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Flags. MEL
disconnectAttr [-nextAvailable] attribute
disconnectAttr is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT
Disconnects two connected attributes. First argument is the source
attribute, second is the destination.
string |
A phrase containing the names of the disconnected
attributes. |
addAttr, connectAttr, getAttr, listAttr,
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-nextAvailable(-na) |
If the destination multi-attribute has set the indexMatters to
be false, the command will disconnect the first matching
connection. No index needs to be specified. |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can be used more than once in a
command. |
// Create a sphere and cone and connect their rotate attribute.
string $sph[] = `sphere`;
string $con[] = `cone`;
connectAttr ($sph[0] + ".r") ($con[0] + ".r");
// Break the connection between the rotate attributes.
disconnectAttr ($sph[0] + ".r") ($con[0] + ".r");