Image plane

The Image Plane’s Attribute Editor automatically disables the attributes for procedural textures when image files are used, and disables the attributes for image planes when procedural textures are used.


Looking through camera

The image plane only appears in the camera view in which the image plane is connected.

In all views

The image plane appears in all views. Display is set to In all views by default.

Display Mode

Controls how the image plane appears in views and in the rendered image. The default setting is RGBA.


No display in views or rendered image.


A rectangle with diagonal lines in views; full 24 bit color image and transparency (alpha) in rendered image.


Full 24 bit color image in views; full 24 bit color image and transparency (alpha) in rendered image.


Full 24 bit color image and transparency (alpha) in views and rendered image. (If the image file does not contain an alpha channel, set Display Mode to RGB instead of RGBA.)


Grayscale image in views; gray-scale image and transparency (alpha) in rendered image.


Transparency (alpha) in views and rendered image.

Color Gain

A scaling factor applied to all colors in the image plane. Maya multiplies all colors in the image plane by the Color Gain color. For example, you can color correct an image plane that appears too green by setting the Color Gain color to a shade of blue. The default color is white (no effect).

Color Offset

An offset factor applied to all colors in the image plane. Maya adds the Color Offset color to all colors in the image plane. For example, you can brighten an image plane that appears too dark by dragging the slider to set the Color Offset color to a shade of grey. The default color is black (no effect).

Alpha Gain

A scaling factor applied to the alpha channel (transparency) of the image plane. Maya multiplies all alpha values in the image plane by the Alpha Gain value. The slider range is 0 to 1, but you can type in higher values. The default value is 1 (no effect).

Image Plane

Attached to Camera

Maya attaches the image plane to the camera. When you move the camera, the image plane also moves. Use this setting when you want to use the image plane as a reference for animating objects in the scene (such as motion matching or rotoscoping), or if you plan to render the image plane as a background.


Maya fixes the image plane in space. When you move the camera, the image plane does not move. Use this setting when you want to use the image plane as a reference for modeling objects in the scene.

The default setting is Attached to Camera for perspective cameras, and Fixed for orthographic cameras.

If set to Fixed, you can adjust the image plane using the “Placement Extras” attributes.


The default setting is Image File. Select from the following:

Image File

If set to Image File, the image plane uses the image file assigned to Image Name.


If set to Texture, the image plane uses the texture assigned to Texture.

Image Name

The path and name of the image file or movie file that the image plane uses when Type is Image File. Image files can be in any Maya-supported image file format.

Use Image Sequence

If off (default), the image plane used is the single image file indicated by Image Name (the file name and extension).

If on, the image loaded corresponds to an image from the sequence selected, determined by the Image Number.

Image Number

If Use Image Sequence is on, the default expression of “=frame” is used to synchronize the image sequence with the Timeline.

In other words, at frame 1 the image with a numeric value of 1 in it will be loaded. At frame 24, the image with a numeric value of 24 in it will be loaded.

By modifying the default expression (or removing it and setting keys) for Image Number, you specify alternate timeline to image sequence number relations. For example, setting a key frame of the last image at the beginning of the timeline and the first image at the end of the timeline will result in reversing the sequence.

Frame Offset

If Use Image Sequence is on, the default Frame Offset is set to 0, which means that the image sequence numeric value corresponds exactly to the timeline frame number. If an offset between these values is needed, enter the desired offset in frames. For example, if the image sequence numeric value starts at 100 but the animation starts at frame 1, enter a value of 100 to compensate. Negative offset values are also supported.


The texture the image plane uses when Type is Texture. A texture assigned to an image plane does not display in the views.


Use the Placement attributes to position an image plane relative to the camera.


Controls the size of the image plane relative to the film gate and resolution gate. You can choose a Fit option from the drop-down list. Best is the default Fit.

See also Turn scene view guidelines on or off in the Rendering guide.

Fit is not available if Image Plane is Fixed.


By default, or if you select Fit to Film Gate, the image plane fills the film gate.

If you select Fit to Resolution Gate, the image plane fills the resolution gate.

Maya maintains the aspect ratio of the image on the image plane. If the aspect ratios of the image and the film gate (or resolution gate) are different, the image extends beyond the film gate (or resolution gate) and is cropped.


By default, or if you select Fit to Film Gate, the image plane fits horizontally or vertically within the film gate.

If you select Fit to Resolution Gate, the image plane fits horizontally or vertically within the resolution gate.

