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Flags. MEL
dolly [-absolute] [-distance linear] [-dollyTowardsCenter boolean]
[-orthoScale float] [-relative] [camera]
dolly is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT
The dolly command moves a camera along the viewing direction in the
world space. The viewing-direction and up-direction of the camera
are not altered. There are two modes of operation: Relative mode:
for a perspective camera, the camera is moved along its viewing
direction, and the distance of travel is computed with respect to
the current position of the camera in the world space. In relative
mode, when the camera is moved, its COI is moved along with it, and
is kept at the same distance, in front of the camera, as before
applying the dolly operation. For orthographic camera, the viewing
width of the camera is changed by scaling its ortho width by the
new value specified on the command line. Absolute mode: for a
perspective camera, the camera is moved along its viewing
direction, to the distance that is computed with respect to the
current position of the world center of interest (COI) of the
camera. In the absolute mode, when the camera is moved, the COI of
the camera is not moved with the camera, but it is fixed at its
current location in space. For orthographic camera, the viewing
width of the camera is changed by replacing its ortho width with
the new value specified on the command line. This command may be
applied to more than one cameras; objects that are not cameras are
ignored. When no camera name supplied on the command line, this
command is applied to all currently active cameras. The dolly
command can be applied to either a perspective or an orthographic
camera, cameraView, listCameras, lookThru, orbit,
roll, track,
tumble, viewCamera, viewClipPlane, viewFit, viewHeadOn, viewLookAt, viewPlace, viewSet
absolute, distance, dollyTowardsCenter, orthoScale, relative
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-absolute(-abs) |
This flag modifies the behavior of the distance and orthoScale
flags. When used in conjunction with the distance flag, the
distance argument specifies how far the camera's eye point should
be set from the camera's center of interest. When used with the
orthoScale flag, the orthoScale argument specifies the camera's new
ortho width. |
-relative(-rel) |
This flag modifies the behavior of the distance and orthoScale
flags. When used in conjunction with the distance flag, the camera
eye and center of interest are both moved by the amount specified
by the distance flag's argument. When used with the orthoScale
flag, the orthoScale argument is used multiply the camera's ortho
width.By default the relative flag is always on. |
-distance(-d) |
linear |
Unit distance to dolly a perspective camera. |
-orthoScale(-os) |
float |
Scale to change the ortho width of an orthographic camera. |
-dollyTowardsCenter(-dtc) |
boolean |
This flag controls whether the dolly is performed towards the
center of the view (if true), or towards the point where the user
clicks (if false). By default, dollyTowardsCenter is on. |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can be used more than once in a
command. |
// Moves the persp camera forward through its center of interest
dolly -abs -d -3 persp;
// Move the persp camera and its center of interest.
dolly -d -3 persp;
// Changes the ortho-width of the top camera to 7.5
dolly -abs -os 7.5 top;
// Scale the ortho-width of the top camera by a quarter from its current value.
dolly -os 0.25 top;