Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-dialogStyle(-ds) |
int |
- 1 On Windows or Mac OS X will use a native style file
- 2 Use a custom file dialog with a style that is consistent
across platforms.
-caption(-cap) |
string |
Provide a title for the dialog. |
-startingDirectory(-dir) |
string |
Provide the starting directory for the dialog. |
-fileFilter(-ff) |
string |
Provide a list of file type filters to the dialog. Multiple
filters should be separated by double semi-colons. See the examples
section. |
-selectFileFilter(-sff) |
string |
Specify the initial file filter to select. Specify just the
begining text and not the full wildcard spec. |
-fileMode(-fm) |
int |
Indicate what the dialog is to return.
- 0 Any file, whether it exists or not.
- 1 A single existing file.
- 2 The name of a directory. Both directories and files are
displayed in the dialog.
- 3 The name of a directory. Only directories are displayed in
the dialog.
- 4 Then names of one or more existing files.
-okCaption(-okc) |
string |
If the dialogStyle flag is set to 2 then this provides a
caption for the OK, or Accept, button within the dialog. |
-cancelCaption(-cc) |
string |
If the dialogStyle flag is set to 2 then this provides a
caption for the Cancel button within the dialog. |
-returnFilter(-rf) |
boolean |
If true, the selected filter will be returned as the last item
in the string array along with the selected files. |