
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// polyX3DWriter.h

// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS:    polyX3DWriter
// *****************************************************************************
// polyX3DWriter is a class derived from polyWriter.  It currently outputs, in
// X3D compliant format, the following polygonal mesh data:
// - faces and their vertex components
// - vertex coordinates
// - colors per vertex
// - normals per vertex
// - current uv set and coordinates
// - component sets
// - file textures (for the current uv set)
// *****************************************************************************

#include "polyWriter.h"

class polyX3DWriter:public polyWriter {

                                                polyX3DWriter (const MDagPath& dagPath, MStatus& status);
                virtual                 ~polyX3DWriter ();
                                MStatus extractGeometry ();
                                MStatus writeToFile (ostream& os);

                                MStatus outputSingleSet (ostream& os, 
                                                                                 MString setName, 
                                                                                 MIntArray faces, 
                                                                                 MString textureName);
                                MStatus outputX3DShapeTag (ostream& os,
                                                                                   const MString shapeName,
                                                                                   const MIntArray& faces,
                                                                                   const MString textureName,
                                                                                   const unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DAppearanceTag (ostream& os, 
                                                                                                const MString textureName, 
                                                                                                const unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DIndexedFaceSetTag (ostream& os, 
                                                                                                        const MIntArray& faces, 
                                                                                                        const MString textureName, 
                                                                                                        unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DCoordinateTag (ostream& os, const unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DTextureCoordinateTag (ostream& os, const unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DNormalTag (ostream& os, const unsigned int tabCount);
                                MStatus outputX3DColorTag (ostream& os, const unsigned int tabCount);

                //Data Members
                //for keeping track of already outputted X3D tags
                short int                       fTagFlags;

                //for formatting purposes - this changes depending on whether or not
                //a group node is being outputted
                short int                       fInitialTabCount;

                //for storing UV information
                MFloatArray                     fUArray;
                MFloatArray                     fVArray;

#endif /*__POLYX3DWRITER_H*/

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