Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


bakeClip [-blend uint uint] [-clipIndex uint] [-keepOriginals] [-name string]

bakeClip is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

This command is used to bake clips and blends into a single clip.

Return value

string clip name


character, clip, blend, animation, bake


clip, clipSchedule


blend, clipIndex, keepOriginals, name
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-clipIndex(-ci) uint createmultiuse
Specify the index of the clip to bake.
-blend(-b) uint uint create
Specify the indicies of the clips being blended.
-name(-n) string create
Specify the name of the new clip to create.
-keepOriginals(-k) create
Keep original clips in the trax editor and place the merged clip into the visor. The default is to schedule the merged clip, and to keep the original clips in the visor.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

//      First create a simple character.
cone -n bakeCone;
character -n coneCharacter;
//      Create some animation.
select -r bakeCone;
currentTime 0; setKeyframe -v 0 bakeCone.tx;
currentTime 10; setKeyframe -v 10 bakeCone.tx;
//      Make a clip.
clip -startTime 0 -endTime 10 -name "up" "coneCharacter";
//      Create a second clip.
select -r bakeCone;
currentTime 15; setKeyframe -v 15 bakeCone.tx;
currentTime 25; setKeyframe -v 0 bakeCone.tx;
// Make a clip.
clip -startTime 15 -endTime 25 -name "down" "coneCharacter";
// Blend the clips, with a linear weighting function.
string $scheduler = `character -q -sc "coneCharacter"`;
clipSchedule -b 0 1 $scheduler;
string $blendNode[] = `clipSchedule -bn 0 1 -q $scheduler`;
setKeyframe -at weight -t 0.0 -v 0.0 $blendNode[0];
setKeyframe -at weight -t 1.0 -v 1.0 $blendNode[0];
//      Bake out the two clips and the blend.
bakeClip -ci 0 -ci 1 -name "bakedUpAndDown" "coneCharacter";