Scene Description Language
- Detail shadowmaps introduce several new statements to light
blocks: shadowmap detail, shadowmap detail
samples, shadowmap accuracy, shadowmap
color, and shadowmap alpha. Also, shadowmap
bias was added for biased, non-Woo shadowmaps.
- ILM's OpenEXR 1.1 image file
format is now supported. It is installed as an external library
that is part of the mental ray distribution. The BW/A variant of
Alias IFF image files is now supported. RGBE frame buffers are no
longer gamma-corrected.
- Double-quoted strings may now contain the sequence
", which denotes a literal double quote. This makes it
possible to put literal double quotes inside strings, which can be
useful for system commands.
- Added conditionals to the
language, such as $ifdef and $ifeq.
- Added an offscreen flag to approximations to disable coarse
tessellations outside the viewing frustum.
- Added a touch statement to mark objects for
- It is now possible to attach multiple finalgather file names to the options
- Shader parameters of type light now accept instances of
light groups, in addition to
instances of lights. The light group contains instances of lights
that will be treated as if they were a single light.
- Added namespace support,
using namespace ... end namespace brackets.
Elements inside a namespace N can be referenced by prefixing
their name with N ::. Inside a namespace, a global
symbol S can be referenced as :: S.
- Hair geometry can now be rendered in rasterizer (formerly called Rapid Motion) mode.
- Numerical non-array shader parameters may be declared with
defaults using a default keyword in the declaration
- The hard max limit of 7 for approximation subdivision has been
removed for displacement approximations.
- Materials can omit the material
shader, and objects and instances may specify the new flag
shadowmap off. Both are useful for hull objects that are not visible
themselves but enclose volume effects such as visible light
Copyright © 1986-2006 by mental images GmbH