
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// Marquee selection within a user defined context.
// Draws the marquee using OpenGL.
// Selection is done through the API (MGlobal).

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/M3dView.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>

#include <maya/MPxContextCommand.h>
#include <maya/MPxContext.h>
#include <maya/MEvent.h>

#if defined(OSMac_MachO_)
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>

// The user Context
const char helpString[] =
                        "Click with left button or drag with middle button to select";

class marqueeContext : public MPxContext
        virtual void    toolOnSetup( MEvent & event );
        virtual MStatus doPress( MEvent & event );
        virtual MStatus doDrag( MEvent & event );
        virtual MStatus doRelease( MEvent & event );
        virtual MStatus doEnterRegion( MEvent & event );

        short                                   start_x, start_y;
        short                                   last_x, last_y;

        short                                   p_last_x, p_last_y;
        bool                                    fsDrawn;

        MGlobal::ListAdjustment listAdjustment;
        M3dView                                 view;

        setTitleString ( "Marquee Tool" );

        // Tell the context which XPM to use so the tool can properly
        // be a candidate for the 6th position on the mini-bar.
        setImage("marqueeTool.xpm", MPxContext::kImage1 );

void marqueeContext::toolOnSetup ( MEvent & )
        setHelpString( helpString );

MStatus marqueeContext::doPress( MEvent & event )
// Begin marquee drawing (using OpenGL)
// Get the start position of the marquee 

                // Figure out which modifier keys were pressed, and set up the
        // listAdjustment parameter to reflect what to do with the selected points.
        if (event.isModifierShift() || event.isModifierControl() ) {
                if ( event.isModifierShift() ) {
                        if ( event.isModifierControl() ) {
                                // both shift and control pressed, merge new selections
                                listAdjustment = MGlobal::kAddToList;
                        } else {
                                // shift only, xor new selections with previous ones
                                listAdjustment = MGlobal::kXORWithList;
                } else if ( event.isModifierControl() ) {
                        // control only, remove new selections from the previous list
                        listAdjustment = MGlobal::kRemoveFromList; 
        } else {
                listAdjustment = MGlobal::kReplaceList;

        // Extract the event information
        event.getPosition( start_x, start_y );

        // Enable OpenGL drawing on viewport
        view = M3dView::active3dView();

        p_last_x = start_x;
        p_last_y = start_y;

        fsDrawn = false;
        // If HW overlays supported then initialize the overlay plane for drawing.

        return MS::kSuccess;            

MStatus marqueeContext::doDrag( MEvent & event )
// Drag out the marquee (using OpenGL)
        event.getPosition( last_x, last_y );


        GLboolean depthTest[1];
        GLboolean colorLogicOp[1];
        GLboolean lineStipple[1];

        // Save the state of these 3 attribtes and restore them later.
        glGetBooleanv (GL_DEPTH_TEST, depthTest);
        glGetBooleanv (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP, colorLogicOp);
        glGetBooleanv (GL_LINE_STIPPLE, lineStipple);

        // Turn Line stippling on.
        glLineStipple( 1, 0x5555 );
        glLineWidth( 1.0 );
        glEnable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );

        // Save the state of the matrix on stack
        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);

        // Setup the Orthographic projection Matrix.
        glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
                        0.0, (GLdouble) view.portWidth(),
                        0.0, (GLdouble) view.portHeight()
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0.0);

        // Set the draw color
        glIndexi (2);

        // If we are using software overlays then we need to draw the marquee
        // in XOR mode

        glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);

        // Enable XOR mode.
        glLogicOp (GL_XOR);

        // We erase the previously drawn rubber band on the screen by 
        // redrawing it in XOR OpenGL mode.

        if (fsDrawn)
                glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
                        glVertex2i( start_x, start_y );
                        glVertex2i( p_last_x, start_y );
                        glVertex2i( p_last_x, p_last_y );
                        glVertex2i( start_x, p_last_y );

        fsDrawn = true;
        // If HW overlays enabled then we will clear the overlay plane 
        // so that the previously drawn marquee does not appear on the screen
        // anymore


        // Draw the rectangular marquee
        glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
                glVertex2i( start_x, start_y );
                glVertex2i( last_x, start_y );
                glVertex2i( last_x, last_y );
                glVertex2i( start_x, last_y );

#ifdef _WIN32
        SwapBuffers( view.deviceContext() );
#elif defined (OSMac_)
        glXSwapBuffers( view.display(), view.window() );

        // Restore the state of the matrix from stack
        glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

        // Store the current x and y coordinates such that in the next iteration
        // we can erase this marquee by redrawing it in XOR mode.
        p_last_x = last_x;
        p_last_y = last_y;

        // Restore the previous state of these attributes
        if (colorLogicOp[0])
                glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);
                glDisable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);

        if (depthTest[0])
                glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
                glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);

        if (lineStipple[0])
                glEnable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );
                glDisable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );

        return MS::kSuccess;            


MStatus marqueeContext::doRelease( MEvent & event )
// Selects objects within the marquee box.

