
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================


//General Includes
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnSet.h>
#include <maya/MItDependencyGraph.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>

//Iterator Includes
#include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>

#include "polyX3DWriter.h"


//used as the default color for vertices which have no color assigned
#define DEFAULT_COLOR   "0.2 0.2 0.2"

//used as default values for the Material tag when outputting a texture
#define DIFFUSE_COLOR   "0 0 0"
#define SHININESS               "0.8"
#define SPECULAR_COLOR  "0.5 0.5 0.5"

//flags used to indicate which tags have been outputted already, so to
//minimize data duplication
#define COORDINATE_FLAG 0x0001
#define NORMAL_FLAG             0x0010
#define TEXTURE_FLAG    0x0100
#define COLOR_FLAG              0x1000

//number of spaces per tab

polyX3DWriter::polyX3DWriter(const MDagPath& dagPath, MStatus& status):
        polyWriter(dagPath, status),
//Summary:      creates and initializes an object of this class
//Args   :      dagPath - the DAG path of the current node
//                      status - will be set to MStatus::kSuccess if the constructor was
//                                       successful;  MStatus::kFailure otherwise

//Summary:  destructor method - does nothing

MStatus polyX3DWriter::extractGeometry() 
//Summary:      extracts main geometry as well as the current UV set and UV set 
//                      coordinates
        if (MStatus::kFailure == polyWriter::extractGeometry()) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        if (MStatus::kFailure == fMesh->getUVs(fUArray, fVArray, &fCurrentUVSetName)) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::writeToFile(ostream& os) 
//Summary:      outputs the geometry of this polygonal mesh in X3D compliant format
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      tabCount - the initial number of tabs to print
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method succeeds
//                      MStatus::kFailure if the method fails
        MGlobal::displayInfo("Exporting " + fMesh->partialPathName());
        unsigned int setCount = fPolygonSets.length();

        if (0 == setCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;
        } else if (1 == setCount) {
                if (MStatus::kFailure == outputSets(os)) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;
        } else {
                outputTabs(os, INITIAL_TAB_COUNT);
                os << "<Group DEF=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "\">\n";
                if (MStatus::kFailure == outputSets(os)) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;
                outputTabs(os, INITIAL_TAB_COUNT);
                os << "</Group>\n";
        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputSingleSet (ostream& os, MString setName, MIntArray faces, MString textureName) {
//Summary:      outputs a single set of polygons grouped under a Shape tag
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      shapeName - the value for the DEF attribute
//                      faces - an MIntArray containing the indices of the faces to include
//                                      in this shape
//                      textureName - the full path for the texture file
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        if (0 == fPolygonSets.length()) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;
        } else if (1 == fPolygonSets.length()) {
                setName = fMesh->partialPathName();
        } else {
                setName = fMesh->partialPathName() + "_" + setName;
        return outputX3DShapeTag (os, setName, faces, textureName, fInitialTabCount);

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DShapeTag(ostream & os,
                                                                         const MString shapeName,
                                                                         const MIntArray& faces,
                                                                         const MString textureName,
                                                                         const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D Shape tag with the DEF attribute
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      shapeName - the value for the DEF attribute
//                      faces - an MIntArray containing the indices of the faces to include
//                                      in this shape
//                      textureName - the full path for the texture file
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        os << "<Shape DEF=\"" << shapeName << "\">\n";

        if (MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DAppearanceTag(os, textureName, tabCount + 1)) { 
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        if (MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DIndexedFaceSetTag(os, faces, textureName, tabCount + 1)) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        os << "</Shape>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DAppearanceTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                                  const MString textureName, 
                                                                                  const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D Appearance Tag.  If textureName is an empty string, 
//                      outputs the default Material tag;  otherwise outputs a Material tag 
//                      with diffuseColor, shininess, and specularColor values set, along 
//                      with an ImageTexture tag with the url attribute value set to 
//                      textureName
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      textureName - the full path of the texture file
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        outputTabs(os, tabCount);

        //No texture name given, output default apperance and material tags
        if (textureName == MString("")) {
                os << "<Appearance><Material/></Appearance>\n";

