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Flags. MEL
namespace [-addNamespace string] [-exists string] [-force] [-moveNamespace string string]
[-parent string] [-recurse] [-relativeNames boolean] [-removeNamespace string]
[-rename string string] [-setNamespace string]
namespace is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT
This command allows a namespace to be created or set or removed. A
namespace is a simple grouping of objects under a given name.
Namespaces are primarily used to resolve name-clash issues in Maya,
where a new object has the same name as an existing object (from
importing a file, for example). Using namespaces, you can have two
objects with the same name, as long as they are contained in
differenct namespaces. Namespaces are reminiscent of hierarchical
structures like file systems where namespaces are analogous to
directories and objects are analogous to files. The colon (':')
character is the separator used to separate the names of namespaces
and nodes instead of the slash ('/') or backslash ('\') character.
Namespaces can contain other namespaces as well as objects. Like
objects, the names of namespaces must be unique within another
namespace. Objects and namespaces can be in only one namespace.
Namespace names and object names don't clash so a namespace and an
object contained in another namespace can have the same name. There
is an unnamed root namespace specified with a leading colon (':').
Any object not in a named namespace is in the root namespace.
Normally, the leading colon is omitted from the name of an object
as it's presence is implied. The presence of a leading colon is
important when moving objects between namespaces using the 'rename'
command. For the 'rename' command, the new name is relative to the
current namespace unless the new name is fully qualified with a
leading colon. Namespaces are created using the add/addNamespace
flag. They are created under the current namespace. Changing the
current namespace is done with -set/setNamespace flag. To reset the
current namespace to the root namespace, use 'namespace -set ":";'.
Whenever an object is created, it is added to the current
namespace. The relativeNamespace flag can be used to change the way
node names are displayed in the UI and returned by the 'ls'
command. Here are some specific details on how the return from the
'ls' command works in relativeNamespace mode:
List all mesh objects in the
ls -type "mesh";
The above command lists all mesh objects in the root and any child
namespaces. In relative name lookup mode, all names will be
displayed relative to the current namespace. When not in relative
name lookup mode (the default behaviour in Maya), results are
printed relative to the root namespace.
Using a "*" wildcard:
namespace -set myNS;
ls -type "mesh "*";
In relative name lookup mode, the "*" will match to the current
namespace and thus the ls command will list only those meshes
defined within the current namespace (i.e. myNs). If relative name
lookup is off (the default behaviour in Maya), names are
root-relative and thus "*" matches the root namespace, with the net
result being that only thoses meshes defined in the root namespace
will be listed.
You can force the root namespace to be listed when in relative name
lookup mode by specifying ":*" as your search pattern (i.e. ls
-type mesh ":*" which lists those meshes defined in the root
namespace only). Note that you can also use ":*" when relative name
lookup mode is off to match the root if you want a consistent way
to list the root.
Listing child namespace contents:
ls -type mesh "*:*";
For an example to list all meshes in immediate child namespaces,
use "*:*". In relative name lookup mode "*:*" lists those meshes in
immediate child namespaces of the current namespaces. When not in
relative name lookup mode, "*:*" lists meshes in namespaces one
level below the root.
Recursive listing of namespace contents:
Example: ls -type mesh -recurse on "*"
The -recurse flag is provided on the "ls" command to recursively
travese any child namespaces. In relative name lookup mode, the
above example command will list all meshes in the current and any
child namespaces of current. When not in relative name lookup mode,
the above example command works from the root downwards and is thus
equivalent to "ls -type mesh".
addNamespace, exists, force, moveNamespace, parent, recurse,
relativeNames, removeNamespace, rename, setNamespace
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-addNamespace(-add) |
string |
Create a new namespace with the given name. |
-exists(-ex) |
string |
Returns true if the specified namespace exists, false if
not. |
-force(-f) |
Used with -mv/-moveNamespace to force the move operation to
ignore name clashes. |
-moveNamespace(-mv) |
string string |
Move the contents of the first namespace into the second
namespace. Child namespaces will also be moved.
