile(psf) |
string |
Passes a name of the image file for the stamp shape
profile. |
brushalignment(bra) |
boolean |
Specifies the path brush alignemnt. If true, the brush will
align to stroke path, otherwise it will align to up vector. C:
Default is true. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
clear(clr) |
boolean |
Floods all cvs/vertices to the current value. |
usepressure(up) |
boolean |
Sets the tablet pressure on/off. C: Default is false. Q: When
queried, it returns a boolean. |
mappressure(mp) |
string |
Sets the tablet pressure mapping when the table is used. There
are four options: "none" - the pressure has no effect, "opacity" -
the pressure is mapped to the opacity, "radius" - the is mapped to
modify the radius of the brush, "both" - the pressure modifies both
the opacity and the radius. C: Default is "none". Q: When queried,
it returns a string. |
outline(o) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush should be drawn. C: Default is TRUE. Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
outwhilepaint(owp) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush outline should be drawn while painting.
C: Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
brushfeedback(brf) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush additional feedback should be drawn. C:
Default is TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
showactive(sa) |
boolean |
Sets on/off the display of the surface isoparms. C: Default is
TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
paintmode(pm) |
string |
Specifies the paint mode. There are two possibilities: "screen"
and "tangent". C: Default is "screen". Q: When queried, it returns
a string. |
projective(prm) |
boolean |
Specifies the projective paint mode. C: Default is 'false'. Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
reflection(rn) |
boolean |
Specifies the reflection mode. C: Default is 'false'. Q: When
queried, it returns a boolean. |
reflectionaxis(ra) |
string |
Specifies the reflection axis. There are three possibilities:
"x", "y" and "z". C: Default is "x". Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
importfileload(ifl) |
string |
Load the attribute map a specified file. |
importreassign(irm) |
boolean |
Specifies if the multiply atrribute maps are to be reassigned
while importing. Only maps previously exported from within Artisan
can be reassigned. C: Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns
a boolean. |
importfilemode(ifm) |
string |
Specifies the channel to import. The valid entries here are:
"alpha", "luminance", "red", "green", "blue", and "rgb" C: Default
is "alpha". Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
expandfilename(eef) |
boolean |
If true, it will expand the name of the export file and
concatenate it with the surface name. Otherwise it will take the
name as it is. C: Default is true. |
exportfilesave(esf) |
string |
Exports the attribute map and saves to a specified file. |
exportfilemode(efm) |
string |
Specifies the export channel.The valid entries here are:
"alpha", "luminance", "rgb", "rgba". C: Default is "luminance/rgb".
Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
exportfilesizex(fsx) |
int |
Specifies the width of the attribute map to export. C: Default
width is 256. Q: When queried, it returns an integer. |
exportfilesizey(fsy) |
int |
Specifies the width of the attribute map to export. C: Default
width is 256. Q: When queried, it returns an integer. |
exportfiletype(eft) |
string |
Specifies the image file format. It can be one of the
following: "iff", "tiff", "jpeg", "alias", "rgb", "fit"
"postScriptEPS", "softimage", "wavefrontRLA", "wavefrontEXP". C:
default is tiff. Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
tablet(tab) |
boolean |
Returns true if the tablet device is present, false if it is
absent |
scv) |
boolean |
Enables/disables the the display of the effective brush area as
affected vertices. |
tangentOutline(to) |
boolean |
Enables/disables the display of the brush circle tangent to the
surface. |
selectop(sop) |
string |
Specifies the selection operation ("select", "unselect",
"toggle"). C: Default is "select". Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
addselection(ads) |
boolean |
If true, each new stroke adds cvs to the active list. If false,
each stroke replaces the previous selection. C: Default is true. Q:
When queried, it returns a boole |
selectall(sal) |
boolean |
Selects all vertices/egdes/faces/uvs. |
unselectall(ual) |
boolean |
Unselects all vertices/egdes/faces/uvs. |
toggleall(tal) |
boolean |
Toggle all vertices/egdes/faces/uvs. |
importthreshold(ift) |
float |
Specifies the threshold for the import of the attribute maps.
C: Default is 0.5. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
beforeStrokeCmd(bsc) |
string |
The passed string is executed as a MEL command immediately
before the start of a stroke. C: Default is no command. Q: When
queried, it returns the current command |
afterStrokeCmd(asc) |
string |
The passed string is executed as a MEL command immediately
after the end of a stroke. C: Default is no command. Q: When
queried, it returns the current command |