        //Texture name was given, output an ImageTexture tag with the texture name 
        //as the value of the url attribute, and output default values for the 
        //diffuseColor, shininess, and specularColor of the material node
        } else {
                os << "<Appearance>\n";
                outputTabs(os, tabCount + 1);
                os << "<ImageTexture url=\"" << textureName << "\"/>\n";
                outputTabs(os, tabCount + 1);
                os << "<Material diffuseColor=\"" << DIFFUSE_COLOR 
                   << "\" shininess=\"" << SHININESS 
                   << "\" specularColor=\"" << SPECULAR_COLOR 
                   << "\"/>\n";
                outputTabs(os, tabCount);
                os << "</Appearance>\n";
        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DIndexedFaceSetTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                                          const MIntArray& faces,
                                                                                          const MString textureName, 
                                                                                          const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D IndexedFaceSet tag along with the Coordinate and
//                      Normal tags.  If textureName is an empty string, also outputs the
//                      Color tag and IndexedFaceSet's colorIndex and colorPerVertex 
//                      attributes; otherwise outputs the TextureCoordinate tag and
//                      IndexedFaceSet's texCoordIndex attribute
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      faces - an MIntArray containing the indices of the faces to include
//                                      in this IndexedFaceSet
//                      textureName - the full path for the texture file
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        os << "<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex=\"";

        unsigned int faceCount = faces.length();

        //if there are no faces to output return an error status
        if (0 == faceCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        MStatus status;
        //general purpose counters
        unsigned int i, j, indexCount;

        //general int array storage
        MIntArray indexList;

        //For every face in the faces array, retrieve and output its vertices.
        //getPolygonVertices() returns the indices of the vertices of a given face,
        //and orders the vertex indices in the array in the manner required for the
        //X3D IndexedFaceSet tag.  Note, these indices refer to the array fVertexArray.
        for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {

                indexCount = fMesh->polygonVertexCount(faces[i], &status);
                if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

                //store those vertices for face[i] and output them
                status = fMesh->getPolygonVertices (faces[i], indexList);
                if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

                for (j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
                        os << indexList[j] << " ";

                os << "-1 ";

        //For every face in the faces array, retrieve and output its vertex normals.
        //getNormalIDs() returns the indices of the normals of a given face.  Note, 
        //these indices refer to the array fNormalArray.
        os << "\" normalPerVertex=\"true\" normalIndex=\"";
        for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
                //store the vertex normals for face[i]
                status == fMesh->getFaceNormalIds (faces[i], indexList);
                if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

                //determine the number of vertex normals for face[i] 
                //and output them
                indexCount = indexList.length();
                for (j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
                        os << indexList[j] << " ";
                os << "-1 ";
        os << "\" ";

        //If a texture name is not given, output colorIndex attribute
        if (textureName == MString("")) {
                os << "colorPerVertex=\"true\" ";
                //output the color indices for each per polygon vertex.  These indices
                //refer to the array fColorArray
                os << "colorIndex=\"";
                int colorIndex = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
                        indexCount = fMesh->polygonVertexCount(faces[i], &status);
                        if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                                return MStatus::kFailure;

                        for (j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
                                if (MStatus::kFailure == fMesh->getFaceVertexColorIndex(faces[i], j, colorIndex)) {
                                        return MStatus::kFailure;
                                os << colorIndex << " ";
                        os << "-1 ";
                os << "\">\n";

                //output the X3D color tag to correspond with the indices
                if (MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DColorTag(os, tabCount + 1)) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

        //A texture name was given, output the texCoordIndex attribute
        } else {
                os << " texCoordIndex=\"";

                //output the uv indicies for each polygon per vertex.  These indices
                //refer to the arrays fUArray and fVArray

                for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
                        indexCount = fMesh->polygonVertexCount(faces[i], &status);
                        if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                                return MStatus::kFailure;

                        for (j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
                                int uvID;
                                status = fMesh->getPolygonUVid(faces[i], j, uvID, &fCurrentUVSetName);
                                if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
                                        return MStatus::kFailure;
                                os << uvID << " ";
                        os << "-1 ";

                os << "\">\n";

                //output the X3D TextureCoordinateTag to correspond with the indices
                if (MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DTextureCoordinateTag(os, tabCount + 1)) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

