#include "meshRemapCmd.h"
#include "meshMapUtils.h"
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MFloatPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MDagPathArray.h>
#include <maya/MObjectArray.h>
void* meshRemapCommand::creator()
return new meshRemapCommand;
MStatus meshRemapCommand::parseArgs(const MArgList& args)
MSelectionList list;
MString err;
MStatus stat;
if( args.length() != 6 )
displayError("6 vertices must be specified");
return MS::kFailure;
int argIdx = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
MObjectArray selectedComponent(3);
MDagPathArray selectedPath;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
MString arg;
if( ( stat = args.get( argIdx, arg )) != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError( "Can't parse arg");
return stat;
if (! list.add( arg ) )
err = arg + ": no such component";
return MS::kFailure;
MItSelectionList selectionIt (list, MFn::kComponent);
if (selectionIt.isDone ())
err = arg + ": not a component";
displayError (err);
return MS::kFailure;
if( selectionIt.getDagPath (selectedPath[j], selectedComponent[j]) != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError( "Can't get path for");
return stat;
if (!selectedPath[j].node().hasFn(MFn::kMesh) && !(selectedPath[j].node().hasFn(MFn::kTransform) && selectedPath[j].hasFn(MFn::kMesh)))
err = arg + ": Invalid type! Only a mesh or its transform can be specified!";
displayError (err);
return MStatus::kFailure;
if( i == 0 )
if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( selectedPath, selectedComponent, &fFaceIdxSrc, &fFaceVtxSrc ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on source mesh");
return stat;
fDagPathSrc = selectedPath[0];
if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( selectedPath, selectedComponent, &fFaceIdxDst, &fFaceVtxDst ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on target mesh");
return stat;
fDagPathDst = selectedPath[0];
if( fDagPathSrc == fDagPathDst )
displayError("Cannot use one mesh for both source and target");
return stat;
return MStatus::kSuccess;
MStatus meshRemapCommand::doIt(const MArgList& args)
MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
if ( ( stat = parseArgs( args ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError ("Error parsing arguments");
return stat;
return redoIt();
MStatus meshRemapCommand::redoIt()
MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
MFnMesh theMeshSrc( fDagPathSrc, &stat );
if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" MFnMesh creation");
return stat;
MFloatPointArray origVertices;
stat = theMeshSrc.getPoints (origVertices, MSpace::kObject );
if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" MFnMesh getPoints");
return stat;
MIntArray faceTraversal( theMeshSrc.numPolygons(), false );
MIntArray cvMapping( theMeshSrc.numVertices(), -1 );
MIntArray cvMappingInverse( theMeshSrc.numVertices(), -1 );
MIntArray newPolygonCounts;
MIntArray newPolygonConnects;
MFloatPointArray newVertices;
stat = meshMapUtils::traverseFace( fDagPathSrc, fFaceIdxSrc, fFaceVtxSrc[0], fFaceVtxSrc[1], faceTraversal,
cvMapping, cvMappingInverse,
newPolygonCounts, newPolygonConnects,
origVertices, newVertices );
if ( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" could not process all the mesh faces.");
return stat;
MFnMesh theMeshDst( fDagPathDst, &stat );
if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" MFnMesh creation");
return stat;
MFloatPointArray origVerticesDst;
stat = theMeshDst.getPoints (origVerticesDst, MSpace::kObject );
if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" MFnMesh getPoints");
return stat;
MIntArray faceTraversalDst( theMeshDst.numPolygons(), false );
MIntArray cvMappingDst( theMeshDst.numVertices(), -1 );
MIntArray cvMappingInverseDst( theMeshDst.numVertices(), -1 );
MIntArray newPolygonCountsDst;
MIntArray newPolygonConnectsDst;
MFloatPointArray newVerticesDst;
stat = meshMapUtils::traverseFace( fDagPathDst, fFaceIdxDst, fFaceVtxDst[0], fFaceVtxDst[1], faceTraversalDst,
cvMappingDst, cvMappingInverseDst,
newPolygonCountsDst, newPolygonConnectsDst,
origVerticesDst, newVerticesDst );
if ( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" could not process all the mesh faces.");
return stat;
for( int i = 0; i < theMeshDst.numVertices(); i++ )
newVerticesDst[cvMappingInverse[i]] = origVerticesDst[cvMappingInverseDst[i]];
stat = theMeshDst.copyInPlace( fDagPathSrc.node() );
if ( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" mesh copy failed.");
return stat;
stat = theMeshDst.setPoints( newVerticesDst );
if ( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
displayError(" setPoints failed.");
return stat;
return stat;
MStatus meshRemapCommand::setSeedInfo( bool src, MDagPath& path, int face, int vtx0, int vtx1 )
if( src )
fDagPathSrc = path;
fFaceIdxSrc = face;
fFaceVtxSrc[0] = vtx0;
fFaceVtxSrc[1] = vtx1;
fDagPathDst = path;
fFaceIdxDst = face;
fFaceVtxDst[0] = vtx0;
fFaceVtxDst[1] = vtx1;
return MStatus::kSuccess;