manipScaleContext is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command can be used to create, edit, or query a scale manip
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-mode(-m) |
int |
Translate mode:
- 0 - Object Space
- 1 - Local Space
- 2 - World Space (default)
- 3 - Move Along Vertex Normal
- 4 - Move Along Rotation Axis
- 5 - Move Along Live Object Axis
- 6 - Custom Axis Orientation
-activeHandle(-ah) |
int |
Sets the default active handle for the manip. That is, the
handle which should be initially active when the tool is activated.
Values can be:
- 0 - X axis handle is active
- 1 - Y axis handle is active
- 2 - Z axis handle is active
- 3 - Center handle (all axes) is active (default)
-position(-p) |
Returns the current position of the manipulator |
-editPivotPosition(-epp) |
Returns the current position of the edit pivot
manipulator. |
-orientAxes(-oa) |
float float float |
Orients manipulator rotating around axes by specified
angles |
-orientTowards(-ot) |
float float float |
Orients active handle towards world point |
-alignAlong(-aa) |
float float float |
Aligns active handle along vector. |
-reflection(-rfl) |
boolean |
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of
selection itself using the symmetricModeling command. |
-reflectionAbout(-rab) |
int |
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of
selection itself using the symmetricModeling command. |
-reflectionAxis(-rfa) |
int |
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of
selection itself using the symmetricModeling command. |
-reflectionTolerance(-rft) |
float |
This flag is obsolete. Reflection is now managed as part of
selection itself using the symmetricModeling command. |
-preDragCommand(-prd) |
script string |
Specifies a command and a node type. The command will be
executed at the start of a drag when a node of the specified type
is in the selection. |
-postDragCommand(-pod) |
script string |
Specifies a command and a node type. The command will be
executed at the end of a drag when a node of the specified type is
in the selection. |
-editPivotMode(-epm) |
boolean |
Returns true manipulator is in edit pivot mode |
-preserveChildPosition(-pcp) |
boolean |
When false, the children objects move when their parent is
rotated. When true, the worldspace position of the children will be
maintained as the parent is moved. Default is false. |