
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#ifndef _apiMeshShape
#define _apiMeshShape

// apiMeshShape.h
// Implements a new type of shape node in maya called apiMesh.
//     inputSurface    - input apiMeshData
//     outputSurface   - output apiMeshData
//     worldSurface    - array of world space apiMeshData, each element
//                       represents an istance of the shape
//     mControlPoints  - inherited control vertices for the mesh. These values
//                       are tweaks (offsets) that will be applied to the
//                       vertices of the input shape.
//     bboxCorner1     - bounding box upper left corner
//     bboxCorner2     - bounding box lower right corner

#include <maya/MPxSurfaceShape.h> 
#include <maya/MPxGeometryIterator.h> 
#include <maya/MTypeId.h> 
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MDoubleArray.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionMask.h>
#include <apiMeshGeom.h>
#include <apiMeshData.h>
#include <apiMeshIterator.h>

class MPointArray;

class apiMesh : public MPxSurfaceShape
        virtual ~apiMesh(); 

        // Overrides

        // From MPxNode
        virtual void                    postConstructor();
    virtual MStatus             compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data );
        virtual bool                    getInternalValue( const MPlug&,
    virtual bool                        setInternalValue( const MPlug&,
                                                                                          const MDataHandle&);
        virtual MStatus                 connectionMade( const MPlug& plug,
                                                                                         const MPlug& otherPlug,
                                                                                         bool asSrc );
        virtual MStatus                 connectionBroken( const MPlug& plug,
                                                                                         const MPlug& otherPlug,
                                                                                         bool asSrc );
        virtual MStatus                 shouldSave( const MPlug& plug, bool& result );

        // Attribute to component (components)
        virtual void                    componentToPlugs( MObject &,
                                                                                          MSelectionList & ) const;
        virtual MatchResult             matchComponent( const MSelectionList& item,
                                                                                        const MAttributeSpecArray& spec,
                                                                                        MSelectionList& list );
        virtual bool                    match(  const MSelectionMask & mask,
                                                                        const MObjectArray& componentList ) const;

        // Support deformers (components)
        virtual MObject                 createFullVertexGroup() const;
        virtual MObject                 localShapeInAttr() const;
        virtual MObject                 localShapeOutAttr() const;
        virtual MObject                 worldShapeOutAttr() const;
        virtual MObject                 cachedShapeAttr() const;

        virtual MObject                 geometryData() const;
        virtual void                    closestPoint ( const MPoint & toThisPoint,
                                                                        MPoint & theClosestPoint,
                                                                        double tolerance ) const;

        // Support the translate/rotate/scale tool (components)
        virtual void                transformUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
                                                                        const MObjectArray & componentList );
        virtual void                transformUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
                                                                                        const MObjectArray & componentList,
                                                                                        MPxSurfaceShape::MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
                                                                                        MPointArray* pointCache);
        virtual void                    tweakUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
                                                                                const MObjectArray & componentList,
                                                                                MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
                                                                                MPointArray* pointCache,
                                                                                MArrayDataHandle& handle );

        // Support the move tools normal/u/v mode (components)
        virtual bool                    vertexOffsetDirection( MObject & component,
                                                   MVectorArray & direction,
                                                   MVertexOffsetMode mode,
                                                                                                   bool normalize );

        // Bounding box methods
        virtual bool            isBounded() const;
        virtual MBoundingBox    boundingBox() const; 

        // Associates a user defined iterator with the shape (components)
        virtual MPxGeometryIterator*
                                                        geometryIteratorSetup( MObjectArray&, MObject&,
                                                                                                   bool forReadOnly = false );
        virtual bool                    acceptsGeometryIterator( bool  writeable=true );
        virtual bool                    acceptsGeometryIterator( MObject&, 
                                                                                                         bool writeable=true,
                                                                                                         bool forReadOnly = false);

        // Helper methods

        bool                                    hasHistory();

    MStatus                             computeInputSurface( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
    MStatus                             computeOutputSurface( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
    MStatus                             computeWorldSurface( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
        MStatus                                 computeBoundingBox( MDataBlock& );

        MStatus                                 applyTweaks( MDataBlock&, apiMeshGeom* );

        bool                                    value( int pntInd, int vlInd, double & val ) const;
        bool                                    value( int pntInd, MPoint & val ) const;
        bool                                    setValue( int pntInd, int vlInd, double val );
        bool                                    setValue( int pntInd, const MPoint & val );

        MObject                                 meshDataRef();
        apiMeshGeom*                    meshGeom();
        MObject                                 cachedDataRef();
        apiMeshGeom*                    cachedGeom();

        MStatus                                 buildControlPoints( MDataBlock&, int count );
        void                                    verticesUpdated();

        static  void *          creator();
        static  MStatus         initialize();

    // Attributes
    static  MObject         inputSurface;
    static  MObject         outputSurface;
    static  MObject         worldSurface;

        // used to support tweaking of points, the inputSurface attribute data is
        // transferred into the cached surface when it is dirty. The control points
        // tweaks are added into it there.
    static  MObject         cachedSurface;

    static  MObject         bboxCorner1;
    static  MObject         bboxCorner2;
        static  MTypeId         id;

        bool fHasHistoryOnCreate;

#endif /* _apiMeshShape */

Autodesk® Maya® 2009 © 1997-2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6