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The 'loft' node constructs a NURBS surface to pass through (interpolate) two or more input NURBS curves.

The attribute ".ic[i]" is used to specify the i-th NURBS curve to be used for the surface creation.

The attribute ".degree" is used to specify the degree of the constructed surface. The following are legal values : 1 - Linear, 3- Cubic.

The attribute ".uniform" can be used to choose between uniform or chord length parameterization in the direction across the input curves on the resulting surface.

The attribute ".close" can be used to close the surface in the direction across the input NURBS curves.

The attribute ".ar" is used to automate the reversal of input curves. The input curves are internally reversed as required in order to avoid a bow-tie like surface. A 'true' value overrides any explicit reversal specified on the individual input curves.

The attribute ".r[i]" can be used to explicitly reverse the i-th input NURBS curve. It must be noted that the attribute ".ar" must be set to 'false' for the attribute ".r[i]" to have any effect.

The attribute ".cc[i]" can be used to create a (potential) cusp at the i-th profile curve.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

revolve, extrude, makeNurbsSquare

Attributes (10)

autoReverse, close, createCusp, degree, inputCurve, outputSurface, reverse, reverseSurfaceNormals, sectionSpans, uniform

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inputCurve (ic) nurbsCurveNULLarrayoutputinputconnectable
The input curves
uniform (u) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If set to true, the resulting surface will have uniform parameterization in the loft direction. If set to false, the parameterization will be chord length.
close (c) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If set to true, the resulting surface will be closed (periodic) with the start (end) at the first curve. If set to false, the surface will remain open.
degree (d) enum3outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The degree of the resulting surface
outputSurface (os) nurbsSurfaceNULLoutputconnectable
Output NURBS surface
autoReverse (ar) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
If set to true, the direction of the curves for the loft is computed automatically. If set to false, the values of the multi-use reverse flag are used instead.
reverse (r) boolfalsearrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Multi-use flag; each occurence of the flag refers to the matching curve in the loft operation; if the flag is set the particular curve will be reversed before being used in the loft operation.
reverseSurfaceNormals (rsn) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
If set, the surface normals on the output NURBS surface will be reversed. This is accomplished by swapping the U and V parametric directions.
sectionSpans (ss) integer1outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The number of surface spans between consecutive curves in the loft.
createCusp (cc) boolfalsearrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Multi-use flag; each occurence of the flag refers to the matching curve in the loft operation; if the flag is set the particular profile will have a cusp (tangent break) in the resulting surface.