Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-long(-l) |
Use long pathnames instead of short non-path names. |
-head(-hd) |
int |
The parameter specifies the maximum number of elements to be
returned from the beginning of the list of items. (Note: each flag
will return at most this many items so if multiple flags are
specified then the number of items returned will be greater than
the value specified). |
-tail(-tl) |
int |
The parameter specifies the maximum number of elements to be
returned from the end of the list of items. (Note: each flag will
return at most this many items so if multiple flags are specified
then the number of items returned will be greater than the value
specified). |
-type(-typ) |
string |
List all objects of a certain type specified by the string
argument. For example, "window", "menu", "control", or
"controlLayout". |
-panels(-p) |
All currently existing panels. |
-editors(-ed) |
All currently existing editors. |
-windows(-wnd) |
Windows created using ELF UI commands. |
-controls(-ctl) |
Controls created using ELF UI commands. [e.g. buttons,
checkboxes, etc] |
-controlLayouts(-cl) |
Control layouts created using ELF UI commands [e.g.
formLayouts, paneLayouts, etc.] |
-collection(-col) |
Control collections created using ELF UI commands. |
Menu item collections created using ELF UI commands. |
Menus created using ELF UI commands. |
Menu items created using ELF UI commands. |
-numWidgets(-nw) |
Reports the number of QT widgets used by Maya. |
-dumpWidgets(-dw) |
Dump all QT widgets used by Maya. |
-contexts(-ctx) |
Tool contexts created using ELF UI commands. |
-cmdTemplates(-ct) |
UI command templates created using ELF UI commands. |