        MSelectionList                  incomingList, marqueeList;

        // Clear the marquee when you release the mouse button


        GLboolean depthTest[1];
        GLboolean colorLogicOp[1];
        GLboolean lineStipple[1];

        event.getPosition( last_x, last_y );

        // Save the state of these 3 attribtes and restore them later.
        glGetBooleanv (GL_DEPTH_TEST, depthTest);
        glGetBooleanv (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP, colorLogicOp);
        glGetBooleanv (GL_LINE_STIPPLE, lineStipple);

        // Turn Line stippling on.
        glLineStipple( 1, 0x5555 );
        glLineWidth( 1.0 );
        glEnable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );

        // Disable GL_DEPTH_TEST
        glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);

        // Enable XOR mode.
        glLogicOp (GL_INVERT);

        // Save the current Matrix onto the stack
        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);

        // Setup the Orthographic projection Matrix.
        glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
                        0.0, (GLdouble) view.portWidth(),
                        0.0, (GLdouble) view.portHeight()
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0.0);

        // Set the draw color
        glIndexi (2);

        // Redraw the marquee so that it will be cleared from the screen
        // when the mouse is released.
        glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
                glVertex2i( start_x, start_y );
                glVertex2i( p_last_x, start_y );
                glVertex2i( p_last_x, p_last_y );
                glVertex2i( start_x, p_last_y );

#ifndef _WIN32
    glXSwapBuffers( view.display(), view.window() );
        SwapBuffers( view.deviceContext() );

        // Restore saved Matrix from stack
        glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

        // Restore the previous state of these attributes
        if (colorLogicOp[0])
                glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);
                glDisable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);

        if (depthTest[0])
                glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
                glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);

        if (lineStipple[0])
                glEnable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );
                glDisable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE );

        // If HW overlays enabled, then clear the overlay plane
        // such that the marquee is no longer drawn on screen.


        // Get the end position of the marquee
        event.getPosition( last_x, last_y );

        // Save the state of the current selections.  The "selectFromSceen"
        // below will alter the active list, and we have to be able to put
        // it back.

        // If we have a zero dimension box, just do a point pick
        if ( abs(start_x - last_x) < 2 && abs(start_y - last_y) < 2 ) {
                // This will check to see if the active view is in wireframe or not.
                MGlobal::SelectionMethod selectionMethod = MGlobal::selectionMethod();

                MGlobal::selectFromScreen( start_x, start_y, MGlobal::kReplaceList, selectionMethod );
        } else {
                // The Maya select tool goes to wireframe select when doing a marquee, so
                // we will copy that behaviour.
                // Select all the objects or components within the marquee.
                MGlobal::selectFromScreen( start_x, start_y, last_x, last_y,
                                                                   MGlobal::kWireframeSelectMethod );

        // Get the list of selected items

        // Restore the active selection list to what it was before
        // the "selectFromScreen"
        MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList(incomingList, MGlobal::kReplaceList);

        // Update the selection list as indicated by the modifier keys.
        MGlobal::selectCommand(marqueeList, listAdjustment);
        return MS::kSuccess;            
MStatus marqueeContext::doEnterRegion( MEvent & )
        return setHelpString( helpString );

// Command to create contexts

class marqueeContextCmd : public MPxContextCommand
        virtual MPxContext*     makeObj();
        static  void*           creator();

marqueeContextCmd::marqueeContextCmd() {}

MPxContext* marqueeContextCmd::makeObj()
        return new marqueeContext();

void* marqueeContextCmd::creator()
        return new marqueeContextCmd;

// plugin initialization
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
        MStatus         status;
        MFnPlugin       plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "4.5", "Any");

        status = plugin.registerContextCommand( "marqueeToolContext",
                                                                                    marqueeContextCmd::creator );
        return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
        MStatus         status;
        MFnPlugin       plugin( obj );

        status = plugin.deregisterContextCommand( "marqueeToolContext" );

        return status;

Autodesk® Maya® 2009 © 1997-2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6