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Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Attributes (4)

applyMatrixToResult, inSubdiv, outputSurfaces, outputType

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inSubdiv (i) subdivisionSurfaceNULLinputconnectablestorable
The input subdivision surface to be converted
outputSurfaces (os) nurbsSurfaceNULLarrayoutputconnectable
The resulting nurbs surfaces
outputType (ot) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Output surface type. 0 - NURBS 1 - Beziers Output surfaces are degree 3. The NURBS option tries to generate the minimal number of NURBS surfaces. The Bezier option converts each face on the subdiv into a separate Bezier surface.
applyMatrixToResult (amr) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
If true, the matrix on the input geometry is applied to the object and the resulting geometry will have identity matrix on it. If false the conversion is done on the local space object and the resulting geometry has the matrix of the input object on it.