The aspect ratio of the image on the image plane is maintained. If the aspect ratios of the image and the film gate (or resolution gate) are different, the film gate (or resolution gate) extends beyond the edge of the image.


By default, or if you select Fit to Film Gate, the image plane fits horizontally within the film gate.

If you select Fit to Resolution Gate, the image plane fits horizontally within the resolution gate.

The aspect ratio of the image on the image plane is maintained. If the aspect ratios of the image and the film gate (or resolution gate) are different, the image extends vertically beyond the film gate (or resolution gate) and can be cropped.


By default, or if you select Fit to Film Gate, the image plane fits vertically within the film gate.

If you select Fit to Resolution Gate, the image plane fits vertically within the resolution gate.

The aspect ratio of the image on the image plane is maintained. If the aspect ratios of the image and the film gate (or resolution gate) are different, the image extends horizontally beyond the film gate (or resolution gate) and can be cropped.

To Size

By default, or if you select Fit to Film Gate, the image plane fills the film gate.

If you select Fit to Resolution Gate, the image plane fills the resolution gate.

The aspect ratio of the image on the image plane is not maintained. If the aspect ratios of the image and the film gate (or resolution gate) are different, the image stretches to fit within the film gate (or resolution gate).

Fit to Resolution Gate

Scales the image plane so that it is the same size as the resolution gate of the camera. Fit to Resolution Gate has no effect if Image Plane is Fixed.

See also Turn scene view guidelines on or off in the Rendering guide.

Fit to Film Gate

Scales the image plane so that it is the same size as the film gate of the camera. Fit to Film Gate has no effect if Image Plane is Fixed.

See also Turn scene view guidelines on or off in the Rendering guide.


The height and width of the image plane, measured in inches. If the image plane is Fit to Film Gate, the Size of the image plane is the same as the Camera Aperture. Size is not available if Image Plane is Fixed.

Squeeze Correction

Scales the image plane horizontally when Fit is To Size. If the Pixel Aspect Ratio for the scene is different than the pixel aspect ratio of the image plane’s image file, adjust the Squeeze Correction attribute to compensate for any distortion. The default value is 0.


Offsets the image plane horizontally and vertically relative to the film gate. Offset is not available if Image Plane is Fixed. Offset is measured in millimeters. The default values are both 0.


The distance of the image plane from the camera, measured in the scene’s linear working unit. Depth is not available if Image Plane is Fixed.

Placement Extras

The Placement Extras attributes control which portion of an image file is visible on the image plane. If Image Plane is Fixed, the Placement Extras attributes also control the position and size of the image plane.

Coverage X, Coverage Y

The number of horizontal and vertical pixels of the image file displayed on the image plane. The default values for Coverage X and Coverage Y are the horizontal and vertical resolution of the image file. By decreasing these values, you can limit the portion of the image file that is displayed.

Coverage Origin X, Coverage Origin Y

The horizontal and vertical value of the pixel in the image file displayed in the bottom left corner of the image plane. By changing the Coverage Origin X and Coverage Origin Y values, you can scale and offset the image file on the image plane. The default values are both 0.

The following diagram shows what happens to the image plane placement when you adjust Coverage attributes:


The position of the center of the image plane (measured in the scene’s linear working unit). Center is not available if Image Plane is Attached to Camera.

Width, Height

The width and height of the image plane (measured in the scene’s linear working unit). Width and Height are not available if Image Plane is Attached to Camera.

The following diagramS shows what happens to the image plane placement when you adjust center, width, and height attributes:


Use Depth Map

Check this option to enable z-depth support of your image plane.

Composite Depth

Indicates that the color information should be composited with the depth information. If this option is off, then no color information is written and only the depth information is included. This is useful if you want to post-composite your result in another software package. A preview of the result will be drawn in the viewport.

Separate Depth

If on, a separate file is used for assigning the depth information.

Depth File

The image file that contains the depth information. If no file is specified in this option, Maya will search for the depth information encoded in the main image file.

Depth Oversample

If on, the depth buffer is oversampled to assign pixel depth values during software rendering. Oversampling helps to reduce aliasing effects that may be introduced using the depth buffer. Oversampling is only used with the software renderer and produces the most optimal results if the depth buffer size is an integral size larger than the image size and the image size is identical to the software render resolutions.

Depth Bias

If on, the z-depth information is offset from the center of the view frustum. The unit for this value is centimeters.

Depth Scale

If on, scales the z-depth information at the center of the view frustum.