        //output the vertex coordinates using the X3D Coordinate tag and
        //output the vertex normals using the X3D Normal tag
        if (MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DCoordinateTag(os, tabCount + 1)
                || MStatus::kFailure == outputX3DNormalTag(os, tabCount + 1)) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;
        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        os << "</IndexedFaceSet>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DCoordinateTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                                  const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D Coordinate tag with the DEF attribute if the tag 
//                      has not been previously output for this polygonal mesh; with the 
//                      USE attribute otherwise
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        unsigned int vertexCount = fVertexArray.length();
        if (0 == vertexCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        //tag has already been output for this mesh, so just re-use that tag
        if (fTagFlags & COORDINATE_FLAG) {
                os << "<Coordinate USE=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_coordinates";
        //tag has not been output for this mesh, so define a new tag with the
        //necessary data
        } else {
                fTagFlags |= COORDINATE_FLAG;
                os << "<Coordinate DEF=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_coordinates\" point=\"";
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
                        os << fVertexArray[i].x << " " 
                           << fVertexArray[i].y << " " 
                           << fVertexArray[i].z << ", ";

        os << "\"/>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DNormalTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                          const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D Normal tag with the DEF attribute if the Normal tag
//                      has not been previously output for this polygonal mesh; with the 
//                      USE attribute otherwise
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        unsigned int normalCount = fNormalArray.length();
        if (0 == normalCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        //tag has already been output for this mesh, so just re-use that tag
        if (fTagFlags & NORMAL_FLAG) {
                os << "<Normal USE=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_normals";
        //tag has not been output for this mesh, so define a new tag with the
        //necessary data
        } else {
                fTagFlags |= NORMAL_FLAG;
                os << "<Normal DEF=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_normals\" vector=\"";
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < normalCount; i++) {
                        os << fNormalArray[i].x << " " 
                           << fNormalArray[i].y << " " 
                           << fNormalArray[i].z << ", ";
        os << "\"/>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DTextureCoordinateTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                                                 const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D TextureCoordinate tag with the DEF attribute if the 
//                      tag has not been previously output for this polygonal mesh; with 
//                      the USE attribute otherwise
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        unsigned int uvCount = fUArray.length();
        if (0 == uvCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        //tag has already been output for this mesh, so just re-use that tag
        if (fTagFlags & TEXTURE_FLAG) {
                os << "<TextureCoordinate USE=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_texCoordinates";
        //tag has not been output for this mesh, so define a new tag with the
        //necessary data
        } else {
                fTagFlags |= TEXTURE_FLAG;
                os << "<TextureCoordinate DEF=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_texCoordinates\" point=\"";
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < uvCount; i++) {
                        os << fUArray[i] << " " << fVArray[i] << ", ";
        os << "\"/>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

MStatus polyX3DWriter::outputX3DColorTag(ostream & os, 
                                                                         const unsigned int tabCount) 
//Summary:      outputs the X3D Color tag with the DEF attribute if the tag has not 
//                      been previously output for this polygonal mesh; with the USE 
//                      attribute otherwise
//Args   :      os - an output stream to write to
//                      tabCount - the number of tabs to preceed this tag
//Returns:  MStatus::kSuccess if the method successfully outputs this tag;
//                      MStatus::kFailure otherwise
        unsigned int colorCount = fColorArray.length();
        if (0 == colorCount) {
                return MStatus::kFailure;
        outputTabs(os, tabCount);
        //tag has already been output for this mesh, so just re-use that tag
        if (fTagFlags & COLOR_FLAG) {
                os << "<Color USE=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_colors";
        //tag has not been output for this mesh, so define a new tag with the
        //necessary data
        } else {
                fTagFlags |= COLOR_FLAG;
                os << "<Color DEF=\"" << fMesh->partialPathName() << "_colors\" color=\"";
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
                        //an rgb value of -1 -1 -1 in Maya indicates no color, so if any
                        //component is not -1, color info is present.  Note: only need to check
                        //r, g, or b; r was chosen arbitrarily
                        if (-1 != fColorArray[i].r) {
                                os << fColorArray[i].r << " " 
                                   << fColorArray[i].g << " " 
                                   << fColorArray[i].b << ", ";
                        //use default coloring
                        } else {
                                os << DEFAULT_COLOR << ", ";
        os << "\"/>\n";

        return MStatus::kSuccess;

Autodesk® Maya® 2010 © 1997-2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6