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Related nodes. Attributes.
Compute information associated with a point on a nurbs curve. The point
is specified with the input curve (inputCurve) and the parameter value
(parameter), either in the curve domain or in the 0-1 domain (if
turnOnPercentage is set to true.) The information available is: position,
curve normal (normalized to length 1 in normalizedNormal), curve tangent
normalized to length 1 in normalizedTangent), curvature radius
(curvatureRadius) and the center of curvature (curvatureCenter.)
Node name | Parents | MFn type | Compatible function sets |
pointOnCurveInfo | abstractBaseCreate | kPointOnCurveInfo | kBase kNamedObject kDependencyNode kCreate kPointOnCurveInfo |
Related nodes
closestPointOnSurface, pointOnSurfaceInfo
Attributes (29)
curvatureCenter, curvatureCenterX, curvatureCenterY, curvatureCenterZ, curvatureRadius, inputCurve, normal, normalX, normalY, normalZ, normalizedNormal, normalizedNormalX, normalizedNormalY, normalizedNormalZ, normalizedTangent, normalizedTangentX, normalizedTangentY, normalizedTangentZ, parameter, position, positionX, positionY, positionZ, result, tangent, tangentX, tangentY, tangentZ, turnOnPercentage
Long name (short name) | Type | Default | Flags |
(ic )
| nurbsCurve | NULL | |
(pr )
| double | 0.0 | |
(top )
| bool | false | |
(rs )
| compound | n/a | |
| position
(p )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 | | |
| positionX
(px )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | positionY
(py )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | positionZ
(pz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| normal
(n )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 | | |
| normalX
(nx )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | normalY
(ny )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | normalZ
(nz )
| distance (double) | 1.0cm | | |
| normalizedNormal
(nn )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 | | |
| normalizedNormalX
(nnx )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | normalizedNormalY
(nny )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | normalizedNormalZ
(nnz )
| distance (double) | 1.0cm | | |
| tangent
(t )
| double3 | 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 | | |
| tangentX
(tx )
| distance (double) | 1.0cm | | |
| | tangentY
(ty )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | tangentZ
(tz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| normalizedTangent
(nt )
| double3 | 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 | | |
| normalizedTangentX
(ntx )
| distance (double) | 1.0cm | | |
| | normalizedTangentY
(nty )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | normalizedTangentZ
(ntz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| curvatureCenter
(cc )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 | | |
| curvatureCenterX
(ccx )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | curvatureCenterY
(ccy )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| | curvatureCenterZ
(ccz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm | | |
| curvatureRadius
(cr )
| distance (double) | 1.0cm | | |