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This node produces a polygon surface based on a NURBS surface and several tesselation parameters. You can choose to produce either 3-sided polygons or 4-sided polygons with the "polygonType" attribute.

There are three formats for controlling the output polygon surface:

Triangle Count lets you specify the exact number of resulting polygons by using the polygonCount attribute.

Standard Fit lets you fit polygons based on tolerances to the NURBS surface. You can control chordHeightRatio, fractionalTolerance, minEdgeLength, and delta.

General lets you control tesselation along the two surface directions, while keeping within specified tolerances. You can control uType, uNumber, vType, vNumber, useChordHeight, chordHeight, useChordHeightRatio, chordHeightRatio, and edgeSwap. This type of tessellation first generates a polygon surface based on the Type and Number attributes, then examines the polygons to determine if they meet the other attributes for chord height, chord height ratio and edge swap. This is performed recursively until all criteria have been met, or a depth of 10 recursions has been reached.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

transformGeometry, rebuildSurface

Attributes (7)

curvatureTolerance, explicitTessellationAttributes, inputSurface, smoothEdge, smoothEdgeRatio, uDivisionsFactor, vDivisionsFactor

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inputSurface (is) nurbsSurfaceNULLoutputinputconnectable
The input surface
smoothEdge (ues) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
Specifies if the decision to continue tessellation should be based on the nurbs edge smoothness
smoothEdgeRatio (esr) double0.99outputinputconnectablestorable
Specifies the edge smooth ratio. The higher the value, the smoother the edge will be.
explicitTessellationAttributes (eta) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
specify advanced or novice mode for tessellation parameters
uDivisionsFactor (nuf) double1.5outputinputconnectablestorable
Specifies the tessellation increase factor in U for novice mode
vDivisionsFactor (nvf) double1.5outputinputconnectablestorable
Specifies the tessellation increase factor in V for novice mode
curvatureTolerance (cvt) enum2outputinputconnectablestorable
Presets for level of secondary criteria curvature tolerance: 0 = highest tolerance, 1 = high tolerance, 2 = medium tolerance, 3 = no tolerance