
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// Description:
//              A command which exercises the various NURBS closestPoint methods
//      available in the API. The command expects all data it needs to work
//      with to be on the selection list.
// Usage:
//              Before calling this command, the selection list needs to have
//              the following nodes selected in order:
//              o  A NURBS surface, such as nurbsPlaneShape1. The surface may
//                 be transformed in the DAG, if desired.
//              o  The transform node of a locator. The user should place the
//                 locator at the point in 3-space for which they want to find
//                 the closest point on the NURBS surface.
//              When invoked with the above items in order on the selection list,
//              the command proceeds to calculate the closest point on the NURBS
//              surface, moving "locator2" to the computed closest point to allow
//              the user to visually see what closest point was calculated.
// Example:
//              1. Compile and load this plug-in into Maya.
//              2. Create a NURBS surface, such as a NURBS plane. Move some CVs
//                 to obtain a wavy surface.
//              3. Create two locators, locator1 and locator2, (both should be
//                 children of the world because the plug-in translates locator2
//                 to the calculated closest point value for display purposes).
//              4. Position the first locator somewhere in 3D space over the
//                 surface. Note that the second locator will be automatically
//                 moved to the closest point on the surface by the command.
//              5. Select the two objects:
//                              MEL> select nurbsPlaneShape1 locator1 locator2;
//              6. Invoke this command:
//                              MEL> closestPointOnNurbsSurface;
//              7. You should see locator2 move to the point on the NURBS
//                 surface which is closest to locator1.
//              8. Move locator1 to different positions and invoke this
//                 command again. You should see locator2 move to the correct
//                 closest location each time.
//              9. Try rotating, scaling and translating the NURBS surface's
//                 transform node and you should see the closest point being
//                 correctly computed.

#include <math.h>

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MNurbsIntersector.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnTransform.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsSurface.h>

#include "closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd.h"



void* closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::creator()
   return new closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd;

bool closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::isUndoable() const
   return false;

MStatus closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
// Description:
// See the command usage at the top of this file for details
// on how to use this command.
        bool debug = false;     
        bool treeBased = true;

        MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;

        if(debug) cout << "closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::doIt\n";
        MSelectionList list;
        stat = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(list);
        if(!stat) {
                if(debug) cout << "getActiveSelectionList FAILED\n";
                return( stat );

        MDagPath path;

        MObject nurbsObject;
        stat = list.getDependNode(0,nurbsObject);
                if(debug) cout << "getDependNode FAILED\n";

        MFnDagNode nodeFn(nurbsObject);

        // don't use the transform, use the shape
        if(nodeFn.childCount() > 0) {
                MObject child = nodeFn.child(0);

        if(debug) cout << "Working with: " << path.partialPathName() << endl;

        MMatrix mat = path.inclusiveMatrixInverse();
        if(debug) cout << mat << endl;

        MObject loc1Object;
        stat = list.getDependNode(1, loc1Object); // use the transform, not the shape
        if(!stat) {
                if(debug) cout << "FAILED grabbing locator1\n";
                return( stat );

        MFnTransform loc1Fn(loc1Object);
        MVector t = loc1Fn.getTranslation(MSpace::kObject);
        MPoint pt(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
        if(debug) cout << "test point: " << pt << endl;
        if(debug) cout << "transformed:" << pt * mat << endl;
        MPoint resultPoint;
        double u, v;

        if ( treeBased ) {
                // Use the tree-based NURBS closest point algorithm.
                // The idea is to call create() once, then reuse for later calls
                // to getClosestPoint(). In our example, we'll just do one
                // getClosestPoint() call.
                if(debug) cout << "tree-based NURBS closestPoint (MNurbsIntersector)\n";
                MNurbsIntersector nurbIntersect;
                stat = nurbIntersect.create(nurbsObject, mat);
                if(!stat) {
                        if(debug) cout << "MNurbsIntersector::create FAILED\n";
                        return( stat );

                MPointOnNurbs ptON;
                stat = nurbIntersect.getClosestPoint(pt, ptON);
                if(!stat) {
                        if(debug) cout << "getClosestPoint FAILED!\n";
                        return( stat );
                resultPoint = ptON.getPoint();
                MPoint UV = ptON.getUV();
                u = UV.x;
                v = UV.y;
        } else {
                // Use the non-tree NURBS closest point algorithm from MFnNurbsSurface.
                MFnNurbsSurface ns = MFnNurbsSurface( nurbsObject );
                pt *= mat;      // Need to transform into object space ourselves
                resultPoint = ns.closestPoint( pt, false, &u, &v );

        // As a check, grab the world space point that corresponds to the
        // UVs returned from getClosestPoint.
        if(debug) cout << "result UV: " << u << ", " << v << endl;
        MString cmd = "pointOnSurface -u ";
        cmd += u;
        cmd += " -v ";
        cmd += v;
        cmd += " ";
        cmd += path.partialPathName();
        MDoubleArray arr;
        MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd, arr); 
        if(debug) cout << "check results:  result UV corresponds to world point: " << arr << endl;

        MPoint worldResultPoint = resultPoint * path.inclusiveMatrix();
        if(debug) cout << "local space result point: " << resultPoint << endl;
        if(debug) cout << "world space result point: " << worldResultPoint << endl;

        if ( fabs( arr[0] - worldResultPoint.x ) > 0.0001
                        || fabs( arr[1] - worldResultPoint.y ) > 0.0001
                        || fabs( arr[2] - worldResultPoint.z ) > 0.0001 ) {
                cout << "check results: pointOnSurface does not match world point: " << arr << endl;
                return( MS::kFailure );

        // Move the second locator to the returned world-space point
        // This should always be on the nurbs surface.
        // Note: we are assuming with both locators that they are children of
        // the world.
        MObject loc2Object;
        stat = list.getDependNode(2, loc2Object); // use the transform, not the shape
        if(!stat) {
                if(debug) cout << "FAILED grabbing locator2\n";
                return( stat );

        MFnTransform loc2Fn(loc2Object);
        stat = loc2Fn.setTranslation(worldResultPoint, MSpace::kTransform);

        return stat;

MStatus closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::undoIt()
        MStatus status;
        // undo not implemented
        return status;

// The following routines are used to register/unregister
// the command we are creating within Maya
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MStatus   status;
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "8.5", "Any");

    status = plugin.registerCommand( "closestPointOnNurbsSurface",
                        closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd::creator );
    if (!status) {
        return status;

    return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
    MStatus   status;
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj );

    status = plugin.deregisterCommand( "closestPointOnNurbsSurface" );
    if (!status) {
        return status;

    return status;

Autodesk® Maya® 2009 © 1997-2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6