Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

    This class describes the instancer node.  It takes a set
 of point data (including positions, rotations, scales, etc.)
 and instances hierarchies to that point data.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes


Attributes (11)

cycle, cycleStep, cycleStepUnit, fillArray, hierarchyCount, inputHierarchy, inputPoints, instanceCount, levelOfDetail, rotationAngleUnits, rotationOrder

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inputPoints (inp) genericArrayNULLoutputinputconnectable
This is where the point data is connected. The point data can only be coming from one source. There is nothing keeping the user from having an API node take several inputs and combining them into a single point data attribute, however.
inputHierarchy (inh) matrixNULLarrayinputconnectable
This is where all of the hierarchies that are to be instanced are connected with their local matrix attributes. We use the local matrix so that we can detect when the transformation of the hierachies change, because that would mean that we need to redraw the instances.
rotationOrder (ror) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute tells the instancer what order to do the rotations in for each point if and only if the rotation type is set to "Rotation" for that particular point. When either "aimDirection" or "aimPosition" are used, then the rotation order does not matter.
rotationAngleUnits (rau) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute tells the instancer how to interpret the values in the "rotation" array when a point's rotation type is set to "Rotation". The valid options are "Degrees" and "Radians".
cycle (cyc) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute tells the instancer whether or not it should change the hierachy instanced to each point automatically or not, and how it should change them.
cycleStep (cs) double1.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute tells the instancer how often to change the hierarchy instanced to each point. The unit that this value is interpretted in is based on the value of aCycleStepUnit
cycleStepUnit (csu) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute tells the instancer how to interpret the value in aCycleStep. The default is to be in frames.
levelOfDetail (lod) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This attribute lets the user control the display of the instanced objects. Since there could be hundreds or thousands of points, the user may not want to draw them all interactively. If this attribute is set to "Full", then the objects are drawn exactly as they would be in the current display mode. If the value is "BOXES", then only the bounding box for each object is drawn. If the value is "BOX", then only the bounding box for the instnacer is drawn.
instanceCount (ic) integer0outputconnectablekeyable
This attribute will be set to the current number of instances being created. This number includes those whose "visibility" value is set to FALSE/0. It is the number of points coming into the instancer.
fillArray (fa) boolfalsehidden
This attribute is used to trigger the action of getting all of the data from the inputPoint data. It is not used by the user at all.
hierarchyCount (hc) integer0outputconnectablekeyable
This is a READ-ONLY attribute to allow the users to query the number of hierarchies being instanced by the node.