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draggerContext [-anchorPoint float float float] [-button int] [-currentStep int] [-cursor string] [-dragCommand script] [-dragPoint float float float] [-drawString string] [-exists] [-finalize script] [-history boolean] [-holdCommand script] [-image1 string] [-image2 string] [-image3 string] [-initialize script] [-modifier string] [-name string] [-plane float float float] [-prePressCommand script] [-pressCommand script] [-projection string] [-releaseCommand script] [-snapping boolean] [-space string] [-stepsCount int] [-undoMode string] [name]

draggerContext is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The draggerContext allows the user to program the behavior of the mouse or an equivalent dragging device in MEL.

Return value

stringThe name of the context.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


anchorPoint, button, currentStep, cursor, dragCommand, dragPoint, drawString, exists, finalize, history, holdCommand, image1, image2, image3, initialize, modifier, name, plane, prePressCommand, pressCommand, projection, releaseCommand, snapping, space, stepsCount, undoMode
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-exists(-ex) create
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
-image1(-i1) string createqueryedit
-image2(-i2) string createqueryedit
-image3(-i3) string createqueryedit
Contexts support up to three icons that represent the tool associated with the context.
-history(-ch) boolean create
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for the tool in question.
-name(-n) string create
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately.
-initialize(-inz) script createqueryedit
Command called when the tool is entered.
-finalize(-fnz) script createqueryedit
Command called when the tool is exited.
-prePressCommand(-ppc) script createqueryedit
Command called when mouse dragger is pressed. It is called before pressCommand, so it can be used for initialization of context.
-pressCommand(-pc) script createqueryedit
Command called when mouse dragger is pressed.
-dragCommand(-dc) script createqueryedit
Command called when mouse dragger is dragged.
-releaseCommand(-rc) script createqueryedit
Command called when mouse dragger is released.
-holdCommand(-hc) script createqueryedit
Command called when mouse dragger is held.
-anchorPoint(-ap) float float float query
Anchor point (double array) where dragger was initially pressed.
-dragPoint(-dp) float float float query
Drag point (double array) current position of dragger during drag.
-projection(-pr) string createqueryedit
Sets current projection of drag point. Valid types are:
viewPlane project to view plane
objectViewPlane project to object plane (parallel to view plane)
objectPlane project to specified plane defined by object location and normal (default) 0,1,0
plane project to specified plane defined by origin and normal (default) 0,1,0
sketchPlane project to sketch plane
xAxis project to closest point on X axis
yAxis project to closest point on Y axis
zAxis project to closest point on Z axis
boundingSphere project to closest point on object sphere bounds
boundingBox project to closest point on object bounding box
-plane(-pl) float float float createedit
Provide normal of projection plane (see -projection flag for details).
-space(-sp) string createqueryedit
Sets current space that coordinates are reported in. Types are:
world world space (global)
object object space (local)
screen screen space
-modifier(-mo) string query
Returns the current modifier type: ctrl, alt or none.
-button(-bu) int query
Returns the current mouse button (1,2,3).
-cursor(-cur) string createqueryedit
Cursor displayed while context is active. Valid values are: "default", "hand", "crossHair", "dolly", "track", and "tumble".
-drawString(-ds) string createedit
A string to be drawn at the current position of the pointer.
-undoMode(-um) string createqueryedit
Undo queue mode for the context actions. Acceptable values are:
  • "all" default behaviour when every action that happens during dragger context activity is recorded as an individual undo chunk.
  • "step" - all the actions that happen between each press and release are combined into one undo chunk.
  • "sequence" - all the actions that happen between very first press and very last release are combined into single undo chunk. This works exactly the same as "step" for a single step dragger context.
-stepsCount(-sc) int createqueryedit
Number of steps (press-drag-release sequences) for dragger context. When combined with undoMode flag, several steps might be recorded as single undo action.
-snapping(-snp) boolean createqueryedit
Enable/disable snapping for dragger context.
-currentStep(-cs) int query
Current step (press-drag-release sequence) for dragger context. When queried before first press event happened, returns 0.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Procedure called on press
global proc sampleContextPress()
    float $pressPosition[] = `draggerContext -query -anchorPoint sampleContext`;
    print ("Press: " + $pressPosition[0] + " " + $pressPosition[1] + " "
        + $pressPosition[2] + "\n");

// Procedure called on drag
global proc sampleContextDrag()
    float  $dragPosition[] = `draggerContext -query -dragPoint sampleContext`;
    int    $button     = `draggerContext -query -button sampleContext`;
    string $modifier   = `draggerContext -query -modifier sampleContext`;

    print ("Drag: " + $dragPosition[0] + " " + $dragPosition[1] + " "
        + $dragPosition[2]
        + "  Button is " + $button + "  Modifier is " + $modifier + "\n");

    string $message = ($dragPosition[0] + ", " + $dragPosition[1]);
    draggerContext -edit -drawString $message sampleContext;

// Create the dragger context
    -pressCommand "sampleContextPress"
    -dragCommand  "sampleContextDrag"
    -cursor       "hand"

// Set current tool to use the sample context created.
// Results can be seen by dragging mouse in main window
setToolTo sampleContext;