Scene Description Language
- Multiple motion vectors are now possible, and may require
changes to shaders that evaluate motion vectors. (Normally mental
ray handles motion vectors internally but post-motion output
shaders might exist that access them directly.)
- A polygon vertex or free-form surface control point may have up
to 15 motion vectors instead of
only one. Multiple motion vectors define a path to allow curved
motion blur. For motion transformations, a new motion
steps option specifies the number of curve points to
- Shutter statements may optionally define two values, a new
shutter delay value defines the
shutter open time in addition to the standard shutter close
- Two new types of area light
source was introduced: one that uses any geometric object to
define the shape of the light; and a user type that lets the light
shader pick points on the light surface, and control integration in
the material shader with
- A new hair geometry
primitive was introduced that can efficiently render large numbers
of hairs. Hairs are assumed to be small in screen space, in the
range of one pixel wide or less.
- The new fine approximation
mode allows efficient tessellation of freeform surfaces and
displacement to microtriangles, which allows extremely detailed
displacement without the previous high memory demands. This works
with all rendering modes, including shadows and self-shadowing,
motion blurring, ray tracing,
global illumination, etc. See page fineapprox for details.
- The new sharp approximation
feature controls the sharpness of tessellations, by controlling the
facet normals.
- New command-line options: -approx,
-approx_displace, -bsp_shadow, -diagnostic
finalgather, -grid_depth, -grid_resolution,
-grid_size, -nomaster, -motion_steps,
-samples with four arguments.
- New options block statements: bsp shadow,
diagnostic finalgather, grid depth, grid
resolution, grid size, motion steps,
pass, samples with four arguments,
shutter with delay argument, traversal. Image
type "rgbe" in camera output statements, pass chain
in the camera, lightprofile shader parameter type,
apply photonvol in declarations, light profile blocks
lightprofile... end lightprofile, fine
and sharp attributes in approximations, and the
writable attribute for texture statements. mental ray can
use writable textures directly for rendering; mental ray 3.0
required a separate non-writable texture statement referencing the
same file name.
- New image data types for RGBE (8-bit high dynamic range color
data), and floating-point alpha and intensity channels including
no-elliptic pyramid filtering for one-channel images. New image
file formats IFF (Alias Maya), Radiance HDR, and HT (simple
uncompressed HDR image).
- Inheritance functions are deprecated (but still supported), and
replaced with the more powerful traversal functions that have full
control over all forms of inheritance, including flags and
Copyright © 1986-2005 by mental images GmbH