Attempting to move a namespace containing referenced nodes will
result in an error - use the 'file -e -namespace' command to change
a reference namespace.
If there are objects in the source namespace with the same name as
objects in the destination namespace, an error will be issued. Use
the '-force' flag to override this error - name clashes will be
resolved by renaming the objects to ensure uniqueness. |
-parent(-p) |
string |
Used with the -add/-addNamespace to specifiy the parent of the
new namespace. |
-relativeNames(-rel) |
boolean |
Turns on relative name lookup, which causes name lookups within
Maya to be relative to the current namespace. By default this is
off, meaning that name lookups are always relative to the root
namespace. Be careful turning this feature on since commands such
as setAttr will behave differently. It is wise to only turn this
feature on while executing custom procedures that you have written
to be namespace independent and turning relativeNames off when
returning control from your custom procedures. Note that Maya will
turn on relative naming during file I/O. Although it is not
recommended to leave relativeNames turned on, if you try to toggle
the value during file I/O you may notice that the value stays "on"
because Maya has already temporarily enabled it internally.
When relativeNames are enabled, the returns provided by the 'ls'
command will be relative to the current namespace. See the main
description of this command for more details. |
-removeNamespace(-rm) |
string |
Deletes the given namespace. The namespace must be empty for it
to be deleted. |
-rename(-ren) |
string string |
Rename the first namespace to second namespace name. Child
namespaces will also be renamed. Both names are relative to the
current namespace. Use the -parent flag to specify a parent
namespace for the renamed namespace. An error is issued if the
second namespace name already exists. |
-setNamespace(-set) |
string |
Sets the current namespace. |
-recurse(-r) |
Can be used with the -exists flag to recursively look for the
specified namespace |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can be used more than once in a
command. |
// Create three namespaces
namespace -add "FOO";
namespace -add "BAR";
namespace -add "FRED";
// Set the current namespace to FOO
namespace -set "FOO";
// Create the namespace BAR Under FOO. Note there are
// two "BAR" namespaces, :BAR and :FOO:BAR.
namespace -add "BAR";
// Check to see that the BAR namespace exists within the current
// namespace (FOO)
namespace -exists "BAR";
// Result: 1 //
// Check to see that the FRED namespace exists under the root namespace
namespace -exists ":FRED";
// Result: 1 //
// Create two objects. It gets added to the current namespace FOO;
sphere -n sphere1;
sphere -n sphere2;
// Result: FOO:sphere2 //
// Move sphere1 from namespace FOO to FOO:BAR. Note that we
// need to qualify sphere1 with the namespace FOO because
// "sphere1" identifies a non-existent object in the root namespace.
rename FOO:sphere1 "BAR:sphere1";
// Result: FOO:BAR:sphere1 //
// Move sphere2 from namespace FOO to BAR. Note the leading
// colon on the new name.
rename FOO:sphere2 :BAR:sphere2;
// Result: BAR:sphere2 //
// query the current namespace (using the namespaceInfo command)
namespaceInfo -currentNamespace;
// Result: FOO //
// remove the namespace FRED (it must be empty)
namespace -set ":";
namespace -rm "FRED";
// Check to see that the FRED namespace has been removed
namespace -exists ":FRED";
// Result: 0 //
// Rename namespace BAR to JOE
// Note: this is done by creating JOE, moving the contents of
// BAR into JOE, and then removing the (now empty) BAR.
namespace -set ":";
namespace -add "JOE";
namespace -mv "BAR" "JOE";
namespace -rm "BAR";
// JOE should now contain a single node: 'sphere2'.
// Move the contents of JOE into FRANK, when FRANK already
// has a 'sphere2' node. The '-force'
// flag is needed.
namespace -set ":";
namespace -add "FRANK";
namespace -set "FRANK";
sphere -n "sphere2";
namespace -force -mv ":JOE" ":FRANK";
// In moving 'sphere2' from JOE to FRANK it will be renamed to
// 'sphere3' to ensure uniqueness.
// The naemspace FRANK should now contain 'sphere2', 'sphere2Shape',
// and 'sphere3'.