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"FurGlobals" node is used to define how the fur renders in addition to the render global. User must define fur-specific render global before rendering.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

FurAttractors, FurCurveAttractors, FurDescription, FurFeedback, furPointOnMeshInfo, furPointOnSubd

Attributes (26)

areaValue, attractorSets, compFur, copyAttrMaps, disableGeometryRendering, equalMap, furNodeList, furPixelBufferSize, hairDescriptions, includePidInFilesName, keepFurImages, keepIntermediateFiles, nurbsTesselation, projectLocation, readEqualMapPath, readFurFiles, readFurFilesPath, readFurImage, readFurImagePath, readShadowMap, readShadowMapPath, renderFur, renderFurImages, renderShadowMaps, shadowFur, shadowPixelBufferSize

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
renderFur (rh) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
To enable or disable fur rendering. True: Enable Fur Rendering, False: Disable Fur Rendering.
areaValue (av) enum2outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the distribution of hair. Off-(0) Each surface receives the same number of hairs specified by the Density value for the fur description. Globally-(1) The density of each fur description is distributed evenly over all surfaces with fur descriptions attached, regardless of which fur description is attached. Per Fur Description-(2) Distributes hairs evenly across multiple different sized surfaces. The distribution of hair for one fur description does not affect the distribution for another fur description, unlike the Globally option.
equalMap (em) short1outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines equalizer maps for fur render. No Equalizer Maps-(0) Uses no equalizer maps. Fur is distributed according to the parameterization of the surface. If the parameterization is uneven (for example, at the poles of a sphere), the distribution will not be even. Default Equalizer Maps-(1) Uses the equalization maps automatically created by fur. Read Equalizer Maps-(2) User can modify the equalization map using the Artisan Paint Fur Attributes Tool or pre-generate it using Advanced Fur Rendering.
shadowFur (sh) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
Defines to cast fur shadows on geometry but not on fur for shadow map lights.
compFur (ch) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
Defines whether composite the rendered fur and the rendered models or not.
readFurFiles (rff) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
true: Read the fur files created using Advanced Fur Rendering rather than creating new ones at the time of rendering. false: Create new fur files at the time of rendering.
readFurFilesPath (rfp) stringn/ainputconnectablestorable
This path is used to read fur files if "readFurFiles" attribute value is true.
readEqualMapPath (rep) stringn/ainputconnectablestorable
This path is used to read equalizer maps.
readShadowMap (rsm) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
true: Read the shadow maps created using Advanced Fur Rendering rather than creating new ones at the time of rendering. false: Create new shadow maps at the time of rendering.
readShadowMapPath (rsp) stringn/ainputconnectablestorable
This path is used to read shadow files if "readShadowMap" attribure value is true.
readFurImage (rhi) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
true: Read the fur images created using Advanced Fur Rendering rather than creating new ones at the time of rendering. false: Create new fur images at the time of rendering.
readFurImagePath (rhp) stringn/ainputconnectablestorable
This path is used to read fur image files if "readFurImage" attrbute value is true.
projectLocation (pjl) stringn/aoutputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the project location
hairDescriptions (hdc) Messagen/aconnectable
This attribute used to keep track of all hair descriptions
attractorSets (asc) Messagen/aconnectable
This attribute used to keep track of all attractor sets
furNodeList (fnl) Messagen/aconnectable
Other hair nodes connect here to avoid being deleted by Maya's cascading delete behavior.
keepIntermediateFiles (kif) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
true: Keeps the intermediate fur files built by Fur in the process of creating the final fur images. These intermediate files (fur files and shadow maps) are in the furFiles directory and the furShadowMap directory. false: The intermediate files are deleted when the render is complete. The equalizer maps are not deleted.
keepFurImages (kfi) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
true: Keeps the fur image files created by Fur. These files are useful when you turn on Comp. Fur, but still want to see the rendered fur without the model. false: Delete fur image files that are created by Fur.
copyAttrMaps (cam) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the way of saving fur maps when you save a scene. Unless Referenced-(0) Saves fur maps only if the fur character is not referenced. Always-(1) Saves different versions of the fur maps when you save different versions of a scene. Never-(2) Does not save a new fur map.
furPixelBufferSize (fpsz) short5outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the number of hairs per pixel that are tracked for fur images. Lower values use less memory while higher values produce better quality renders. The upper limit is 10.
shadowPixelBufferSize (shsz) short5outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the number of hairs per pixel that are tracked for shadow maps. Lower values use less memory while higher values produce better quality renders. The upper limit is 10.
nurbsTesselation (nts) short4outputinputconnectablestorable
Defines the tessellation factor of the NURBS surface used by the fur render.
includePidInFilesName (ipid) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
false: Do not include process id in fur image file name. true: Include process id in fur image file name.
renderFurImages (rfi) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
false - Render only the geometry and fur shadows on geometry (no fur images).
renderShadowMaps (rnsm) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
false - Render the fur and geometry as if the lights in the scene had no fur shadowing attributes.
disableGeometryRendering (dgr) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
true - Render only the fur images during distributed or batch render.